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Is Jesus God or is He a Lunatic?

Except Scripture says Jesus is begotten of God and humans are adopted as sons. (Those in this Luke passage are believers---children of the resurrection.)
Romans 9:4 For they are Israelites, and to them belong the adoption, the glory of the covenants---
Eph 1:5 He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will.

Offspring are not adopted children.

Acts 17
29Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.
Only Jesus is called Son of God. All others are sons of God.
Jesus and other Christians are offspring of God according to Scripture. Think of it like this... are you born again or are you adopted?

Descended from heaven isn't descended from the sky. To say He came down from Heaven (who? Ahh, the Son of Man) is to say that He came from God. I ceded nothing and it is disingenuous and irritating (but maybe that is what you are going for) to repeatedly twist a persons words to make it seem like they agree with you when you know they don't.
You said no one said he descended from the sky, but Jesus said he both ascended and descended from heaven. Heaven literally translates to sky. Now you seem to be adhering to a non-literal interpretation where there was no literal ascending or descending. So after Jesus' resurrection, when it is said he was taken to heaven, is that literal or not? I guess you are going to juggle between a subjective literal and non-literal interpretation when you think it suits you best.

Also you might be more careful to say what you really mean, instead of losing it in supposed intellectual wording. In that second sentence you have said my premise is valid, when we all know you do not think that it is.
I said "perfect" because if you have finally ceded Jesus didn't literally pre-exist his birth then that would be valid. Since you have clarified you have ceded nothing then what do you make of what Jesus said in John 3:13?
My argument is about your words. It only pertains to you because you are the one who said them. So instead of deflecting, why don't you answer the questions that were made in that post. I will give them to you again.
No your argument is about your disrespectful representation of my words, saying they were "word salad" among other things. That's not true.
Isa (OT) 9:6 For unto us a child is bornm to us a son is gien; and the government shall beupon his shoulder,and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God. Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
I actually love talking about this verse. Let's begin with the fact that Jesus isn't the Everlasting Father. Son is not the Father in Trinitarianism. What's your work around for this?

Rev 1:4-8 should not be made to contradict Is 9:6. You simply interpret it according to your false beliefs. And they are false. A deception.
The translation of Isaiah 9:6, as it is translated in what you provided above, contradicts Trinitarianism, i.e., the Son is not the Father.

Revelation 1:4-8 shows Jesus isn't the Almighty.

Rev22:21 The grace of(who?) the Lord Jesus be with you too and thanks.
Revelation 21:22
22And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.

In case you did not know, the preached gospel both saves and condemns, and so I pray you will stop rejecting it.
What's the gospel then? Does it say anything about needing to believe in the Trinity or that Jesus is God? Verses please.
Jesus is my Lord and my God. That is the whole truth.
Then why do you dishonor Him by distorting His word?

why do you worship triune god?

Jesus says to worship God, not worship the triune god.
Jesus says to worship God, not worship the triune god.
Jesus says to worship God. The rest of your sentence is your addition to what He says.
Jesus says to worship God. The rest of your sentence is your addition to what He says.
Jesus is not God.

He says His Father is His God.

Why do you claim falsely He is your Lord when you don't honor His word?

That's what happens when you worship a false god, a triune god.
Offspring are not adopted children.

Acts 17
29Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.
Maybe you do not realize that every time you are shown something so clear in scripture as to be indisputable, and crucial in learning the whole truth and nothing but the truth; and that it pulls the rug out from under your argument; rather than submitting to God's word, you do a search to find a scripture that when standing on a barren island, contradicts the ones given to you. And at the same time say scripture never contradicts scripture. You must realize you are doing that, and certainly I and others do.

My post said nothing about offspring, so I will not address that. The distinction was being made by me between Jesus being begotten Son of God and Israel in the OT and believers referred to as being adopted sons of God.
Jesus and other Christians are offspring of God according to Scripture.
I don't recall Jesus ever being called the offspring of God. People (all of them) are His offspring in the sense that we spring from Him. He created us. You are ignoring the scriptures use of adoption as it relates to those chosen by God---Israel, believers. They are adopted into His kingdom as covenant children, and He is their Father. By grace, and through faith, which is not our own, but a gift of God. (Eph 2) The faith is trust in the person and work of Jesus. As we are told in various places, to trust in God, not man, for there is no help from men, that suggests strongly that Jesus is not only a man, a created creature. Ps 146:3 Do not trust in princes, in mortal man,, in whom there is no salvation. Jer 17:5 Thus says the Lord. "Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from the Lord.
Think of it like this... are you born again or are you adopted?
That is a "Have you stopped beating your wife?" type of question.

I am adopted because I am born again. The new birth places me IN Christ, that is, joins me to Him. My natural birth placed me in Adam, alienated from God. My new birth, placed me in Christ through faith, reconciled to God. Therefore I am adopted according to the scriptures I gave you. Christ is The Son, and in Him I am, not a natural daughter (that one in Adam), but an adopted daughter. He is my brother (spiritually speaking, born of the Spirit, as I am. John 3. and God is my Father.
You said no one said he descended from the sky, but Jesus said he both ascended and descended from heaven. Heaven literally translates to sky.
I said the Bible does not say He descended from the sky. It says heaven. Sky does not mean heaven in a biblical way. It is often referred to as the heavens, which is different from when it uses heaven. Sky (heavens) is where the sun, moon. planets etc, are. It is what is above us, in our perspective. Heaven in the Bible, is where God dwells. That is where Jesus descended from, and where He returned to.
I said "perfect" because if you have finally ceded Jesus didn't literally pre-exist his birth then that would be valid. Since you have clarified you have ceded nothing then what do you make of what Jesus said in John 3:13?
No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man. (John 3:13)

I don't "make" anything of it. I submit to what it says. Jesus came down from God and He will/has ascended back to where He was before He descended in order to conquer sin and death. (John 17:1-5 When Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, "Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you, since you have given him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given him. And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do. And now, Father,glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed."

What in the world do you think John 3:13 means? Or should I ask, "What do you make of it?"
No your argument is about your disrespectful representation of my words, saying they were "word salad" among other things. That's not true.
It indeed was word salad. It made no point, proved nothing, and meandered about as it avoided addressing something headon.
I actually love talking about this verse. Let's begin with the fact that Jesus isn't the Everlasting Father. Son is not the Father in Trinitarianism. What's your work around for this?
I don't try to work around what the Scripture says. I go by what it says. If something at first seems contradictory or confusing I try and FIND OUT what is wrong in the way I am seeing it, since the thing I know for sure is that there are no contradictions in God, therefore none in His word. I search the word itself, to find solve the paradox (not a contradiction.)
The translation of Isaiah 9:6, as it is translated in what you provided above, contradicts Trinitarianism, i.e., the Son is not the Father.
No it doesn't. The triangle of the Trinity that you refer to is dealing with the relationship within the Trinity to clarify it to sceptics. Is 9 is declaring that the child to be born is God, come to US as the Son of Man.
Revelation 1:4-8 shows Jesus isn't the Almighty.
No it doesn't. It speaks of the incarnate (Son of Man) Jesus as the faithful witness, who is also the ruler of the kings of the earth. God declares Himself often in the OT as the ruler of the kings of the earth---sovereign over all His creation iow---qand there is only one sovereign.

Verse 8 " I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and was and who is to come, the Almighty."

Rev 22:12-13 "Behold, I a coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." 16. "I Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the morning star."
Revelation 21:22
22And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.
Well, you either have two God's here, (your view of the creatureliness of Jesus) or Jesus is God, always was God, came from God as the sacrificial Lamb in the flesh, and returned to heaven as the conquering King, in His glorified flesh.

It has to be one or the other. There is no spin or word salad that will explain it away. So, take your pick.
What's the gospel then? Does it say anything about needing to believe in the Trinity or that Jesus is God? Verses please.
Do I really need to give you the hundreds verses, or even one, that say we must believe Jesus, who He is and what He did, for eternal life. That is the gospel in a nutshell. "By grace you are saved, through faith, and that is not of yourself, but is the gift of God, that no one should boast.

Since even the demons know who He is, though they are beyond saving---God saves humans, not spirits---it stands to reason that believing Him and trusting in Him unto salvation, would require us to know who He is. Do we have to be aware of the triune nature of God and Christ's deity to be saved? No. Hardly anyone does in the beginning. And many Christian churches to not discuss it, but then they don't discuss most of the doctrines in Christianity. And even those who avoid the difficult discussion of the Trinity, treat Him as divine, (assume it). He is never considered a created being in traditional Christianity. And we have the Book, and a Christian has the Holy Spirit to shed light on His word, first to the mind from there into the heart.

Having been shown and told, over and over again, and still insist that it is not so, to fight tooth and nail with scriptural contradictions, and through only random texts removed from all context, imo is a different story. But that is just my opinion. I am not God.
Why do you claim falsely He is your Lord when you don't honor His word?
I don't claim it falsely and you are not the judge of whether I do or not.
I don't claim it falsely and you are not the judge of whether I do or not.
what I claim is according to what Jesus says.

You are right, Jesus is the Judge of our salvation.

According to His word, triune god worshippers are not of the spirit.

Triune god worshipping churches are showing the fruit of ungodliness in many of their practices and doctrines.

Jesus says we knot them by their fruit.
what I claim is according to what Jesus says.

You are right, Jesus is the Judge of our salvation.

According to His word, triune god worshippers are not of the spirit.

Triune god worshipping churches are showing the fruit of ungodliness in many of their practices and doctrines.

Jesus says we knot them by their fruit.
It is not "knot", it is "know".

I do this kind of bad typing very often.

I ought to check before I send it.
Same here. What gets me is sometimes even when I do proofread, later I still see typos and evidence of by thoughts running ahead of my fingers. Drat. How is your yard coming along? My poppies, yarrow, and lavender are blooming. Day lilies starting to open. My one pink climbing rose bush was covered with blooms. Have dead headed and waiting for the next bloom.
Same here. What gets me is sometimes even when I do proofread, later I still see typos and evidence of by thoughts running ahead of my fingers. Drat. How is your yard coming along? My poppies, yarrow, and lavender are blooming. Day lilies starting to open. My one pink climbing rose bush was covered with blooms. Have dead headed and waiting for the next bloom.

Everything starting to bloom.

And I am filling up the empty spaces that got killed in cold winter.

We had three years of super cold winters and killed so many trees and bushes.

I took gardening classes for veggies.

doing is much better than before.

I learned to use GPS and can go anywhere I want to go.

I have been visiting new nurseries that I have never been to before.

And getting all kinds of interesting plants. :ROFLMAO:

My neighborhood people like my garden.:love:
Everything starting to bloom.

And I am filling up the empty spaces that got killed in cold winter.

We had three years of super cold winters and killed so many trees and bushes.

I took gardening classes for veggies.

doing is much better than before.

I learned to use GPS and can go anywhere I want to go.

I have been visiting new nurseries that I have never been to before.

And getting all kinds of interesting plants. :ROFLMAO:

My neighborhood people like my garden.:love:
I bet it is a focal point of the neighborhood. I am real good with veggies. But flowers---I'm a slow learner. Every year my flower beds are different. I like plants that look like they belong in the wild, the prairies, and meadows, and pastures.
I bet it is a focal point of the neighborhood. I am real good with veggies. But flowers---I'm a slow learner. Every year my flower beds are different. I like plants that look like they belong in the wild, the prairies, and meadows, and pastures.
I had a veggie plot in Illinois.

Everything I planet did so well.

I gave them to my neighbors because I could not eat them all.

But here in Texas, you need to take garden classes to produce.

I am finally getting produce.

All I need to do is use good soil for flowers.

I am using my composting soil.

It is a lot of work but I enjoy everything about gardening.

It is an art to make beautiful landscaping.