Can a person not be born again and still have eternal life?
I do not believe so.
Or is there another way to be saved except by being born again.
It's a curious question because Jesus said he was the only way to the Father. He did not say being born anew from above (
gennethe anothen) was required. What he said about the new birth from above was that it was necessary to see the kingdom of God. That would seem to beg the question, "
How can someone see something they do not believe exists?" I've always thought that odd or curious because Hebrews 11 tells us "
faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." I do not need to see it to believe it exists.
- I cannot see the kingdom unless born anew from above.
- Faith is the conviction of what I cannot see. the assurance of what I hope for.
I do not need to see it to believe it exists, but in order to see it I must be born anew from above

. Logically, those two premises mean I can have hope for and conviction of the kingdom without seeing it but once I am born anew from above, then I can see it. Furthermore, I am saved through faith, justified by faith and by faith I live and walk and am deemed righteous (even though I am not actually so) and have my introduction into God's grace. There are a host of statements about the kingdom that tell me it's within and all around, something seen but not observed, something now and something future.
Stepping out of that mud puddle.....
The Law would save me if I kept all of it.... but the irony is the Law requires me to live by faith and believe a variety of soteriological conditions such as the atonement for my sin that would come through God's sacrifice (not my own) by grace. Since one of the purposes the Law serves is to provide and understanding of and account for sin it is the Law itself from which I am also saved it seems awfully circular.
So, I think it is a very good thing scripture explicitly states,
Acts 4:11-12
This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.
So let's not reject that guy

. Presumably that kingdom I can't see unless I am born anew from above has a king

. Presumably, if I can see the kingdom, then I can see the king of that kingdom. Romans 6 tells be I have to be enslaved to God to have eternal life, but the eternal life is a gift

Oops! Gotta go. I'll come back and play around with that question some more.