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Is There a Contradiction?

The real question is why do you reject all the bible truth i share with you?
No, that's not the real question. The answer, however, to that inquiry, because the posts are trolls and what's "shared" has little, if any truth, to it. As far as I've read most of it is god-forsaken fleshly nonsense that repeatedly violated many of the forum's rules, broke covenant with the forum's members, and mucking up the thread with digression and disrespect. There is no justification for or return from stating any scripture came by Satan's will.

EVERYONE here, even those who don't always share my points of view, is laughing at you accusing me of rejecting "bible truth." Nice (fleshly) ad hominem, though.
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Remember Jesus-John 17:3--The one who sent him= Father=THE ONLY TRUE GOD.
One in purpose-Living to do his Fathers will, as do the true followers-Matt 7:21)
The pharisees were liars to the core in everything they said about Jesus, its why he told them-your Father is the devil.
Saying God is your Father doesn't make one Equal to God, he is all of our Father. Remember Jesus-OUR Father who art in heaven.
Thomas most likely looked to heaven when he said my God. All Israelites knew 100% the Messiah has a God-Psalm 45:7--Jesus teaches he has a God-John 20:17, Rev 3:12)--100% fact= God does not have a God.
Do you believe that Jesus Christ when He came into this world was born of a virgin? If so, why was that necessary, if Jesus Christ is not truly God as well as Man? Yet the angel said to Mary:

“And the angel answered and said to her, "[The] Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.” (Lu 1:35 NKJV)

You give the words of Jesus, "OUR Father who art in heaven." But those come from the pattern-prayer He gave to His disciples, not a prayer of His own to His heavenly Father, like the one in John 17, which starts:

“Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: "Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You,” (Joh 17:1 NKJV)

And as I mentioned before, Jesus Himself claimed equality with God, and even His enemies recognized that He did so, though of course they didn't believe His claims. If Jesus were a mere man, He'd be no good as a Saviour.
Jesus-NEVER claimed Equality--
Those who understand the Scriptures know better.

"He who sees me, sees the Father." (Jn 14:9, 12:45, Jn 1:14)

"Baptizing them in the name (one name, one God) of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." (Mt 28:19).
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Those who understand the Scriptures know better.

"He who sees me, sees the Father." (Jn 14:9, 12:45, Jn 1:14)

"Baptizing them in the name (one name, one God) of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." (Mt 28:19).
Jesus is the Fathers-IMAGE--that is how they see the Father-An IMAGE is NEVER the real thing.
All who serve the true God Jehovah do it all in his name, from Jesus on down.

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