You need to lose this self-righteous "authoritative NT apostolic teaching" bit. Just be forthright and true, and say it is your belief, and that you are usurping the teaching of the New Testament to support it. (I reworded it.) Or, just simply state that it is your understanding. No one will hold that against you. If you are wrong, then you were mistaken. It doesn't make God a liar. However, if you claim that this is the truth from the mouth of God, and you are wrong... Who have you diminished? That is why I don't claim that I have the authoritative understanding of scripture, or in this case, of prophecy. I do believe that a spiritualization of prophecy (allegorization) is uncalled for, in light of how messianic prophecies have worked in the past. However, personally, I am watching and discerning the times. Preterists seem to have given up on that. What have I seen in watching and discerning? The greater possibility that the prophecies actually are literal. Technology rising up to the task of a literal fulfillment. History rising up to the task of a literal fulfillment. Would I not be a fool to ignore that?
Not according to Jesus.The Kingdom of God has always existed. When Jesus came to Earth, the Kingdom came with Him. (For obvious reasons.) The authority of the kingdom travels with the King/Queen. All of creation is part of God's Kingdom.
His kingdom is not of this world (Jn 18:36),
it is of the spiritual world, invisible and within (Lk 17:20-21),
it is everlasting (Lk 1:33) and
it is here now (Lk 11:20).
According to Jesus, the kingdom of God is not of this world (Jn 18:36).This is why God was able to give dominion over creation to Adam. He had that right because the creation is God's kingdom. He can do with it however He pleases.