It would be helpful if you could tone down the rhetoric. I am a Biblical Unitarian, which means I reject the trinity. I have my reasons and we can discuss those reasons. When I compare the reasons to reject the one God of the Bible to the reasons to accept the 3-in-1 god of the 4th century, I find reasons far more compelling on one side than the other.
Evidently, you see it the opposite way.
Jesus did not teach the trinity. Why do you?
Still no answer.
Also, there is biblical evidence, you are just unable to see or accept it.
No. This was already blown out of the water. Let me repeat. The trinity is not in the Bible.
To be clear, when I write that the trinity is not found anywhere in Scripture, I mean that neither the word nor the concept of the trinity is
explicitly in the Bible. To avoid the inevitable Appeal to Strawman, there simply is no verse that reads something like
The nature of God is a trinity - consisting of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit who are co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal - and if you do not believe this, you cannot be saved but are damned to hell forever. If there were such a verse, it would be the most quoted verse in Scripture by those who claim one’s salvation depends on believing it. The concept of the trinity is so important that in 66 books, it is not mentioned once!
What is your answer to why there is no such a trinity verse in the Bible?
However it is never explicitly stated in the Bible that Jesus is not God either. So how do you arrive at the idea that it is saying that He isn't God? Can you answer that question?
Yes, I can answer it. Indeed, I already have.
At the same time, they ignore Bible verses that undermine their idol. God's name is not Jesus but YHWH and "me" and "I" tells you this one God is singular.
I am Yahweh, and there is none else.
Besides me, there is no God.
Isaiah 45:5 (REV)
If the Bible said it, you'd say that's ALL that matters.
The absence of Biblical evidence is damning to the claim. It legal terms, its absence is an affirmative defense.
Rediculeous. That is not the case in any legal format.
Sure it is. In logic, statistics and law, the burden is on the one making the positive claim.
H0. Defendent is guilty.
Ha. Defendent is NOT guilty.
P1. Defendant violated Law ABC.
P2. There is no Law ABC.
C. Defendent is NOT guilty.
The null hypothesis (H0) states a positive claim. If the prosecution fails to prove the claim, then the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. That the trinity statement above in red is
not in the Bible is an affirmative defense.
Imagine for a moment that Jesus is NOT God. The NT writers would not write what Jesus is not. Instead they write what he is, the long awaited suffering servant OF God. You have no answer to why language should be abused to construe a servant of God is meant to refer to God himself. See Acts 3:13.