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Annihilationism is taught in the bible

No. I think Adam stuck me with a dead spirit,
Where do you ever read that God gave up his role as creater of spirits?

Thus declares the LORD, who stretched out the heavens and founded the earth and formed the spirit of man within him (Zec 12:1)

It is God, not Adam, that is the Father of spirits (Heb 12:9)
Then you will get one of those little souvenir heart pillows for your post-surgery use to protect your stitches. We've got one of those around our house too. May God give skill and precision to your doctors, and strength for you to recuperate quickly afterwards. God bless!
Thank you.
May the Lord be with you today Jim on your heart procedure~all you need now is for him to work on your spiritual heart and open up your eyes to see his blessed truths concerning these things. 🙏
Hebrews 10:26
If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left,...

And what did God inform the foolish Galatians chapter 3 when sinned when they denied Christ . Or Peter the serial deiner when he rebuked God?
I know very well there was a law before the law of Moses, which the law of Moses truly is just a expansion of that law, and God's law is exceeding broad (Psalms 119:96~" I have seen an end of all perfection: but thy commandment is exceeding broad. ) yet summed up into ten commandments." Even though we know that what is recorded for us concerning what God commanded Adam~Adam in his wisdom, which was created after the image of God KNEW MORE than just one simple commandment. I believe he knew the fulness of those ten commandment. Outside of Jesus Christ, Adam was the wisest spiritual man that ever lived~thinking more before his fall

Psalms 119:96 HCSB I have seen a limit to all perfection, but Your command is without limit.

His commandment go beyond what the eyes see when mixed with faith (the unseen eternal)

It's not a blank check for adding mysteries .

If mysteries move a person then they should seek the understanding of parales hid form those who add to the perfect sealed with 7 seal til the end of time
Psalms 119:96 HCSB I have seen a limit to all perfection, but Your command is without limit.

His commandment go beyond what the eyes see when mixed with faith (the unseen eternal)

It's not a blank check for adding mysteries .

If mysteries move a person then they should seek the understanding of parales hid form those who add to the perfect sealed with 7 seal til the end of time
I hope you know what you are talking about, for I sure do not!
please address these scriptures:
You continue to set Scripture against itself.
That you allow yourself to do so, reveals a failed hermeneutic.

By "law," Paul means a code, as in the Mosaic law code.
There was no law code between Adam and Moses.
Stop trying to deny what Paul clearly states.
I should have said no law code (as distinct from single commands) with death penalty attached was given.
Upon the authority of God's word.

It is very true that Adam's sin is imputed to his posterity based on Adam's disobedience. But, the law given to Adam, and also, written on man's heart at creation was in essence the same law written on two tables of stones and given to Israel by Moses. Man has never truly been without a law.
And stop adding to the word of God.
Scripture presents no law given to Adam in Ge 3:17 that was also written on man's heart at creation.
Stop setting Paul in contradiction of himself in Ro 5:12-14.
That is a false hermeneutic.
You continue to set Scripture against itself.
That you allow yourself to do so, reveals a failed hermeneutic.

By "law," Paul means a code, as in the Mosaic law code.
There was no law code between Adam and Moses.
PSST!!! Gen 2:17 is an ABSOLUTE LAW, right from the horse's mouth.

AND it carried a DEATH PENALTY, which was applied instantly when it was transgressed. Adam and Eve died SPIRITUALLY on the spot, and physically several hundred years later.
PSST!!! Gen 2:17 is an ABSOLUTE LAW, right from the horse's mouth.

AND it carried a DEATH PENALTY, which was applied instantly when it was transgressed. Adam and Eve died SPIRITUALLY on the spot, and physically several hundred years later.

Your misunderstanding of Ro 5:12-14 sets Scripture against itself.
You continue to set Scripture against itself.
That you allow yourself to do so, reveals a failed hermeneutic.

By "law," Paul means a code, as in the Mosaic law code.
There was no law code between Adam and Moses.
Stop trying to deny what Paul clearly states.
I should have said no law code (as distinct from single commands) with death penalty attached was given.

And stop adding to the word of God.
Scripture presents no law given to Adam in Ge 3:17 that was also written on man's heart at creation.
Stop setting Paul in contradiction of himself in Ro 5:12-14.
That is a false hermeneutic.
Eleanor, it is you dear sister that sets scriptures against each other with your stubborn refusal to accept that you are wrong, dead wrong.

You need to stop rejecting truth when another brother presents it to you.... a truth that you have never seen or been presented with ~ let me add this and i'm finish addressing this with you, unless you insist on carry it on.

I should have said no law code (as distinct from single commands) with death penalty attached was given.

A code of law, also called a law code or legal code, is a systematic collection of statutes. It is a type of legislation that purports to exhaustively cover a complete system of laws or a particular area of law as it existed at the time the code was enacted, by a process of codification. Codes of law does not eliminate laws already given, they are given to help one to understand the summed of all of God's good, spiritual and holy laws.
Scripture presents no law given to Adam in Ge 3:17 that was also written on man's heart at creation.
Well, do you agree that it was written on man's heart at creation? If so, then there you have what you reject...... a code of laws! Even with the ten commandments there is not a complete code of laws, per David in Psalms 119 a verse given above~but, they are the total sum of all commandments. Enough said. RB
Eleanor, it is you dear sister that sets scriptures against each other with your stubborn refusal to accept that you are wrong, dead wrong.
Red, if we can't agree that setting Scripture against itself is contra-Biblical, I don't know what common authority we have to which we can appeal.
You need to stop rejecting truth when another brother presents it to you....
Truth does not contradict itself.

Your truth contradicts apostolic teaching of Ro 5:12-14.
Well, do you agree that it was written on man's heart at creation?
I find no Scripture presenting anything written on man's heart at creation.
I find only a direct command from God, under penalty of death, not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Eleanor, it is you dear sister that sets scriptures against each other with your stubborn refusal to accept that you are wrong, dead wrong.
Your own posts #50 and #66 state that the imputation of Adam's sin is presented in Ro 5:12-14.

Paul's demonstration from his NT vantage point there depends on the fact that there was no general codified law for mankind (Thou shalt not.) carrying death penalty, as in the Mosaic codified law.

Your argument requires that Paul contradict himself in Ro 5:12-14.
You've mislocated the contradiction Paul is presenting.
It is not between "law code" and "no law code" from Adam to Moses.
It's between "death due to lawbreaking" and "no law code to break," and yet death reigned over all.

He is demonstrating death, not due to personal sin, but to imputed sin of Adam.
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PSST!!! Gen 2:17 is an ABSOLUTE LAW, right from the horse's mouth.

AND it carried a DEATH PENALTY, which was applied instantly when it was transgressed. Adam and Eve died SPIRITUALLY on the spot, and physically several hundred years later.
It was not codified until Ex 21.

When Paul states there was no law before the law was given (Ro 5:13) in Ex 20, unless he was lying (in my neck o' the woods, that dog don't hunt), he is referring to codified law as in the Mosaic code.
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It was not codified until Ex 21.

When Paul states there was no law before the law was given (Ro 5:13) in Ex 20, unless he was lying (in my neck o' the woods, that dog don't hunt), he is referring to codified law as in the Mosaic code.
Totally unimportant. whether YOU LIKE IT OR NOT God TOLD Adam not to eat of the tree, which makes that a LAW that Adam KNEW as a direct command from GOD. WHether it was part of the "Mosaic Law" or not isn't important. Adam transgressed GOD'S LAW, and experienced the punishment thereof.
Totally unimportant. whether YOU LIKE IT OR NOT God TOLD Adam not to eat of the tree, which makes that a LAW that Adam KNEW as a direct command from GOD. WHether it was part of the "Mosaic Law" or not isn't important. Adam transgressed GOD'S LAW, and experienced the punishment thereof.
Agreed. . .and has nothing to do with Ro 5:12-14.
Your own posts #50 and #66 state that the imputation of Adam's sin is presented in Ro 5:12-14.
Eleanor, I fully agree and defend, that we died in Adam and judgment of condemnation was passed on us in Adam! I'm not fighting this truth, for the same truth of the gospel is that we have the righteousness of God freely given to us by God grace through Christ being our surety ~ acting on our behalf~these glorious truth I would never argue against, never!

Truth does not contradict itself.
Agree scriptures interpret each other, they do not contradict each other ~ contradiction lies in man's inability of rightly divide the word of truth.

Your truth contradicts apostolic teaching of Ro 5:12-14.
Eleanor, I'm not contradicting Romans 5:12-14~Paul was "not establishing that there was no law" post Eden and before the Mosaic law was given on two tables of stones at Mount Sinai.

Again, Paul’s argument is not to establish any laws before Moses other than that given to Adam, for he is proving representation and imputation. I agree that men experienced both spiritual and physical death as a result of sin, Adam’s sin (Genesis 3:19; 5:3-8; 6:21-22).

But for us to say there was no law post Eden to Mount Sinai, is to not be faithful with other scriptures and make them contradict themselves, or, more that, it makes us look like school children still sitting at the schoolmaster's feet and still trying to learn.

Eleanor, us Gentlies have never had a codes of law delivered unto us~and neither have most of the people that has ever lived in this world~what we and they have is what you denied....... the law of God written on our conscience at creation! The law of Moses in nothing more than an expansion of that law. For you said:

I find no Scripture presenting anything written on man's heart at creation.
I find only a direct command from God, under penalty of death, not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Then please explain these scriptures, for words have no meaning if what you are saying is true.

Romans 2:2-15~"But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; Who will render to every man according to his deeds: To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life: But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: For there is no respect of persons with God. For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel."
The floor is yours, I'll speak after you are finished.
Eleanor, I fully agree and defend, that we died in Adam and judgment of condemnation was passed on us in Adam! I'm not fighting this truth, for the same truth of the gospel is that we have the righteousness of God freely given to us by God grace through Christ being our surety ~ acting on our behalf~these glorious truth I would never argue against, never!
I am hoping that we can come to agreement on this.
I like you too much not to.

So let me begin with:
1) Inheritance and Imputation are not the same thing.
The sinful nature is inherited from Adam in birth.
The guilt of Adam's sin is not inherited, it is imputed.

Imputation is not a "passing on" by inheritance through birth.
Imputation is an assigning, an accounting, a reckoning, an accrediting to us of the sin/guilt of Adam,
and also of the righteousness of Christ which removed the guilt for our sin on the cross.
We are accounted/accredited (imputed) with sin/guilt (of Adam's disobedience),
as we are accounted/accredited (imputed) with righteousness (of Christ's obedience removing our sin on the cross). (Ro 5:18-19)

2) Likewise, sin and transgression are not the same thing, but they are used interchangeably in the NT.
Sin is missing the mark, while
transgression is willful and intentional crossing the line of specific commands (Thou shalt not"), the penalty of which is death.
All transgression (deliberate crossing the line) is sin (missing the mark), but not all sin is transgression.
Agree scriptures interpret each other, they do not contradict each other ~ contradiction lies in man's inability of rightly divide the word of truth.

Eleanor, I'm not contradicting Romans 5:12-14~Paul was "not establishing that there was no law" post Eden and before the Mosaic law was given on two tables of stones at Mount Sinai.
Paul is establishing that there was no transgression of law, therefore, they did not sin (Ro 5:14).
(because there were no specific commands/law as in Eden and Mt. Sinai--to transgress) after Eden and before the Mosaic law was given.
Therefore, where there is no law (command), there is no transgression (Ro 4:15).

"Before the law was given sin (missing the mark) was in the world, but sin is not taken into account (is not transgression) when there is no law (specific command, "Thou shalt not")," (Ro 5:13).
The whole argument of imputation of Adam's sin in Ro 5:12-14 rests on there being no law to transgress (which would invoke the death penalty, and would, therefore, explain the death of all mankind between Adam and Moses).
Therefore, their deaths were due to guilt of some other sin (imputation of Adam's sin/guilt).

Paul's argument is as follows:

1) he begins with his conclusion, what he will demonstrate: death came to all men because all sinned (transgressed), (Ro 5:12)
2) sin (transgression, breaking a command, invoking death penalty) is not taken into account where there is no law to transgress, (Ro 4:15),
3) so where there is no law to transgress, there is no death penalty for transgression, (Ro 5:13)
4) there was no law (command, "Thou shalt not") to transgress between Adam and Moses to cause any death of mankind, (Ro 5:14)
5) yet all died even though they did not sin (transgress) by committing transgression (breaking a command). (Ro 5:14).

Paul's conclusion: What sin (transgression) caused their death? The sin (transgression) of Adam imputed to all those of Adam,
and which was the pattern (Ro 5:14) for the imputation of Christ's righteousness to those of Christ.

However, you assert that the conclusion is "Paul was not establishing there was no law."

Please demonstrate in a logical explanation Paul's argument of the imputation of Adam's sin, omitting none of the five facts above.
Again, Paul’s argument is not to establish any laws before Moses
I do not argue that Paul is establishing laws before Moses.
I argue that before Moses there were no specific commands (laws) to violate (transgress, which transgression is the only cause of death between Adam and Moses).
other than that given to Adam, for he is proving representation and imputation. I agree that men experienced both spiritual and physical death as a result of sin, Adam’s sin (Genesis 3:19; 5:3-8; 6:21-22).

But for us to say there was no law post Eden to Mount Sinai, is to not be faithful with other scriptures and make them contradict themselves, or, more that, it makes us look like school children still sitting at the schoolmaster's feet and still trying to learn.

Eleanor, us Gentlies have never had a codes of law delivered unto us~and neither have most of the people that has ever lived in this world~what we and they have is what you denied....... the law of God written on our conscience at creation! The law of Moses in nothing more than an expansion of that law. For you said:

Then please explain these scriptures, for words have no meaning if what you are saying is true.
The subject is not about no sin (against the law written on their hearts, or otherwise), the subject is about no transgression (deliberate and willful violation of specific command, "Thou shalt not"), of which there were none between Adam's fall and Sinai.
The floor is yours, I'll speak after you are finished.
I hope you know what you are talking about, for I sure do not!
Thanks I do know . He teaches us One thing I am learning is many literalize the hidden gospel understanding. That can cause confusion????

Parables are designed to teach dying mankind how to walk after the unseen eternal things of God .Christians can seek his understating of parables and how and why?. Remember without them he spoke not . It's where the rubber grips the narrow path .