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Annihilationism is taught in the bible

No lie, just a totally different dispensation and Covenant.
Totally unimportant. Sin is SIN, and if I don't die because of Adam's SIN, then obviously I DIE for my own - just like you. Adam's SIN has no effect on either of us. And only TWO THINGS were cursed after the "fall". One was the Serpent, and the other was the EARTH, which was made subject to "Vanity" and negative entropy.
Totally unimportant. Sin is SIN, and if I don't die because of Adam's SIN, then obviously I DIE for my own - just like you. Adam's SIN has no effect on either of us. And only TWO THINGS were cursed after the "fall". One was the Serpent, and the other was the EARTH, which was made subject to "Vanity" and negative entropy.

Let me ask you this...
It's obvious babies die, even in the womb (stillborn.) Is it because of their own sin?

Now, I did you the courtesy of addressing your whole post, not just the first line. (I hope you don't handle the Scriptures in the same way).
"Try again''

No lie, just a totally different dispensation and Covenant. The first conditional, dependent on our doing, the 2nd unconditional built on grace (Christ's doing).

Romans 5:12,14,18-19 NASB95
Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned- [14] Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the offense of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come. [18] So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men. [19] For as through the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous.

As the Scriptures say...

Psalm 51:5 NASB
Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me.

So what's that got to do with a newborn???
ask David and Paul.
Let me ask you this...
It's obvious babies die, even in the womb (stillborn.) Is it because of their own sin?
"Physical death" has nothing to do with SIN, The DEATH that MATTERS is "SPIRITUAL DEATH" which you experience after you SIN for the first time, as WE ALL DO. You'll die PHYSICALLY at some point, which is unimportant, because it changes nothing, except that the "DIE IS CAST" and there no salvation AFTER Physical death. You have to be Born Again while you live physically.

You "Covenant issue" has no merit one way or another. If you die having NO FAITH (Old or new Testament) in God to deliver you, then the result is the same, and HELL awaits.
Another "word game".

A person who is Born again BY FAITH (Eph 2:8,9) is indwelled by the Holy Spirit (John 20:22).

The book of JAMES is essentially a discussion about whether a person is "born again or not", the question being: Does what YOU CALL FAITH produce "good works" or not. If it DOESN'T, then what you "CALL FAITH" isn't Biblical FAITH at all. Trying to "Get Faith" by doing "Good works" is a fool's errand.

Yes fools gold

Born again by the faith of Christ not of faithless mankind. The faith of Christ that works in those yoked with him produces good work .
Destruction does not mean annihilation, complete cessation of existence, it means ruin.

As in the burned house. It is ruined, turned into ashes, but the ashes (remains) still exist.
The human body in the grave is ruined, turned into dust, but the dust (remains) still exists.

Matter is neither created nor destroyed.
Faithless spiritless dust remains. The ashes go up in smoke in that fire .
"Physical death" has nothing to do with SIN, The DEATH that MATTERS is "SPIRITUAL DEATH" which you experience after you SIN for the first time, as WE ALL DO. You'll die PHYSICALLY at some point, which is unimportant, because it changes nothing, except that the "DIE IS CAST" and there no salvation AFTER Physical death. You have to be Born Again while you live physically.

You "Covenant issue" has no merit one way or another. If you die having NO FAITH (Old or new Testament) in God to deliver you, then the result is the same, and HELL awaits.
Perhaps a refresher course in the Book of Hebrews would help your understanding in Covenants.

Let me ask you this...
It's obvious babies die, even in the womb (stillborn.) Is it because of their own sin?

Did Jesus only die spiritually for us, or also physically so that our bodies would be redeemed?
Faithless spiritless dust remains. The ashes go up in smoke in that fire .
All earthly fires and bodies leave ashes that continue to exist. That is not annihilation.

And you are in no position to pontificate on eternal fire.
Human messengers that some call angel, a word as a oral tradition of dying mankind coined and used to represent a unseen power as another hidden creation.

The Greek word Angelos translated into english is "messenger" how beautiful are the feet of those sent (apostles) shod with the gospel of peace. Angel fake name fit false prophecy, false authority. . . disembodied workers with a familiar spirit gods the legion some call patron saints.

There is no comparison of one creation to another.

The temporal seen must be mixed with the eternal is we desire to see the eternal vision Hid in parables they must be rightly divided if we are to enter his rest Hebrew 4 :1-2

2 Corinthians 4:18King James Version While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
No mixing no gospel. . . it becomes who saw what first?
Yes fools gold

Born again by the faith of Christ not of faithless mankind. The faith of Christ that works in those yoked with him produces good work .
Sorry but FAITH is gifted to humans by the WORD OF GOD to you (conviction of SIN and of Judgement is the way.
Perhaps a refresher course in the Book of Hebrews would help your understanding in Covenants.
take your own advice.
It's obvious babies die, even in the womb (stillborn.) Is it because of their own sin?
Nope. They die either because they're not physically capable of survival, OR the get murdered by their Mothers (actually her hired hit man, generally). Sin has nothing to do with it.
Did Jesus only die spiritually for us, or also physically so that our bodies would be redeemed?
Jesus Died as the "SIN OFFERING" (Isa 53) that cleanses, and REMOVES (not just covers) SIN the BLOOD OFFERING was required by God. and Jesus' Resurrection was proof that His sacrifice had been accepted.
Nope. They die either because they're not physically capable of survival, OR the get murdered by their Mothers (actually her hired hit man, generally). Sin has nothing to do with it.
That doesn't sound like what you wrote in post #133...

"And as soon as I COULD, I SINNED and fell short of God's Glory. You did too. So what's that got to do with a newborn??? When the Bible says that Everybody dies FOR THEIR OWN SIN, and not anybody else's (deut 24:16), is it a LIE???"

Sin has nothing to do with a stillborn birth?
Sir, thank you for your 'opinions', but I'll stick with Scripture, esp. Romans 5.
May I ask if you are Messianic, Dispensationalist or Seventh Day Adventist?
You certainly can.

ELeanor I'm so far from all three of the above, which should be very obvious if one would read my posts carefully, maybe you have not read all of them.

I'm and old school Baptist that goes back to men like Samuel Richardson, John Brine, John Gill, etc. known by many as Particular Baptist, or, high Calvinism, or hyper. I'm closer to men like Samuel Richardson than Gill. Though this is me, I do not limit myself to men of Particular Baptist faith, for I find Augustine, Calvin and Luther very good of some subjects, though I may disagree with them of water baptism, gospel means in regeneration, and faith's part in one being born again~they all had a very hard time separating from all of the false doctrines of the whore from whence they came out of; yet, we owe them so much what they did do and admired them for their stand, holy living, etc. They were weak on prophecy, even though Augustine was way ahead of his time! HIs teaching on Revelation 20 is one of his teachings I'm speaking concerning being ahead of his time. I'm convinced if they were living in our day, their understanding would be much better, if not greater than ours.

Concerning my eschatology~I'm Amill idealist.

Soyeong~is the Messianic person on this forum, go to Colossians 2:16 debate and read for yourself, which is where I'm heading soon.

Hobie is the SDA,.

I believe you have some dispensationalists from Australia on here~I'm certainly not one, even though I started out in a church that was back fifty years ago, but soon left them within a couple of years once I begin to study the scriptures.
Or an annihilationist?
Here is what I understand from the scriptures.

Asking someone are they an annihilationist is like calling all dogs a certain breed~when there are many different breeds among dogs.

Concerning the the very elect~they have eternal life now at the very moment of the new birth. They do not die but immediately are with God at the death of their bodies.

Yes, Lord I believe!

Believer's new man CANNOT DIE, which is created after the image of Jesus CHrist and just as holy as he is, shall live forever, even after the death of our bodies of sin and death! The great Reformer, Martin Luther did not understand this truth, he believed in soul sleep, even for believers! I do not ~ I believe all of the righteous have been with God since Abel onward ~ I do not believe in a place in the middle of the earth where there was a great gulf that separated the wicked from the righteous before the cross, that all went to.......that's RCC heresy which we reject~it is attached/ part of their wicked doctrine of purgatory.

Concerning the wicked~When they die they go in darkness, silence, unconsciousness, waiting for the resurrection of their bodies to be judged and then cast into the lake of fire which the scriptures said clearly..... is the second death. A total destruction.

A endless suffering for the wicked is not the payment Christ paid for our sins, yet he paid the full penalty for our sins which was being put to DEATH, and he would have remain there if death had power over him, yet the king of terror did not, he arose from the dead victorious, he triumph over death, the grave, and hell fire or, the lake of fire.

Eleanor, I do not see anywhere in the scriptures where the wicked are NOW in hellfire suffering ~ later at the resurrection at the last day to be brought out to be judged and then cast back in the fire to suffer eternally, that is so irrational to even believe such a thing much less having no scriptures to prove that most ridiculous doctrine. All through the scriptures it teaches us that the wicked or unbelievers shall PERISH!

So, I must understand the scriptures to teach that the wicked do not live forever, but they shall perish forever.
Sorry but FAITH is gifted to humans by the WORD OF GOD to you (conviction of SIN and of Judgement is the way.

Is the instrument of death the letter of the law? If not what is its purpose? Scare the hell out of people? What is it we are delivered of?

Romans 7:6 But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.

1 Corinthians 15:56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

The death of death

We are convicted of sin sentenced to death. . . one appointment per death

If a person dies once they are dead.

It's still appointed once to die then the letter of the law the instrument of death will be tossed in the fire of God .It will not rise up in the new heavens and earth. Death will not enter neither the memory of it

Hebrew 9:26-28 For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (the death of death.)So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

If you are looking the the Son of man Jesus to die twice That kind of idea is compared to Moses who represented the law that kills.He struck the rock twice . with him he did not enter the land signified as eternal. Today they will not enter the new heavens and earth .There will be no dying or death there.
Here is what I understand from the scriptures.

Asking someone are they an annihilationist is like calling all dogs a certain breed~when there are many different breeds among dogs.

Concerning the the very elect~they have eternal life now at the very moment of the new birth. They do not die but immediately are with God at the death of their bodies.

Yes, Lord I believe!

Believer's new man CANNOT DIE, which is created after the image of Jesus CHrist and just as holy as he is, shall live forever, even after the death of our bodies of sin and death! The great Reformer, Martin Luther did not understand this truth, he believed in soul sleep, even for believers! I do not ~ I believe all of the righteous have been with God since Abel onward ~ I do not believe in a place in the middle of the earth where there was a great gulf that separated the wicked from the righteous before the cross, that all went to.......that's RCC heresy which we reject~it is attached/ part of their wicked doctrine of purgatory.

Concerning the wicked~When they die they go in darkness, silence, unconsciousness, waiting for the resurrection of their bodies to be judged and then cast into the lake of fire which the scriptures said clearly..... is the second death. A total destruction.

A endless suffering for the wicked is not the payment Christ paid for our sins, yet he paid the full penalty for our sins which was being put to DEATH, and he would have remain there if death had power over him, yet the king of terror did not, he arose from the dead victorious, he triumph over death, the grave, and hell fire or, the lake of fire.

Eleanor, I do not see anywhere in the scriptures where the wicked are NOW in hellfire suffering ~ later at the resurrection at the last day to be brought out to be judged and then cast back in the fire to suffer eternally, that is so irrational to even believe such a thing much less having no scriptures to prove that most ridiculous doctrine. All through the scriptures it teaches us that the wicked or unbelievers shall PERISH!

So, I must understand the scriptures to teach that the wicked do not live forever, but they shall perish forever.

I would offer

Is there any difference between sufferings unto death and actual dying . . "dead never to rise" ?

We are given two different kinds of teachings on death . The three day demonstration of the lamb slain from the first six days the father worked, a picture or parable of salvation using the Son of man. Jesus And four days a picture as a testimony of the result of the gospel its testimony four days a of keeping a body from corrupting to the point of no return. . no rising .

Define dead using John 11. I would think it is the best commentary on Christian death. Jesus wept saddened at the disciples unbelief .

You might have another favorite commentary.

John 11:17_35Then when Jesus came, he found that he had lain in the grave four days already. Now Bethany was nigh unto Jerusalem, about fifteen furlongs off: And many of the Jews came to Martha and Mary, to comfort them concerning their brother.Then Martha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming, went and met him: but Mary sat still in the house. Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee. Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again.Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead,(though he was not he is dead) yet shall he live:And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world. And when she had so said, she went her way, and called Mary her sister secretly, saying, The Master is come, and calleth for thee. As soon as she heard that, she arose quickly, and came unto him. Now Jesus was not yet come into the town, but was in that place where Martha met him. The Jews then which were with her in the house, and comforted her, when they saw Mary, that she rose up hastily and went out, followed her, saying, She goeth unto the grave to weep there. (morning the dead) Then when Mary was come where Jesus was, and saw him, she fell down at his feet, saying unto him, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled. And said, Where have ye laid him? They said unto him, Lord, come and see. Jesus wept. (saddened unto death )

The difference between the three and four day demonstration of the father working with strengthening the Son of man Jesus .The father removed the graveclothes' and rolled back the stone . . the finishing touch of the three days and nights promised demonstration.

After four days the disciples in Christian fellowship they were instructed to roll back the stone (not buried 6 feet under) "no oxygen" food for worms. . They removed the grave clothes (stinky Job). . welcome to the Christian world.

They were confused they recognized the last days the giving of the new incorruptible body "( I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last days") they just did not realizes it effects begin while living in a a body of death before the last day under the Sun the day when all saints receive the promise of a new incorruptible body that will never die or grow old in dying

John 11: 36-41 Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him! And some of them said, Could not this man, which opened the eyes of the blind, have caused that even this man should not have died?Jesus therefore again groaning in himself cometh to the grave. It was a cave, and a stone lay upon it. Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days.Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.

The thing is did they hear the parable or literalize it? unto death or dead never to rise.
Here is what I understand from the scriptures.
Asking someone are they an annihilationist is like calling all dogs a certain breed~when there are many different breeds among dogs.
Concerning the the very elect~they have eternal life now at the very moment of the new birth. They do not die but immediately are with God at the death of their bodies.
Yes, Lord I believe!
Believer's new man CANNOT DIE, which is created after the image of Jesus CHrist and just as holy as he is, shall live forever, even after the death of our bodies of sin and death! The great Reformer, Martin Luther did not understand this truth, he believed in soul sleep, even for believers! I do not ~ I believe all of the righteous have been with God since Abel onward ~ I do not believe in a place in the middle of the earth where there was a great gulf that separated the wicked from the righteous before the cross, that all went to.......that's RCC heresy which we reject~it is attached/ part of their wicked doctrine of purgatory.
Concerning the wicked~When they die they go in darkness, silence, unconsciousness, waiting for the resurrection of their bodies to be judged and then cast into the lake of fire which the scriptures said clearly..... is the second death. A total destruction.
A endless suffering for the wicked is not the payment Christ paid for our sins, yet he paid the full penalty for our sins which was being put to DEATH, and he would have remain there if death had power over him, yet the king of terror did not, he arose from the dead victorious, he triumph over death, the grave, and hell fire or, the lake of fire.
Eleanor, I do not see anywhere in the scriptures where the wicked are NOW in hellfire suffering ~ later at the resurrection at the last day to be brought out to be judged and then cast back in the fire to suffer eternally, that is so irrational to even believe such a thing much less having no scriptures to prove that most ridiculous doctrine.
All through the scriptures it teaches us that the wicked or unbelievers shall PERISH!
So, I must understand the scriptures to teach that the wicked do not live forever, but they shall perish forever.
Okay, we are on the same page, as I had thought we were, except that I do not see perish as annihilation, but rather as ruin.
Those who perish in an airplane crash are not annihilated, just killed (ruined).

So then all that remains is my post #119 and your exegesis of Ro 5:12-14, consistent with and including the following facts thereof:

1) Paul begins with his conclusion, what he will demonstrate: death came to all men because all sinned (transgressed), (Ro 5:12)
2) sin (transgression, breaking a command, invoking death penalty) is not taken into account where there is no law (command) to transgress, as in Eden or at Sinai, (Ro 4:15)
3) so where there is no law (command) to transgress, there is no death penalty for transgression, (Ro 5:13)
4) there was no law (command, "Thou shalt not") to transgress between Adam and Moses to cause any death of mankind, (Ro 5:14)
5) yet all died even though they did not sin (transgress, break a command) as was done in Eden. (Ro 5:14).

Paul's conclusion: So what sin (transgression) brought death to all? It was the sin (transgression) of Adam imputed to all those of Adam,
and which was the pattern (Ro 5:14) of Christ's righteousness imputed to all those of Christ through faith. (Ro 4:1-11)

However, you assert that the conclusion is "Paul was not establishing there was no law."

Paul was establishing there was no command carrying the death penalty, as in Eden or at Sinai.
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That doesn't sound like what you wrote in post #133...

"And as soon as I COULD, I SINNED and fell short of God's Glory. You did too. So what's that got to do with a newborn??? When the Bible says that Everybody dies FOR THEIR OWN SIN, and not anybody else's (deut 24:16), is it a LIE???"

Sin has nothing to do with a stillborn birth?
Chuckle!! Wrong death. "Physical death" has nothing to do with SPIRITUAL DEATH which is the only "Death" of any real importance.
Sir, thank you for your 'opinions', but I'll stick with Scripture, esp. Romans 5.
AN excellent idea.
1) Paul begins with his conclusion, what he will demonstrate: death came to all men because all sinned (transgressed), (Ro 5:12)
2) sin (transgression, breaking a command, invoking death penalty) is not taken into account where there is no law (command) to transgress, as in Eden or at Sinai, (Ro 4:15)
3) so where there is no law (command) to transgress, there is no death penalty for transgression, (Ro 5:13)
4) there was no law (command, "Thou shalt not") to transgress between Adam and Moses to cause any death of mankind, (Ro 5:14)
5) yet all died even though they did not sin (transgress, break a command) as was done in Eden. (Ro 5:14).

Paul's conclusion: So what sin (transgression) brought death to all? It was the sin (transgression) of Adam imputed to all those of Adam,
and which was the pattern (Ro 5:14) of Christ's righteousness imputed to all those of Christ through faith. (Ro 4:1-11)

However, you assert that the conclusion is "Paul was not establishing there was no law."

Paul was establishing there was no command carrying the death penalty, as in Eden or at Sinai.

alty, as in Eden or at Sinai.
1) Yes

2) True

3) True

4) Agree

5) Agree

Paul's conclusion: Absolutely
However, you assert that the conclusion is "Paul was not establishing there was no law."
I was wrong~I have spend the greater part of this morning rethinking this, and see why I was wrong~which I will make a post later maybe tomorrow showing what convinced me that I was wrong. I'm thankful for light, even at my age! Thank you Eleanor for forcing me to rethink my position.

Paul was establishing there was no command carrying the death penalty, as in Eden or at Sinai.
Agreed~later I'll make my post to show you what convinced me~with you forcing me to use only the scriptures first and foremost and not commentaires~though could be helpful, yet, also could keep one in the dark on particular truths/scriptures.
Jesus Died as the "SIN OFFERING" (Isa 53) that cleanses, and REMOVES (not just covers) SIN the BLOOD OFFERING was required by God. and Jesus' Resurrection was proof that His sacrifice had been accepted.
You seem to overlook the fact that the Incarnation was necessary to redeem our bodies as well.

Isaiah 53:5
But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our peace fell upon Him, And by His wounds we are healed.