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The elephant named Trinity.~

7Indeed, there are three testifying: 8the spirit, and the water, and the blood—and these three are in agreement.
1 John 5:7 (REV)
The REV is a re-translation put out by Open Theist, many of whom are also unitarian. revisedenglishversion.com/info/introductions.

It is put out by an Open Theist organization called Spirit and Truth and they are very close lipped and deceptive as to their agenda---and they do have one. And it is not what they claim in the above website. They only use the right words and neglect to say what they mean by them. It is the very art of deception. You see how they changed the scripture above to say what they wanted it to say.
And none of that would even be support for the trinity. The trinity is not a 2-person doctrine though man-is-god thesis holders often act as though it is.
Well, we happen to be discussing the deity of Christ at the moment. WHen God says He is one----and I have told you this before---He means there is only one God. He is not making a statement about His manner of existence. So know, it does not mean that Jesus is not GOd which is what you say it means.

I have posted by OP in the Trinity section.
as to their agenda---and they do have one.

They only use the right words and neglect to say what they mean by them. It is the very art of deception.
This from a guy who accepts translations that removes God's divine name, YHWH, over 5,000 times is not misleading one little bit. :)

Any other would be upset if their name was removed from their book. YHWH's name is in Scripture over 5,000 times. No agenda in removing YHWH's name from YHWH's work.
LOL. Definition. Son's are created beings.
The Son of God isn't. The Son of God has to be born of God, not created. Where does Scripture say he was created? God is very clear when He says He is creating, as to exactly what it is that He creates.
Well, we happen to be discussing the deity of Christ at the moment. WHen God says He is one----and I have told you this before---He means there is only one God.
Well, that is your take on it, which I reject. ISAIAH 45:5 makes it explicit YHWH is the name of God and there is no other God. You just are determined to ignore the better evidence that refutes your doctrine.
This from a guy who accepts translations that removes God's divine name, YHWH, over 5,000 times is not misleading one little bit. :)

Any other would be upset if their name was removed from their book. YHWH's name is in Scripture over 5,000 times. No agenda in removing YHWH's name from YHWH's work.
Oh! A militant JW bickering over names and skirting the point.

The English language doesn’t have an exact translation of the word “Yahweh,” so in our Old Testament, we see it written as “LORD” in all capital letters.

In Jewish tradition, “Yahweh” is too sacred a name to utter out loud. Over time, Jews started to substitute in “Adonai,” or “My Lord,” especially when speaking. Another common replacement is the name “Elohim,” which simply means “God.”
Oh! A militant JW bickering over names and skirting the point.
JWs are your "ace in a hole".


You guys are so jealous of them because they are so biblical and knowledgeable of the Bible unlike most of your church members.
Yet, they are wrong. Later translated relied on older manuscripts than the earlier translations. Don't confuse the two.
The later translated translated wrong. And being that the earlier translators did not translate the older manuscripts they could put their own spin on what the either did not understand or could not comprehend.

Yours are wrong.
Oh! A militant JW bickering over names and skirting the point.
Almost gives me an appreciation for Mrs White.....
Yea, I answered several times. Try to understand what Isaiah 45:5 means and the Shema and the 1C and that God raised Jesus from the dead and that Jesus is NOT God but the son of God and most importantly not one verse says Jesus is God.
That is the Scripture you used to answer the question of Jesus not being deity. Which it didn't. But the question you haven't answered is not that question. The question you haven't answered (carefully containing no negatives to argue about) is "Where does the Bible say Jesus is created?"
JWs are your "ace in a hole".


You guys are so jealous of them because they are so biblical and knowledgeable of the Bible unlike most of your church members.
You are great for a good laugh. Who else besides JW's get so upset when people don't refer to God as Jehovah? Acting like it is a life or death issue, the cornerstone of salvation.
You are great for a good laugh. Who else besides JW's get so upset when people don't refer to God as Jehovah? Acting like it is a life or death issue, the cornerstone of salvation.
worshipping a false god is a salvation issue.
That is the Scripture you used to answer the question of Jesus not being deity. Which it didn't.
Of course the Scripture I used answering 100% the question of not being a deity. YHWH is God. There is no other God. What does this mean to you, that Jesus, HS or anyone else is or even could be God?
@Soldier of Chirst1516

What documents do you have that show 1 John 5 : 7-8 in the original Koine Greek language that we all could compare with what we have?

I am not talking about translations of such... I am talking about the actual Greek words.

Such as

μαρτυροῦντες, which has been translated by some as bearing testimony:

Is it not worth our while to compare the words as they were originally written and then see who ______ed the meanings up?
What documents do you have that show 1 John 5 : 7-8 in the original Koine Greek language that we all could compare with what we have?
Moving the goal post. Feel free to diligently pursue the mountain of evidence against the inherently contradictory doctrine.

My job is done. I answered you question. I’ve shown you the way. It’s up to you to follow the path to truth indicated, digging as deeply into it as you need.
@Soldier of Christ 1516 I have messaged you about more on this so I do not occupy the space and time that I am trying to stay out of.

So other know... This is my message

What documents do you have that show 1 John 5 : 7-8 in the original Koine Greek language that we all could compare with what we have?

Moving the goal post. Feel free to diligently pursue the mountain of evidence against the inherently contradictory doctrine.

My job is done. I answered you question. I’ve shown you the way. It’s up to you to follow the path to truth indicated, digging as deeply into it as you need.
job well done.

thank you, brother.
Of course the Scripture I used answering 100% the question of not being a deity. YHWH is God. There is no other God. What does this mean to you, that Jesus, HS or anyone else is or even could be God?
But the question you haven't answered is not that question. The question you haven't answered (carefully containing no negatives to argue about) is "Where does the Bible say Jesus is created?"
Not answered.