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Some things written by the RCC are shocking.

Then we will reason together over scripture while asking the Lord for Help. The reality of this period of time we live in…is that there are many factions. Most have, by God’s Grace, agree on the core of the Gospel. Both Jesus and the Apostles told us in clear terms that false teachers would plague the Body of Christ until He returns.
The core being 1Cor15:1-4 right? That is for all Christians.
Have you read what I wrote in that link? It’s possible you may learn something, but you must be of a mind to be proved wrong.
I spent many years doing just that.
Jesus, Himself, has taught me key points directly.
Why is that so?
Because He chose me to be His son and delights in Teaching me via the Paraclete.
Every single member of His Body is vital and not one of us are the same for the same reasons.
I hope to look at that link within the next week. Thanks Alive!
The core being 1Cor15:1-4 right? That is for all Christians.
Paul there points to all of what he taught there, but it’s fleshed out as we consult all of scripture and I might say, much of it was provided by Paul according to God’s choosing him as a vessel to do so.
In fact, Peter became a footnote in comparison.
Peter was a vessel just as vital, but chosen for a different function. His assignment was the Jews of the day that were elect.
The Lord gave Paul far more insight and He wrote accordingly. Perhaps Peter was taught more than is shown in his letters. Perhaps not. But be assured, he had what he needed to fulfill his work.
I am most closely aligned with Reformed thinking. If you wish to know what I believe about what I see as the most important truths that all His sons should grasp…click on the link in my signature.
I believe, if those things are held, much error is avoided.
Thanks i have always wondered about what reformed actually means

I dont believe reformation is possible either in doctrine or the church since they are of divine origin and God cannot be in error or reformed

Thanks i have always wondered about what reformed actually means

I dont believe reformation is possible either in doctrine or the church since they are of divine origin and God cannot be in error or reformed

I doubt you understand what the reformation was and what those folks were facing in their collective lifetimes. The base of the reformation was the Holy Spirit in His Sons opening eyes to the extra scriptural teaching and abuse of Christ’s elect by Rome. Any half alert student of scripture can easily destroy the RCC teaching, structure and operation over the centuries.
The key here is ‘extra biblical’.
If I am willing to plant my tent in the extra biblical space…I could argue anything as true.
God sovereignly gave us the Canon as an operations manual and the Paraclete to shine a light on it.
Not outside of His church that he established, he gave His authority to teach some of this is found in scripture.

How do we know what is and what is not scripture?

The RCC makes itself above the authority of God's word by adding mediators, a whole plethora of them, instead of Jesus.

Jesus added them!

Matt 16:18-19
Matt 18:17-18
Matt 28:19
Lk 10:16
Jn 13:20
Jn 21:20-23
Show me without appealing to RCC authority where those scriptures are saying Jesus added a succession of apostles after the ones He appointed in the Scripture to lay the foundation of His church. Why are you laying another foundation other than the one they laid with Jesus as the chief cornerstone?
Show me without appealing to RCC authority where those scriptures are saying Jesus added a succession of apostles after the ones He appointed in the Scripture to lay the foundation of His church. Why are you laying another foundation other than the one they laid with Jesus as the chief cornerstone?
Matt 28:19
“nations” only successor’s could reach and teach all narions

Acts 1:8 to the ends of the earth
only successor’s could reach and the new world

Show me without appealing to RCC authority where those scriptures are saying Jesus added a succession of apostles after the ones He appointed in the Scripture to lay the foundation of His church. Why are you laying another foundation other than the one they laid with Jesus as the chief cornerstone?
Built on the apostles eph 2:20

How do we know the truth?

Scripture alone or the apostles

Scripture says the apostles
Acts 2:42

1 John 4:6
We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

Not outside of His church that he established, he gave His authority to teach some of this is found in scripture.

How do we know what is and what is not scripture?

Do you think Catholics just went through the books of the bible and said, hmm, this one is scripture, and this one is not? Do you know the process used? Do you also know Jerome (who you call yours) said the Apocphira was not sacred scripture but was translated for historical purposes? But of course, your pope and some Church cardinals and such insisted it is scripture.
Do you think Catholics just went through the books of the bible and said, hmm, this one is scripture, and this one is not? Do you know the process used? Do you also know Jerome (who you call yours) said the Apocphira was not sacred scripture but was translated for historical purposes? But of course, your pope and some Church cardinals and such insisted it is scripture.
@donadams come on. even Catholics know better
Who administers the kingdom since Christ ascended to heaven? or who more precisely who did Christ appoint to administer His kingdom before He ascended to heaven?
CHRIST administers His kingdom through the Holy Spirit indwelling His people---sanctifying and teaching by the Holy Spirit. Is the Pope wiser than He? That is who the Father sent, after Christ's His ascension. It is in the Scripture. Read it.

John 14:16-17 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever---the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him or knows him But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. 26. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

Does that sound like the apostles were taught by Peter, or that the Holy Spirit taught them all that we have in the NT epistles and Acts? Did He not teach them enough that the RCC must be appointed to teach what is not in those writings?

Here is more.
1 Cor 3:16 Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?

2 Cor 1:21-22 Now he who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our heart's as a Pledge.

Is the Holy Spirit insufficient and need the help of the RCC?
What book of the bible did peter get his revelation about christ from?

What book did JTB get the word of God from?
Everything that was revealed (Understanding given) to Peter, John the Baptist or anyone else was all spoken of or prophesied or shadowed as type in the OT.
You made a declaration on your own authority you did not say it was from scripture! Sorry
But it was from Scripture (so not on my own) and now I have shown you Scriptures. Stop bickering.
Do you think Catholics just went through the books of the bible and said, hmm, this one is scripture, and this one is not? Do you know the process used? Do you also know Jerome (who you call yours) said the Apocphira was not sacred scripture but was translated for historical purposes? But of course, your pope and some Church cardinals and such insisted it is scripture.
“The Christian life is a life of non-conformity.” whats this mean?

I thought it would be the opposite as scripture says: we conform to Christ and him crucified!