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Jesus was never prayed to once in the Bible

It seems that you don't want to accept Jesus' simple words.
Does it seem that way to you?

Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Get to know me a little and it will seem different. :)
You are right. God does not show you the simple Truth if your heart is not circumcised.
What do you mean? Do we have to circumcise our own hearts before God can work with us?
Does it seem that way to you?

Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Get to know me a little and it will seem different. :)
Well, your refusal to see Jesus' clear statement shows your heart.
Well, your refusal to see Jesus' clear statement shows your heart.
Well, let me say one thing. You not believing Jesus is God proves you do not know him. If you do not know him you will die in your sins and you will suffer the wrath of God.

You should repent and believe. Before it's too late.
Well, let me say one thing. You not believing Jesus is God proves you do not know him. If you do not know him you will die in your sins and you will suffer the wrath of God.

You should repent and believe. Before it's too late.
Again, your refusal to accept Jesus' word shows how little you know God and Jesus.
Again, your refusal to accept Jesus' word shows how little you know God and Jesus.
I pray the Lord Jesus Christ will give you a new heart and open your eyes so you will see the truth.
I pray the Lord Jesus Christ will give you a new heart and open your eyes so you will see the truth.
I pray that you open your heart and accept what Jesus says.
I pray the Lord Jesus Christ will give you a new heart and open your eyes so you will see the truth.

Do you know that Jesus says"Narrow is the gate that leads to life and only a few find it"?

Do you know that Triune god worshippers are one of the biggest religions in the world?
Pleading to the Lord to do something isn't prayer or else pleading to anyone can be misconstrued as prayer. So praying and pleading aren't the same thing. Praying is only done to God, hence there is no example of the word prayer being used in conjunction with talking to Jesus in the Bible.

When asking Jesus for something, he acts as the mediator between God and men, but not the actual recipient of the prayer or the one who answers the prayer. Jesus said it's the Father, the only true God, who actually answers the prayer.

John 16
23In that day you will no longer ask Me anything. Truly, truly, I tell you, whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you.
Yes it is prayer
The above is false.

Acts 1:24-25
(24) And they prayed and said, “You, Lord, who know the hearts of all men, show which one of these two You have chosen
(25) to occupy this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place.”

What you say is false. As already discussed, there is nothing about Jesus knowing the hearts of "all men" in the scripture and what you say contradicts Matt 6:6,9 where Jesus taught those very disciples to only pray to the Father when they prayed.