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That is completely irrelevant to my post. It ignores the fact that no Jewish nation existed until after the exodus from Egypt. Even though it is true that all those you list prior to Abraham carried the seed of Abraham, and the nation Israel was made up of the seed of Abraham, that does not make them Israelites. How could they be if there was no national Israel. What became Israel was in the possession of Canaanites. It is national/geographic Israel and ethnic Jews that you speak of as being the only covenantal people of God, excluding Gentiles from ever having been and not now, in covenant relationship with God.The Hebrew people began with Eber and Abraham was a descendant of Eber through Noah and Shem. These were descendants of Seth through whom were identified as "sons of God" in Genesis 6 implying covenant. The Gentile nations that exist then as today come from Ham and Japheth. God made no covenant with these Gentiles. Although Noah and his wife, his sons and their wives were saved from the flood only in the sense of physical deliverance it is said that it was "[But] Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD" (Gen. 6:7–8) and this grace led to the Noahic covenant and God's promise to not destroy all life with a flood of water.
18 But with thee will I establish my covenant; Gen. 6:18.
So, Abraham was not Gentile since we now know that the lineage went to Eber who was the father of who would become the Hebrew/Jewish race.
And you miss the big picture contained in these seed bearers of national and ethnic Israel. They are the Seed bearers promised in Gen 3. All people are descendants of Adam and Eve. Why not go that far back and say they are ethnic Israel and so is everyone. Only one man in a family prior to the coming of Christ was the Seed bearer, (possibly also could be a woman as is the case with Mary, since Joseph was not His natural father. I would have to track it down backwards to see if that is the case.)
There are many seeds of Abraham but only one Seed, the One who would crush Satan's head and bring in the promised new covenant that tore down the dividing wall between Jew and Gentile. There were many Gentiles in in the line of Jesus. Why do you insist on a division?
I did not say that we are imputed Abraham's righteousness. Our faith in Christ is what brings the imputed righteousness we have. Just as Abraham's faith was counted to him as righteousness. I don't even know why you said that. It bears no relationship to what I said at all.It was counted as righteousness, but we know it is Christ's righteousness that made all the difference. We are imputed His righteousness, not Abraham's.
So you do not believe the Bible when it says Jesus did away with the old covenant since He fulfilled it, and established the new covenant? You do not believe that the OT promises that this new covenant is with people's of all nations? There is no relationship with God except through covenant, and one God initiates. His people are covenant people. You do not believe the Bible when it says not all who are descended from Abraham are of Abraham? Or when it says the Gentiles are adopted into Israel? Do you not understand or believe that there is a natural Israel and a spiritual Israel and both are God's people.All God's promises are to and for Israel. God made no covenant with Gentiles. From Genesis to Revelation all these writings are to and for Israel.
Did you miss the shadowning that is found in the holy things being made after the pattern of the real thing in heaven? Nor comprehended the meaning of the heavenly Jerusalem? Is God to you confined to and obligated to one tiny spot in all the earth to dwell and covenant with? Can you not see that Christ is true Israel because He is faithful Israel, even though scripture tells us that very thing? Do you only take from the new covenant those things that would benefit only this tiny spot in all creation, only the Jews, at the expense of the suffering and dying of Jesus on the cross for peoples in all nations. Would you take that from the ones for whom He died because they are not of ethnic Israel as though you do not want them to have it or have a covenant relationship with the Father?
That is an assumption to apply to all Gentiles. I certainly don't believe that so probably you should find another way to make your point that has some credence because that has none.What I do mean is that after 2000 years of Gentiles being grafted into the natural branches (Israel) that they have become accustomed and indoctrinated that because of Israel calling for the crucifixion of their Messiah that they hold this as God rejecting them
God brought many ethnic Jews to Christ and does so every day. But it cannot be denied that He most certainly did extract judgment on Jerusalem, the place of worship under the Sinai covenant, for the killing of their Messiah who He had promised. In 70 a.d. the temple and all Jerusalem was destroyed, the line of the priesthood was forever lost, and the old form of covenant worship and forgiveness destroyed. Ended, with the final sacrifice for forgiveness made on the cross, and faith in Him the only way to approach God. It was not the first judgement He unloaded on Israel and Judah.
That being said, that does not mean that He rejects all ethnic Israel or even national Israel. It exists today in a lesser form. But for any to be saved unto eternal life they too must be placed in Christ through faith. No other way.
I have to finish this later. Things to do.