Can you share with the group the differences you see between predestination and foreknowledge ?
Thanks !
Thank you for the opportunity.
1.) What Calvin did was not understand Foreknowledge, and turned it into "chooses some, and refuses others".
Lets get away from "pre-determined" and just look at foreknowledge, mostly.
God is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent,
And So, is the bible.
The bible shows you what was, and what is now, and what is coming next.
However, as the bible IS showing you what it "up and coming", that is not the Bible causing it to happen.
Its the Bible REVEALING what is on the way..
See that?
That is FORE- Knowledge... or Knowledge BEFORE it happens being revealed.
The bible is not causing the AntiChrist to come, but it has shown us that it "Saw Him Here' already.
= FOREKnowledge.
THAt is God.... He SEES the future, = Fore-Knowledge.
And Calvin took that understanding....and changed it into... God causes it to happen.
He redefined "Fore Knowledge" as "God Causes", and away he went....
Its really simple to see it...
Its this..
God Knowing beforehand, what is going to Happen next, is not the same as God causing it to occur.
A.) Foreknowing is not the same as
See that?
Calving didn't.
2.) God knew that most of the Readers here, were going to become believers """in Yeshua""", because that is His "all knowing" Foreknowledge.
But that is not GOD CAUSING..., forcing, or making you do it.
See it?
"Foreknowledge" is not the same as "pre-destined".
3.) Here is what is Pre-Destined.
The Born again are pre-destined to be conformed into the Image of Christ.
And, the unbelievers are pre-destined to be adopted "in Christ". and that is based on : "Faith is counted as Righteousness".
John 3:16, that denies Calvinism, you find that Jesus is offered to the ":WORLD".... not just to the pre-destined.
John 12:32 that denies Calvinism, says that Jesus , once lifted up on the Cross, will draw "ALL" to Himself, not just the pre-destined.
1 Timothy 2:4 says that GOD wants ALL to be His own... and that again denies the Theology of JCalvin who says... "no, its just the pre-destined".
Now.....What Calvin does that is so Anti-Christ, is that he LIMITS the Cross of Christ to "SOME".... only.
He teaches that "The blood of Jesus", is not for us all, its just for SOME.
And that is , a "doctrine of devils'.
Hebrews 13:9