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Free Will

Often people use and hide behind Calvinism so they have something to blame for their emotionalism. Because they cannot deal with the God of scripture.

Is that you?

As for me, im not hiding.

Where Calvin had an issue, is that He didn't understand that "Fore-Knowlede" is not the same as "pre-determined".

He could not understand that Knowing in advance, what is going to happen, FOREKNOWLEDGE.... is not the same as causing it to happen,.

So, based on a comprehension, or a spiritual discernment issue, he modified and codified, "conformed into the image" as "pre-destined" to believe.
You can’t change what is written.

Yet Calvin did change it, into Calvinism.
That's what it is.

Calvinist's think that Calvin wrote those scriptures, seemingly.
He didn't
He just created Calvinist's by manipulating them, using verses.
Is that you?
No. You will find that I do not hide.
As for me, im not hiding.
Okay. 🙂
Where Calvin had an issue, is that He didn't understand that "Fore-Knowlede" is not the same as "pre-determined".
I think you have an issue with Calvin. Respectfully. I believe Calvin was right on on these things.
He could not understand that Knowing in advance, what is going to happen, FOREKNOWLEDGE.... is not the same as causing it to happen,.
I suggest you do a study on biblical foreknowledge. Of start a thread on it. You’re talking about two many things in one thread. And a new thread would just make it easier.
So, based on a comprehension, or a spiritual discernment issue, he modified and codified, "conformed into the image" as "pre-destined" to believe.
There really is no need to as we find out pretty quick. And since it is forum we usually find out which system also.

Well, if a person writes a Thread about "Imputed Righteousness", then they are teaching what they Beleive.

If a person writes a Thread to defend and preach Calvinism, then they are teaching what they Believe.

See, on a Forum, 'you shall know them by their Thread's and Posts".
I think you have an issue with Calvin.



He helped to murder a person, who was probably born again, and he created Calvinism, that defines God as a Cosmic Psycopath who "chooses to pre-destine some in your family to go to Hell, but not all of them.

See, thats that the interesting thing about Calvinists.
They all believe that "all of my family is Pre-destined elect".
Of course.
How could they not..... as if they realized that that is NOT true according to Calvinism, they'd run from it.

So yeah, You nailed it., Brother Carbon.
Yet Calvin did change it, into Calvinism.
That's what it is.

Calvinist's think that Calvin wrote those scriptures, seemingly.
He didn't
He just created Calvinist's by manipulating them, using verses.
I hope you not another person obsessed with John Calvin?
Well, if a person writes a Thread about "Imputed Righteousness", then they are teaching what they Beleive.

If a person writes a Thread to defend and preach Calvinism, then they are teaching what they Believe.

See, on a Forum, 'you shall know them by their Thread's and Posts".
You know, there is something about you I really like. I’m glad you’re here. 🙂

He helped to murder a person, who was probably born again, and he created Calvinism, that defines God as a Cosmic Psycopath who "chooses to pre-destine some in your family to go to Hell, but not all of them.

See, thats that the interesting thing about Calvinists.
They all believe that "all of my family is Pre-destined elect".
Of course.
How could they not..... as if they realized that that is NOT true according to Calvinism, they'd run from it.

So yeah, You nailed it., Brother Carbon.
Can you share with the group the differences you see between predestination and foreknowledge ?

Thanks !

He helped to murder a person, who was probably born again, and he created Calvinism, that defines God as a Cosmic Psycopath who "chooses to pre-destine some in your family to go to Hell, but not all of them.

See, thats that the interesting thing about Calvinists.
They all believe that "all of my family is Pre-destined elect".
Of course.
How could they not..... as if they realized that that is NOT true according to Calvinism, they'd run from it.

So yeah, You nailed it., Brother Carbon.
Bud, you really should do your research before accusing someone of something. Read on survetus and see what he believed.
Re: Hey, I think you just called me a "worm" in relation to my deserving to be saved...
When I was saved I felt like a worm compared to God.

That's Biblical right?
Well, we probably are giving one another too much credit to compare ourselves to worms .... but analogies are never perfect so let's go for it.
Re: Hey, I think you just called me a "worm" in relation to my deserving to be saved...

Well, we probably are giving one another too much credit to compare ourselves to worms .... but analogies are never perfect so let's go for it.
View attachment 130
Dang I could catch me a nice trout or steelhead with that baby.
I'll put it on my TO DO LIST ... way down the list ;)

Hey, I'm the Lord's worm ... don't touch me.
You were a worm, now you are a saint, an ambassador, a royal priest, His brethren- Hebrews 2:11.
Your avatar looks like a certain Mr Bunyan if I am not mistaken? A pretty good picture too.

I read Pilgrims Progress when I was around 18. It really didn't make much sense to me at the time (probably helped by the olde English). After I was saved I read it again. The second time was like, "Yep, I know exactly what you are trying to say".