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Yeah, I don't celebrate Halloween and don't have any husbands of the Reformationist.
That's because you're Catholic.
Listen, how about your demons getting with my demons and we'll get together.
Reformationists. Is that a word?
I don't have any husbands of Reformation-ists, either.
But I do have a lot of time on my hands.
Study, study, study. I'd be in my bible so much, 14 hours a day on average hot tears would just roll down my cheeks.
Ever happen to you?
That's because you're Catholic.
Listen, how about your demons getting with my demons and we'll get together.
Reformationists. Is that a word?
I don't have any husbands of Reformation-ists, either.
But I do have a lot of time on my hands.
Study, study, study. I'd be in my bible so much, 14 hours a day on average hot tears would just roll down my cheeks.
Ever happen to you?
Shouldn't you be in the catholic portion of this forum using your other sock puppet? Take care.
Shouldn't you be in the catholic portion of this forum using your other sock puppet? Take care.
And the attacks continue.
You do remember Jesus saying... "what YOU do to these the least of my brethren YOU have done it unto me."
Saul, Saul what are you persecuting ME!
Keep up the bad work. Demons!
And the attacks continue.
You do remember Jesus saying... "what YOU do to these the least of my brethren YOU have done it unto me."
Saul, Saul what are you persecuting ME!
Keep up the bad work. Demons!
At least I know I have called you out. Another bad-land in here.


there is a spiritual Jews who is true Jesus' followers, faithful ones, and who are not faithful ones, they are not spiritual Jews.


there is a spiritual Jews who is true Jesus' followers, faithful ones, and who are not faithful ones, they are not spiritual Jews.
31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD,
That I will make a new covenant
With the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
Jer 31:31.

33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel;
After those days, saith the LORD,
I will put my law in their inward parts,
And write it in their hearts;
And will be their God,
And they shall be my people.
Jer 31:33.

14 For we know that the law is spiritual: Rom. 7:14.

41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. Acts 2:41.

47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. Acts 2:46–47.

1. The New Covenant is between the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the House of Israel (northern kingdom of ten tribes), and the House of Judah (southern kingdom of two tribes.)
Jeremiah 31:31.

2. Two of God's acts in the covenant with the House of Israel and Judah is to put His Law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts.
Jeremiah 31:33.

3. Saul states the common knowledge among the Jewish Christians he writes to at Rome that the Law is spiritual.
Romans 7:14.

4. Luke records Peter speaking to the twelve tribes of Israel ("Ye men of Judaea" [southern kingdom tribes] Acts 2:14; and "Ye men of Israel" [northern kingdom tribes] Acts 2:22) and that 3000 Jews were born-again and saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, God put His Law in their inward parts and wrote it on their hearts sounds to me natural Israel received the beginning of the New Covenant and on that day with their conversion became spiritual Israel thus fulfilling the Jeremian prophecy.

5. 3000 Jews were born-again on the day of Pentecost and from that day forward Christ ADDED to the newly minted Jewish Church He promised to build as per promise and prophecy and covenant. If we take 3000 as a median number then by weeks end 21,000 Jews were born-again in Jerusalem. And of the 3000 Jews born-again on Pentecost let's say half were visiting from outside Israel and lived in Gentile lands. They returned to their homes and synagogues taking with them Jesus, an outline of Peter's sermon, and their Holy Spirit experience back to their homes and synagogues and many more Jews and Gentile proselytes were born=again and filled with the Holy Spirit and joined to the spiritual Israel Church Christ was building. And this went on for four decades while their Temple stood thus ensuring the Jewishness of the New Covenant Church Christ was building as per covenant and promises.

6. In four decades of Church building by Christ that comes to 40,325,000 Jews that were born-again, saved, and filled with the Holy SPIRIT thus proving that natural Israel that received the promises and covenants in Abraham and Moses, received the spiritual aspect of the covenants of the Mosaic and New Covenants and becoming both natural and spiritual Israel.
31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD,
That I will make a new covenant
With the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
Jer 31:31.

33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel;
After those days, saith the LORD,
I will put my law in their inward parts,
And write it in their hearts;
And will be their God,
And they shall be my people.
Jer 31:33.

14 For we know that the law is spiritual: Rom. 7:14.

41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. Acts 2:41.

47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. Acts 2:46–47.

1. The New Covenant is between the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the House of Israel (northern kingdom of ten tribes), and the House of Judah (southern kingdom of two tribes.)
Jeremiah 31:31.

2. Two of God's acts in the covenant with the House of Israel and Judah is to put His Law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts.
Jeremiah 31:33.

3. Saul states the common knowledge among the Jewish Christians he writes to at Rome that the Law is spiritual.
Romans 7:14.

4. Luke records Peter speaking to the twelve tribes of Israel ("Ye men of Judaea" [southern kingdom tribes] Acts 2:14; and "Ye men of Israel" [northern kingdom tribes] Acts 2:22) and that 3000 Jews were born-again and saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, God put His Law in their inward parts and wrote it on their hearts sounds to me natural Israel received the beginning of the New Covenant and on that day with their conversion became spiritual Israel thus fulfilling the Jeremian prophecy.

5. 3000 Jews were born-again on the day of Pentecost and from that day forward Christ ADDED to the newly minted Jewish Church He promised to build as per promise and prophecy and covenant. If we take 3000 as a median number then by weeks end 21,000 Jews were born-again in Jerusalem. And of the 3000 Jews born-again on Pentecost let's say half were visiting from outside Israel and lived in Gentile lands. They returned to their homes and synagogues taking with them Jesus, an outline of Peter's sermon, and their Holy Spirit experience back to their homes and synagogues and many more Jews and Gentile proselytes were born=again and filled with the Holy Spirit and joined to the spiritual Israel Church Christ was building. And this went on for four decades while their Temple stood thus ensuring the Jewishness of the New Covenant Church Christ was building as per covenant and promises.

6. In four decades of Church building by Christ that comes to 40,325,000 Jews that were born-again, saved, and filled with the Holy SPIRIT thus proving that natural Israel that received the promises and covenants in Abraham and Moses, received the spiritual aspect of the covenants of the Mosaic and New Covenants and becoming both natural and spiritual Israel.
So you don't agree with my comment?

John 8:39-44New King James Version (NKJV)
spiritual Israel

39 They answered and said to Him, “Abraham is our father.”

Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do the works of Abraham. 40 But now you seek to kill Me, a Man who has told you the truth which I heard from God. Abraham did not do this. 41 You do the deeds of your father.”

Then they said to Him, “We were not born of fornication; we have one Father—God.”

42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me. 43 Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.
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There are natural Jews who disbelieve and there are natural Jews who believe. (The latter are 'spiritual' Jews).
There are natural Gentiles who disbelieve and there are natural Gentiles who believe. (The latter are 'spiritual' Gentiles)
Believing Gentiles are never referred to as 'spiritual' Jews in the Bible.
There are natural Jews who disbelieve and there are natural Jews who believe. (The latter are 'spiritual' Jews).
There are natural Gentiles who disbelieve and there are natural Gentiles who believe. (The latter are 'spiritual' Gentiles)
Believing Gentiles are never referred to as 'spiritual' Jews in the Bible.
That's right, Jesus says faithful ones are the spiritual Jews.

They are spiritually circumcised.

Even Gentiles who are faithful, are spiritual Jews.

God and Jesus do not appreciate lip servers or appearance.
So you don't agree with my comment?

John 8:39-44New King James Version (NKJV)
spiritual Israel

39 They answered and said to Him, “Abraham is our father.”

Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do the works of Abraham. 40 But now you seek to kill Me, a Man who has told you the truth which I heard from God. Abraham did not do this. 41 You do the deeds of your father.”

Then they said to Him, “We were not born of fornication; we have one Father—God.”

42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me. 43 Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.
Has to do with behavior, not lineage.

"you would do the works of Abraham."

Meaning, "you wouldn't go about trying to kill me."
That's right, Jesus says faithful ones are the spiritual Jews.

They are spiritually circumcised.

Even Gentiles who are faithful, are spiritual Jews.

God and Jesus do not appreciate lip servers or appearance.
14 For we know that the law is spiritual: Rom. 7:14.

33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel;
After those days, saith the LORD,
I will put my law in their inward parts,
And write it in their hearts;
And will be their God,
And they shall be my people.
Jer. 31:33.

41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.
Acts 2:41.




31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD,
That I will make a new covenant
With the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
Jer 31:31.

33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel;
After those days, saith the LORD,
I will put my law in their inward parts,
And write it in their hearts;
And will be their God,
And they shall be my people.
Jer 31:33.

14 For we know that the law is spiritual: Rom. 7:14.

41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. Acts 2:41.

47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. Acts 2:46–47.

1. The New Covenant is between the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the House of Israel (northern kingdom of ten tribes), and the House of Judah (southern kingdom of two tribes.)
Jeremiah 31:31.

2. Two of God's acts in the covenant with the House of Israel and Judah is to put His Law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts.
Jeremiah 31:33.

3. Saul states the common knowledge among the Jewish Christians he writes to at Rome that the Law is spiritual.
Romans 7:14.

4. Luke records Peter speaking to the twelve tribes of Israel ("Ye men of Judaea" [southern kingdom tribes] Acts 2:14; and "Ye men of Israel" [northern kingdom tribes] Acts 2:22) and that 3000 Jews were born-again and saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, God put His Law in their inward parts and wrote it on their hearts sounds to me natural Israel received the beginning of the New Covenant and on that day with their conversion became spiritual Israel thus fulfilling the Jeremian prophecy.

5. 3000 Jews were born-again on the day of Pentecost and from that day forward Christ ADDED to the newly minted Jewish Church He promised to build as per promise and prophecy and covenant. If we take 3000 as a median number then by weeks end 21,000 Jews were born-again in Jerusalem. And of the 3000 Jews born-again on Pentecost let's say half were visiting from outside Israel and lived in Gentile lands. They returned to their homes and synagogues taking with them Jesus, an outline of Peter's sermon, and their Holy Spirit experience back to their homes and synagogues and many more Jews and Gentile proselytes were born=again and filled with the Holy Spirit and joined to the spiritual Israel Church Christ was building. And this went on for four decades while their Temple stood thus ensuring the Jewishness of the New Covenant Church Christ was building as per covenant and promises.

6. In four decades of Church building by Christ that comes to 40,325,000 Jews that were born-again, saved, and filled with the Holy SPIRIT thus proving that natural Israel that received the promises and covenants in Abraham and Moses, received the spiritual aspect of the covenants of the Mosaic and New Covenants and becoming both natural and spiritual Israel.
It's great how you remind all that the covenant was established with the Jews. However, as much as I can appreciate that, you cannot deny the gentile has too, been called to be a part of it. You for instance, are not a Jew by nature or spirit, yet you are commissioned to go on the world tour to tell all how it is only the Jews who are part of the covenant. All this you do in defiance of the totality of the Law of Christ. No one who actually takes God at His word would deny it is to the Jews first, then the Greek and Roman (aka gentile). It is however, your callous toward the called gentile which reveals your own uncircumcised heart and soul as well as the uncircumcised hearts of your teachers who clearly, identify as "Jew". Clearly, you are not under the mantle of Yeshua but of those who identify as Jew. As though Jewish tradition and loins are what saves men.....NOT! Definitely an agenda and all is not kosher as they say. Too much hate to be the spirit of Christ. There is something in your teachers and it isn't the spirit which makes them true Jews either.

You mention this grandiose number that you have no proof of. Not that Jews throughout Christian history did not have large numbers, point is- NO ONE COULD POSSIBLY QUANTIFY IT. Something my husband pointed out to me. Like you, he notes the numbers mentioned in ACTS which shows many Jews accepting the One True Shepherd ( you do not). He adds, " As time went on, those Jews who continued in the faith, would have assimilated among all the nations practicing Christianity not the OC." The expansion of Christianity would not have fostered OC Jews but those in the fullness of the faith. They would continue among the Christian churches and peoples, probably inter marrying among fellow gentile Christians leaving in trace genealogy a remnant gene amongst men of all nations. Point is, the "remnant" of Jacob could mean just that, a remnant gene amongst people in all nations which secures the 12 Tribes of Israel. In my opinion, I told him he could be partially right.

Though I appreciate your little reminders I must remind you in the FULLNESS of GRACE that I am under, you are 100% skewed in your views they are 100% not Christian. Anyone without an agenda and basic reading skills of a second grader can see that.
Acts 10:
Good News for Gentiles
33So I sent for you immediately, and you were kind enough to come. Now then, we are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has instructed you to tell us.” 34Then Peter began to speak: “I now truly understand that God does not show favoritism, 35but welcomes those from every nation who fear Him and do what is right.…

Hosea 2:

…22And the earth will respond to the grain, to the new wine and oil, and they will respond to Jezreel. 23And I will sow her as My own in the land, and I will have compassion on ‘No Compassion.’ I will say to those called ‘Not My People,’ ‘You are My people,’ and they will say, ‘You are my God.’”

Romans 9:
The Calling of the Gentiles
…24including us, whom He has called not only from the Jews, but also from the Gentiles? 25As He says in Hosea: “I will call them ‘My People’ who are not My people, and I will call her ‘My Beloved’ who is not My beloved,” 26and, “It will happen that in the very place where it was said to them, ‘You are not My people,’ they will be called ‘sons of the living God.’ ”…

John 11:
The Witness of John
…10He was in the world, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him. 11He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. 12But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God—…
14 For we know that the law is spiritual: Rom. 7:14.

33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel;
After those days, saith the LORD,
I will put my law in their inward parts,
And write it in their hearts;
And will be their God,
And they shall be my people.
Jer. 31:33.

41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.
Acts 2:41.




No Christianity is not completed Judaism. That is like saying, a baby fully formed is a completed fetus. The truth is, the revelation of God to man came in stages just like a development of a Child. Just like you cannot call a fetus an embryo after a certain stage, you cannot call a fully birthed Child a fetus. Judaism is a fetus stage of growth in what God would fully birth. Therefore, anyone who clings to Judaism in essence aborts their souls and rights to be called a Child of God. They are not birthed because they reject their own growth. Judaism is obsolete and it is not the final stage or name over God's people. As my elder brother Paul says in Hebrews, (yes he wrote Hebrews) and if one said something they all did because they are all likeminded (speaking of my elder brothers), so dispute my assertion as to the writer of Hebrews if you must. Anyways..... as Paul said- Hebrews 8:
The New Covenant
…12For I will forgive their iniquities and will remember their sins no more.” 13By speaking of a new covenant, He has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear.

Judaism is stuck in the OC not the fullness of the covenant. You would think you would have read about the sin of Judaizing. Judas himself was a pandering Judaizer, once he saw the error of his ways and the intent toward Christianity (Christ) by the Pharisees, Judas hung himself spilling out his guts to the world. His gut instincts proved him a worker of the devil not one acting in the spirit of faith in God but of self-interest. He was used like a tool by fake Jews. If they were true Jews, they would have rejoiced at Christ's day like father Abraham.

What you call Judaism has been fading since Christ came. Now, at the "End of the Age" as Christ calls it, comes the End of the Age of Judaism. How? Well, those called true Jews will come into their full development and be born again in Christ and be under His mantle (Christian)= anointed of the Anointed One/follower of Christ. And the rest who abort their lives in Judaism reject full development and delivery and will disappear=die and God will have them be no more! I didn't say so God did in Hebrews, I am a True Christian and simply have to say what my Father says.
And for everyone's 411, zionism as the world has received it, as the kings of the earth have reclined in, is not ZION!
ZION IS NOT BUILT ON BLOOD! Like this fake Christianity being thumped by Judaizers their "zionism " too is a father of lies spawn! The Prophets say so! If you reject the prophets you reject God who sent them. He says in Micah 3:
9Now hear this, O leaders of the house of Jacob

and rulers of the house of Israel,

who despise justice

and pervert all that is right,

10who build Zion with bloodshed

and Jerusalem with iniquity.

11Her leaders judge for a bribe,

her priests teach for a price,

and her prophets practice divination for money. (Kabbalah)

Yet they lean upon the LORD, saying,

“Is not the LORD among us?

No disaster can come upon us.”

12Therefore, because of you,

Zion will be plowed like a field,

Jerusalem will become a heap of rubble,

and the temple mount a wooded ridge. ( Verse 12 points to a twofold event, which means it happened during the destruction of the temple in 70 AD and the destruction of Jerusalem. No temple this time but a destruction again will come to Jerusalem and the world in the grasp of false zionism (Mystery Babylon) because of the loathing the synagogue of satan has for God. They think God is for them, they are going to find out, NOT!). The wrath of the Lamb is coming sooner than many think. God does not hold off His judgments, He is simply long suffering that not one of His should perish in His fury. Some yet to be born will have their Damascus moment. However, along with the synagogue of satan, even those who think they're Christian but have sold out Christ for modern Pharisees/Rabbis and are simply Judas' they are going to be no more too.
Even Gentiles who are faithful, are spiritual Jews.
Can you show me where I can find that concept in Scripture?
What is meant by a 'spiritual Jew' anyways?
What's wrong with being a spiritual Gentile?