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You for instance go right into the temptation with satan to corrupt truth. Everyday you make it a practice of disenfranchising those called of Gentile nations to be Christian. Everyday, you make it a practice of putting scripture against scripture as though the scriptures could implode. You assert that Christ had a sin nature when scripture is clear He is the only one who had no sin.

Taking sin upon your flesh and actually sinning are two different things. Being tempted of satan and not one's own flesh is too a different thing. Temptation is all around in this world. You see this everyday. Women dressed in sultry attire, people with a lot of cash and they throw themselves at you in hopes to lure you. Men of ill repute in the form of politicians tell you they have all the answers and you follow them. Though their folly be apparent people couple up with them. Hence, the spiritual harlotry Rev. 17-18.

Christ was not tempted of His own flesh because He has no sin. He was as scripture states "tempted of the devil". You know that sin of the flesh temptation, everyone does- that thorn, Paul spoke of? It comes in many forms, sexual urges- you may act upon privately, that worldly magizines and psychologists say is ok and even encourage for personal gratification of oneself when those urges arise. The temptation to hate people ( like Gentiles and even for others to hate Jews, looking with lust at a man or woman...etc...... Point is Christ had no such urges. He did however understand them, felt the gravity of them because He was taking sin unto Himself from the moment of His Incarnation. Never, never did He even have a sinful desire. He became as sin for us ( AS) being the operative word. Meaning -the punishment for sin He took (AS) though He were a sinner. Like the lambs of sacrifice and the scape goat put outside of the city by the Jews ritually for atonement, He is the final sacrifice once and for all. He was carrying sin away to the cross all His life.

So,let us not only thank God for the sacrifice the Messiah made, but let us also rejoice in the life He lived. For He showed us how to overcome. By the Words of Life we defeat our advesary and vanquish his fiery darts aimed at us. Those fiery darts are temptation always. They can provoke us to wrath, hate, lust ....etc.....That is temptation.

Greater than that, we learn that Christ was tempted at His weakest moments in the account of Christ being lead into that desert. Hence, what His fasting in desolation of the desert represents. We must obstain from worldly desires.There is a significance to that example. We will all enter into a valley of the shadow of death to various degrees. The fullest degree has already begun and will expand to a greater global tribulation. We will all experience a desert = the lack of faith in the world- the Holy Spirit being only present in the followers of Christ. We may experience hunger, and satan may give us suggestions as to how we may eat, that could be " show us a sign", like we are some road side spectacle or circus act here to give something to swine. We may be asked (at our weakest physical point) to bow down and pay satan homage in order to take part in the kingdoms of the world with all their plenty to eat. We may even be told to throw ourselves off mountains- (kill ourselves) in order to find relief. That is the testimony of Christ in the wilderness- barren waste land of no hope.

When we as Christians enter there He shows us what we must say in response to satan's temptations, who we must rely on.Who will come out on the other side? " These are those who made white their garments through tribulation", this is what is called the renewal of the mind.

That garment that needs to be made white is the mind. That happens through fighting the devil's temptations thrown at you. Knowledge is power! Don't perish- " My people perish for lack of knowledge ". You fight satan through your neurons - firing off knowledge at him.

Without that wrestling you cannot be called Israel! Jacob wrestling with an angel is to show us that our advesary is an angel- a fallen one who is clever and knowledgeable than most men. However, not wiser than the elect. Israel means God Pravails. The greater the faith the brighter the mind and the firing of the neurons.For greater is He who is within you than he who is in the world. Get behind me satan!
You definitely misunderstand that the Scripture from Genesis to Revelation is a Jewish book, and that God has made no covenant with Gentiles, but God is saving Gentiles without Covenant.
You should be grateful if you are saved but there is no covenant in the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets of God EVER making Covenant with Gentiles.
I accept Scripture as written. I don't add to the Bible, nor do I subtract from the Bible, nor do I change words in the Bible or omit words from the Bible NOR am I disobedient to the Bible.
That's the ONLY kind there is in existence.
If one's Christianity is not Biblical, then it is NOT Christianity.

I accept what Peter and Jude said about the angels that sinned, that they are ALL locked up awaiting judgment. You reject this word and believe Lucifer, or Satan, or Devil are loose on the planet doing whatever they can to upset God's will on the planet. I don't. Locked up means locked up.
There is NO experience within Israel's history of devils and demons and Satan the way the Gentile Church has through the centuries have developed this false doctrine of "the devil made me do it" and Satan this and Satan that, and if there is no precedent in the Old Testament then there is no New Testament reality. Devil is sometimes an adjective. How can you change it into a noun and pronoun. Satan has been used of human adversaries. Christ called Peter the person Satan. See the inconsistencies. Show me in the Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis 17 and the Mosaic Covenant in Exodus and the New Covenant in Jeremiah God making, adding, joining, including Gentiles in these covenants IF YOU CAN. And if there is NONE, why do you and other Gentile Christians bend over backwards and do amazing and stupendous gymnastics to make yourself and Gentiles a part of the Jewish Covenant which included the House of Israel and the House of Judah ONLY.
God made no Covenant with Gentiles. And that is the truth of the matter.
Show me in Jeremiah 31:31-34 Gentiles in this covenant.
Go ahead. Show me the money. Show me the Scripture.

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews [through the Abrahamic Covenant], and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Rev. 2:8–9.
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You definitely misunderstand that the Scripture from Genesis to Revelation is a Jewish book, and that God has made no covenant with Gentiles, but God is saving Gentiles without Covenant.
You should be grateful if you are saved but there is no covenant in the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets of God EVER making Covenant with Gentiles.
I accept Scripture as written. I don't add to the Bible, nor do I subtract from the Bible, nor do I change words in the Bible or omit words from the Bible NOR am I disobedient to the Bible.
That's the ONLY kind there is in existence.
If one's Christianity is not Biblical, then it is NOT Christianity.

I accept what Peter and Jude said about the angels that sinned, that they are ALL locked up awaiting judgment. You reject this word and believe Lucifer, or Satan, or Devil are loose on the planet doing whatever they can to upset God's will on the planet. I don't. Locked up means locked up.
There is NO experience within Israel's history of devils and demons and Satan the way the Gentile Church has through the centuries have developed this false doctrine of "the devil made me do it" and Satan this and Satan that, and if there is no precedent in the Old Testament then there is no New Testament reality. Devil is sometimes an adjective. How can you change it into a noun and pronoun. Satan has been used of human adversaries. Christ called Peter the person Satan. See the inconsistencies. Show me in the Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis 17 and the Mosaic Covenant in Exodus and the New Covenant in Jeremiah God making, adding, joining, including Gentiles in these covenants IF YOU CAN. And if there is NONE, why do you and other Gentile Christians bend over backwards and do amazing and stupendous gymnastics to make yourself and Gentiles a part of the Jewish Covenant which included the House of Israel and the House of Judah ONLY.
God made no Covenant with Gentiles. And that is the truth of the matter.
Show me in Jeremiah 31:31-34 Gentiles in this covenant.
Go ahead. Show me the money. Show me the Scripture.

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews [through the Abrahamic Covenant], and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Rev. 2:8–9.
First He came for His own then for all the rest. He had to first come to those whom His covenant was established with. That makes sense. No reason for Him to say" but first this gospel must be preached into the whole world" and now at it's end, here you come saying it never even began. " Go, make disciples of ALL NATIONS baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to OBEY all that you have been taught". This isn't complicated, you may complicate things, but Christ is pretty clear. All teaching, correcting and judgements come first to the Jew and then the Gentile. Grafting in does not make two different root systems any horticulturalists can understand that. Yet people who claim some kind of teaching ability cannot understand what is elementary in understanding Romans 11. One who grows plants, trees gets the grafting in thingy , yet you read the plain text and it goes right over your head. The Gentile are a wild olive branch grafted into a cultivated olive tree and original root. I am not denying the order. I do however, reject your unbiblical assertion that what goes for the Jew doesn't apply to the Gentile. Their Messiah ( who already came) is the Gentile's Messiah as well, for there is one God who created all.
First He came for His own then for all the rest. He had to first come to those whom His covenant was established with. That makes sense. No reason for Him to say" but first this gospel must be preached into the whole world" and now at it's end, here you come saying it never even began. " Go, make disciples of ALL NATIONS baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to OBEY all that you have been taught". This isn't complicated, you may complicate things, but Christ is pretty clear. All teaching, correcting and judgements come first to the Jew and then the Gentile. Grafting in does not make two different root systems any horticulturalists can understand that. Yet people who claim some kind of teaching ability cannot understand what is elementary in understanding Romans 11. One who grows plants, trees gets the grafting in thingy , yet you read the plain text and it goes right over your head. The Gentile are a wild olive branch grafted into a cultivated olive tree and original root. I am not denying the order. I do however, reject your unbiblical assertion that what goes for the Jew doesn't apply to the Gentile. Their Messiah ( who already came) is the Gentile's Messiah as well, for there is one God who created all.
Now fully understand who is and is not a Jew. Christ and John distinguishes. Jew comes from the name Judah which mean " In Praise of God". So, Christ came first to His own- those whom He established a covenant with and are in Praise of God. No other nation, culture, peoples outside of this covenant had the one true God revealed to them. He made a people to know Him not the other way around.

Scripture says: " Though your numbers be that of the grains of sand....number of stars you see, only a remnant of Jacob will be saved". That has been the case from the onset of Christianity to now. When it says " all of Israel will be saved" it means all in whom God pravails will be saved.

That house includes those who are grafted in because all are nourished by the same root which makes all holy- Romans 11.

There are the brood of vipers who will not accept the Messiah and both Christ and John the Baptist address them as not being needed. For from stones God can raise up children unto Abraham, so they should not think to say " we have Abraham as our father", that loin thingy simply does not count. FAITH in Christ in whom Abraham rejoiced in seeing His day , does.

So, keep going on about loin this and loin that, Christ said it means nothing, it is by faith in Christ that a man be justified.Only a remnant of Jacob is saved. For today we enter the remaining last 144,000 of our time of Jews who will be saved as first fruits Rev.7. This is the end of the age of the OC and the completion of firstfruits- elect out of Jew and Gentile. Out of Gentile too there is 144,000 Rev.14. The House is full of firstfruits with them, they will be part of the first resurrection.

Firstfruits are elect, predestined- those God reserved for Himself as teachers. They have sinned, but are redeemed, but they are predestined by God before their birth. They find out at some point in their life's journey.

For if God did not have some He would have none. All would be lost. That is what is meant by " elect predestined" and does not mean they are the only saved that simply means they are the only firstfruits. Second fruits come of them. And one does not know he or she is predestined elect until you are given the Key of David. And trust me, God will not leave you ignorant to that fact.
First, the word "devil" is an adjective, and you can't make an adjective into a noun or pronoun. That's bad grammar.
Second, the word "devil" being an adjective simply means "traducer" and a traducer" means "false accuser" or "liar," or someone who impugns the character of another."
Is devil a noun or adjective?

Noun~ She is a tricky devil, so be careful. Those kids can be little devils sometimes. He's such a lucky devil that he'll probably win the lottery someday.

You need to go back to sand box and start all over again.

Blow the trumpet again, I'm coming back in the morning just got in.
Is devil a noun or adjective?

Noun~ She is a tricky devil, so be careful. Those kids can be little devils sometimes. He's such a lucky devil that he'll probably win the lottery someday.

You need to go back to sand box and start all over again.

Blow the trumpet again, I'm coming back in the morning just got in.
"Devil" is adjective in Matt. 4:1 and when Jesus called Judas a "devil" in John 6:70-71.

I have a whistle!
Tweet! Tweet!
Do not pass "GO!" and do not collect $200.
You definitely misunderstand that the Scripture from Genesis to Revelation is a Jewish book, and that God has made no covenant with Gentiles, but God is saving Gentiles without Covenant.
Jeremiah, you at times say some good things, but sad to say, many other times, you show your lack of bible knowledge.

I'm reading now to get caught up, but have to leave to make short trip to serve others, I'll be back later to address some of you post. But. for now.............

Scriptures were indeed given to the Jewish nation, but were truly only for the very elect among them. The all of the scriptures are given to the very elect, be they Jews or Gentiles. The new covenant is for all of God's elect and written to them both old and new testaments. Most of NT scriptures is nothing more than revealing the hidden mysteries of the OT to them! Romans 16; Ephesians 3, Colossians 1 etc.

Paul did not say "my" fathers, bur our fathers...The saints in the OT saints are our fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers under the same covenant of grace, or the everlasting covenant concerning God's oath and promises to the very elect.
"Devil" is adjective in Matt. 4:1 and when Jesus called Judas a "devil" in John 6:70-71.

I have a whistle!
Tweet! Tweet!
Do not pass "GO!" and do not collect $200.
The word "Devil" is typically prefaced by "The" in English because it is a proper noun, referring to a specific entity.

I see now why you try to make devil an adjective, since you do not believe in a specific entity called the the Devil!

Jeremiah, you at times say some good things, but sad to say, many other times, you show your lack of bible knowledge.
I'm reading now to get caught up, but have to leave to make short trip to serve others, I'll be back later to address some of you post. But. for now.............
What are you? A servant, or a servant's servant?
C'mon, out with it!
Scriptures were indeed given to the Jewish nation, but were truly only for the very elect among them.
Israel is the LORD'S Elect.

22 They shall not build, and another inhabit;
sThey shall not plant, and another eat:
For as the days of a tree are the days of my people,
And mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.
Is 65:22.

Israel is God's chosen before the foundation of the world.
In many places also in the New Covenant Scriptures the writers refer to Israel as God's elect, that is, if you understand that the New Covenant Scriptures were written to the Israel of God who became saved by the Holy Spirit of Promise. And promised to Israel through the prophets of Israel.

15 For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day.
16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;
17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: Acts 2:15–17.

14 But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea (southern kingdom), and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, Acts 2:14.

22 Ye men of Israel [northern kingdom], hear these words; Acts 2:22.

38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
Acts 2:38–39.
The all of the scriptures are given to the very elect, be they Jews or Gentiles. The new covenant is for all of God's elect and written to them both old and new testaments. Most of NT scriptures is nothing more than revealing the hidden mysteries of the OT to them! Romans 16; Ephesians 3, Colossians 1 etc.
Messiah was Promised to Israel:
15 The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken; Dt 18:15.

Messiah came to Israel:
31 And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water. Jn 1:31.

Jesus declared to whom He was sent, and it wasn't to Gentiles:
24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Mt 15:24.

Jesus sends His message that their Messiah had come to the twelve tribes:
5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:
6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Mt 10:5–6.

Jesus sends His disciples to the twelve tribes living in Gentile lands with a message Messiah had come and that God has kept His Promise to the lost sheep of the House of Israel:
8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8.

God made no covenant with Gentiles and therefore owed them nothing. Approximately ten days after Jesus ascended, He began to build His Church, a Church populated with Jewish Christians:
41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. Acts 2:41.

That's a lot of Jews.
Paul did not say "my" fathers, bur our fathers...The saints in the OT saints are our fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers under the same covenant of grace, or the everlasting covenant concerning God's oath and promises to the very elect.
Yes, he was writing to Jewish Christians.
The word "Devil" is typically prefaced by "The" in English because it is a proper noun, referring to a specific entity.

I see now why you try to make devil an adjective, since you do not believe in a specific entity called the the Devil!

No, sir.
It is the same as in Hebrew where it is written as "ho Satan" or "the Satan" meaning adversary.
And "ho Satan" is used to describe men.

23 And God stirred him up another [Satan] adversary, Rezon the son of Eliadah, which fled from his lord Hadadezer king of Zobah:
24 And he gathered men unto him, and became captain over a band, when David slew them of Zobah: and they went to Damascus, and dwelt therein, and reigned in Damascus.
25 And he was an [Satan] adversary to Israel all the days of Solomon, beside the mischief that Hadad did: and he abhorred Israel, and reigned over Syria. 1 Kings 11:23–25.

Jesus called Peter (the person) "Satan." Besides this, the angels that sinned are all locked up awaiting judgment. So, every theology and belief-system in the Gentile Church needs to be revised and rightly divided.

4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; 2 Peter 2:4.
No, sir.
It is the same as in Hebrew where it is written as "ho Satan" or "the Satan" meaning adversary.
And "ho Satan" is used to describe men.

23 And God stirred him up another [Satan] adversary, Rezon the son of Eliadah, which fled from his lord Hadadezer king of Zobah:
24 And he gathered men unto him, and became captain over a band, when David slew them of Zobah: and they went to Damascus, and dwelt therein, and reigned in Damascus.
25 And he was an [Satan] adversary to Israel all the days of Solomon, beside the mischief that Hadad did: and he abhorred Israel, and reigned over Syria. 1 Kings 11:23–25.

Jesus called Peter (the person) "Satan." Besides this, the angels that sinned are all locked up awaiting judgment. So, every theology and belief-system in the Gentile Church needs to be revised and rightly divided.

4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; 2 Peter 2:4.
No to your 'ho' thing. You shuffle up the scriptures like one would a deck of cards and just delve them out with no rhyme or reason. Romans 11 is clear. No one needs your reinventing of words and misuse of meaning. It's no one's fault but your own if you don't know when the adversary is satan himself or him via a person.

Christ is showing how satan can influence men's thoughts. That is why it is also written; " We battle not flesh and blood, but principalities and thrones, powers evil in high places". Yes men are the vessels by which The Adversary- satan does battle through.

That is why God said to Cain: " Why are you downcast, if you do what is right, will you not be accepted? Sin crouches at the door, its desire is for you, but you must master it"- mind over matter, it's a God thing.

St. Peter was still going through his refinement process. Satan could still influence his thoughts as he does most men and most men haven't even entered into refinement because they reject Truth.

Our battle is against the world -in satan's grasp; hence, St. Peter calls him the god of this world, the flesh -hence, the thorn St. Paul struggled with and Cain was told to master, and the devil himself (who caused all of the above).

So yes, satan is the worldly influences, the fleshly desires we struggle with and directly or indirectly is The Adversary- always. Satan is crafty and twists scripture to fit a narrative of his own for the maligning of truth and the corruption of souls.

Again, Romans 11 is clear, it cannot be twisted. The Gentiles partake in the nourishing root by way of being grafted in. As long as people of the grafted in branches remain in God's kindness by not boasting over the original branches and root by teaching false doctrines and/or replacement theology, they will not be cut off.

However, all fruitless branches will be cut off as this age ends and the Day of the Lord begins. Of which Isaiah prophesied " My people's Day shall be that of a tree". That Day of the Lord will be to His second coming, it concludes with His second coming. The Day of the Lord is a period of time granted to all who are called God's people- Israel. Psalm 46 addresses this war in Israel we are now experiencing. Obadiah prophesied it, blaming Teman which is also interpreted as Benjamin in etymology the name Benjamin derives and/or is associated with the name Teman. Jacob's suspicions are correct and Benjamin Net and crew will reap what they have sowed and plotted against Jacob.

The Edomites will be destroyed out of the land ( yes Benjamin Net is an Edomite as are all in the Knesset) they are not Jews according to the promise preserved in the 12 Tribes of Jacob - Israel. Unfortunately the Edomites have also influenced many of the 12 Tribes since Christ's time. As with then, to today, only a remnant will be saved.

The Edomites, of which some have a Nephilim marker due to Esau marrying of Hititite women have always been the source of stoking hostilities against Christ. That is why both Christ and John called them a "brood of vipers". They are the violent among Daniel's people- Book of Daniel. They created and brought in a false zionism, an unbiblical form, which is an unholy zenith - meaning they are at the pinnacle of power given to them by satan, to all nations.

Their ruin will bring in Rev.14 and those who truly stand at the Zenith ( which Zion means) with the Lord. It will be the holiest time on earth before the final battle of Armegeddon and return of Christ with the last trumpet and shout of archangel Michael.

The war we are and have been experiencing which includes the Covid-19 war waged by " zionist" governments across the globe against their own citizens is growing to its pinnacle now. Depo shots given in trying to realize their "vision" and conventional war to deflect from blame brings nothing but desolation. They will get many to blame the king of the south( Xi- China) for the virus and also this present war which will drag the world deeper into chaos.

Just when it seems all is at the brink of total destruction the Lord is going to give answer and the worldly won't like it. Denominations, done! Worldly governments- many , many will die, some nations will be completely annihilated, survivors will be taught by the predestined elect. " My people will dwell in the desolate places, my people will rebuild".

The elites who did not die will be held up in their underground bunkers, their underground cities they will not live past 100 they are a curse. They willliterally live and function in the earth. The Elect will have good health and very long lives. It is the reverse of the curse. They will be snatched up at the last trumpet during the final battle. Those in the earth have a Nephilim marker and serve satan. The Elect's final battle is with satan and Nephilim.

During this period (The Day of a Tree) there will be no more Lukewarm upon the earth only hot and the cold- the son's of darkness, will be in the earth . Hence, Rev. 13 Beast out of the earth.

For the Elect-"This generation shall not pass away until they see all these things" " I tell you a mystery not all of us shall sleep, but shall be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye and caught up to the Lord with His angels"

For the catholic in here THE REAL Sr. Lucia spoke of a time when there would be no more Lukewarm people. The word of the Lord, thanks be to God.
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No to your 'ho' thing. You shuffle up the scriptures like one would a deck of cards and just delve them out with no rhyme or reason. Romans 11 is clear. No one needs your reinventing of words and misuse of meaning. It's no one's fault but your own if you don't know when the adversary is satan himself or him via a person.
You're fighting an imaginary adversary [satan].

4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; 2 Peter 2:4.

Seems the difference between you and is that I believe and accept the Word of God as written.
The angels that sinned are locked up. You're shadowboxing with yourself.
Christ is showing how satan can influence men's thoughts. That is why it is also written; " We battle not flesh and blood, but principalities and thrones, powers evil in high places". Yes men are the vessels by which The Adversary- satan does battle through.
Christ is showing how the adversary (anything that opposes God) is the problem.
Finish the verse. It says "OF THIS WORLD" and angels that are locked up are NOT of this world.
That is why God said to Cain: " Why are you downcast, if you do what is right, will you not be accepted? Sin crouches at the door, its desire is for you, but you must master it"- mind over matter, it's a God thing.
Talk about shuffling the deck. You go from Satan (who is locked up) to Cain. One has nothing to do with the other. There is no "the devil made me do it." Everyone dies for their own sin.
St. Peter was still going through his refinement process. Satan could still influence his thoughts as he does most men and most men haven't even entered into refinement because they reject Truth.
St. jeremiah1five disagrees with you. The angels that sinned are locked up.
Our battle is against the world -in satan's grasp; hence, St. Peter calls him the god of this world, the flesh -hence, the thorn St. Paul struggled with and Cain was told to master, and the devil himself (who caused all of the above).
Man is the god of this world.
So yes, satan is the worldly influences, the fleshly desires we struggle with and directly or indirectly is The Adversary- always. Satan is crafty and twists scripture to fit a narrative of his own for the maligning of truth and the corruption of souls.
Shuffling the deck. From Satan to [our] fleshly desires. Make up your mind.
Again, Romans 11 is clear, it cannot be twisted. The Gentiles partake in the nourishing root by way of being grafted in. As long as people of the grafted in branches remain in God's kindness by not boasting over the original branches and root by teaching false doctrines and/or replacement theology, they will not be cut off.
Show me in the Law the Psalms, and the Prophets God making covenant with Gentiles. Second time asking. Why don't you answer.
And the New Covenant writings of Saul discussing the Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenant is NOT a covenant. He's merely discussing Messiah's effect upon the Judaic covenants, NOT making a covenant.
However, all fruitless branches will be cut off as this age ends and the Day of the Lord begins. Of which Isaiah prophesied " My people's Day shall be that of a tree". That Day of the Lord will be to His second coming, it concludes with His second coming. The Day of the Lord is a period of time granted to all who are called God's people- Israel. Psalm 46 addresses this war in Israel we are now experiencing. Obadiah prophesied it, blaming Teman which is also interpreted as Benjamin in etymology the name Benjamin derives and/or is associated with the name Teman. Jacob's suspicions are correct and Benjamin Net and crew will reap what they have sowed and plotted against Jacob.

The Edomites will be destroyed out of the land ( yes Benjamin Net is an Edomite as are all in the Knesset) they are not Jews according to the promise preserved in the 12 Tribes of Jacob - Israel. Unfortunately the Edomites have also influenced many of the 12 Tribes since Christ's time. As with then, to today, only a remnant will be saved.
Where do you get this stuff? Shuffling the deck.
But what is it really are you dealing? Hmm?
The Edomites, of which some have a Nephilim marker due to Esau marrying of Hititite women have always been the source of stoking hostilities against Christ. That is why both Christ and John called them a "brood of vipers". They are the violent among Daniel's people- Book of Daniel. They created and brought in a false zionism, an unbiblical form, which is an unholy zenith - meaning they are at the pinnacle of power given to them by satan, to all nations.
All over the map. Stay on subject.

When is a Jew Not a Jew?

9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan Rev. 2:9.

When Gentiles try to say they are the seed of Abraham. Ahem. Not even Abraham was Jew.
Their ruin will bring in Rev.14 and those who truly stand at the Zenith ( which Zion means) with the Lord. It will be the holiest time on earth before the final battle of Armegeddon and return of Christ with the last trumpet and shout of archangel Michael.
Textbook theology. Don't you have any original thoughts yourself, or are you just going to regurgitate what you read in commentaries.
The war we are and have been experiencing which includes the Covid-19 war waged by " zionist" governments across the globe against their own citizens is growing to its pinnacle now. Depo shots given in trying to realize their "vision" and conventional war to deflect from blame brings nothing but desolation. They will get many to blame the king of the south( Xi- China) for the virus and also this present war which will drag the world deeper into chaos.
It's hypocrisy to say "I love Jesus" whom you can't see, and then hate the Jews from whom Christ is born whom you can see.
Just when it seems all is at the brink of total destruction the Lord is going to give answer and the worldly won't like it. Denominations, done! Worldly governments- many , many will die, some nations will be completely annihilated, survivors will be taught by the predestined elect. " My people will dwell in the desolate places, my people will rebuild".
Wait until the two Jewish witnesses arrive. They'll put Gentiles in their place about trying to steal Israel's covenants. Then the hate against Jews will REALLY begin!
The elites who did not die will be held up in their underground bunkers, their underground cities they will not live past 100 they are a curse. They willliterally live and function in the earth. The Elect will have good health and very long lives. It is the reverse of the curse. They will be snatched up at the last trumpet during the final battle. Those in the earth have a Nephilim marker and serve satan. The Elect's final battle is with satan and Nephilim.
During this period (The Day of a Tree) there will be no more Lukewarm upon the earth only hot and the cold- the son's of darkness, will be in the earth . Hence, Rev. 13 Beast out of the earth.
For the Elect-"This generation shall not pass away until they see all these things" " I tell you a mystery not all of us shall sleep, but shall be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye and caught up to the Lord with His angels"
For the catholic in here THE REAL Sr. Lucia spoke of a time when there would be no more Lukewarm people. The word of the Lord, thanks be to God.
So, you're Catholic. That explains a great deal.
Speaking of deal...shuffling the deck!
You're fighting an imaginary adversary [satan].

4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; 2 Peter 2:4.

Seems the difference between you and is that I believe and accept the Word of God as written.
The angels that sinned are locked up. You're shadowboxing with yourself.

Christ is showing how the adversary (anything that opposes God) is the problem.
Finish the verse. It says "OF THIS WORLD" and angels that are locked up are NOT of this world.

Talk about shuffling the deck. You go from Satan (who is locked up) to Cain. One has nothing to do with the other. There is no "the devil made me do it." Everyone dies for their own sin.

St. jeremiah1five disagrees with you. The angels that sinned are locked up.

Man is the god of this world.

Shuffling the deck. From Satan to [our] fleshly desires. Make up your mind.

Show me in the Law the Psalms, and the Prophets God making covenant with Gentiles. Second time asking. Why don't you answer.
And the New Covenant writings of Saul discussing the Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenant is NOT a covenant. He's merely discussing Messiah's effect upon the Judaic covenants, NOT making a covenant.

Where do you get this stuff? Shuffling the deck.
But what is it really are you dealing? Hmm?

All over the map. Stay on subject.

When is a Jew Not a Jew?

9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan Rev. 2:9.

When Gentiles try to say they are the seed of Abraham. Ahem. Not even Abraham was Jew.

Textbook theology. Don't you have any original thoughts yourself, or are you just going to regurgitate what you read in commentaries.

It's hypocrisy to say "I love Jesus" whom you can't see, and then hate the Jews from whom Christ is born whom you can see.

Wait until the two Jewish witnesses arrive. They'll put Gentiles in their place about trying to steal Israel's covenants. Then the hate against Jews will REALLY begin!

So, you're Catholic. That explains a great deal.
Speaking of deal...shuffling the deck!
Lol! Look who continues with the hate. Call me what you want, catholics would disagree with you. Romans11, enough said.
I hate no Jew that's the problem for you. I reject the synagogue of satan. As for the prophecy of Obadiah, don't care what you think nor does he because our Father in Heaven doesn't. The remnant gets it, and you simply don't. True Jews always stand against the false. Been like that since the first Christian Jew.
You're fighting an imaginary adversary [satan].

4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; 2 Peter 2:4.

Seems the difference between you and is that I believe and accept the Word of God as written.
The angels that sinned are locked up. You're shadowboxing with yourself.

Christ is showing how the adversary (anything that opposes God) is the problem.
Finish the verse. It says "OF THIS WORLD" and angels that are locked up are NOT of this world.

Talk about shuffling the deck. You go from Satan (who is locked up) to Cain. One has nothing to do with the other. There is no "the devil made me do it." Everyone dies for their own sin.

St. jeremiah1five disagrees with you. The angels that sinned are locked up.

Man is the god of this world.

Shuffling the deck. From Satan to [our] fleshly desires. Make up your mind.

Show me in the Law the Psalms, and the Prophets God making covenant with Gentiles. Second time asking. Why don't you answer.
And the New Covenant writings of Saul discussing the Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenant is NOT a covenant. He's merely discussing Messiah's effect upon the Judaic covenants, NOT making a covenant.

Where do you get this stuff? Shuffling the deck.
But what is it really are you dealing? Hmm?

All over the map. Stay on subject.

When is a Jew Not a Jew?

9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan Rev. 2:9.

When Gentiles try to say they are the seed of Abraham. Ahem. Not even Abraham was Jew.

Textbook theology. Don't you have any original thoughts yourself, or are you just going to regurgitate what you read in commentaries.

It's hypocrisy to say "I love Jesus" whom you can't see, and then hate the Jews from whom Christ is born whom you can see.

Wait until the two Jewish witnesses arrive. They'll put Gentiles in their place about trying to steal Israel's covenants. Then the hate against Jews will REALLY begin!

So, you're Catholic. That explains a great deal.
Speaking of deal...shuffling the deck!
As for imaginary satan, I'm fighting satan in you, no imagining about it. There is no way to deny your attempts at discrediting Christ (a Jew by way of His mother) all while denying Romans 11 and the twisting of all scripture. Do you really think you are for real?

The minute the fake Jews are confronted by Yeshua and His own, all you hear is antisemitism this and antisemitism that. Yeshua is a JEW He leads the charge, like what dude??? The only anti-semite in this conversation is YOU!

You come at the King of the Jews and His, as though you have some clout. You're worse than the blacks with the chip on their shoulders. Christ, His prophets and apostles are always attacked by the likes of self appointed, self righteous so called "jews" they have always killed and persecuted the prophets WHO ARE JEWS!!! HELLO!

It is as I said, True Jews, the righteous elect predestined of Jacob are persecuted by the disobedient. You are an anti-semite an anti-Christ! You go on about being a self proclaimed, self taught "teacher" ( which is evident) who is correcting linguistics of all bibles, peoples languages Greek, Latin and Hebrew and you can't even read the plain simple text of English. You can't even speak Greek, Latin or Hebrew, yet here you are, a self appointed somebody who speaks of the Jewish Lord over all as if He is a nobody.

You go around calling people names and labeling them things you are, to shut down arguments against you. You're a coward and that is why you do that. Add that to liar and slanderer and deceiver because you're not even a Jew but a pet of some Messianic rabbi who isn't even real himself. Who are you kidding!
As for imaginary satan, I'm fighting satan in you, no imagining about it. There is no way to deny your attempts at discrediting Christ (a Jew by way of His mother) all while denying Romans 11 and the twisting of all scripture. Do you really think you are for real?

The minute the fake Jews are confronted by Yeshua and His own, all you hear is antisemitism this and antisemitism that. Yeshua is a JEW He leads the charge, like what dude??? The only anti-semite in this conversation is YOU!

You come at the King of the Jews and His, as though you have some clout. You're worse than the blacks with the chip on their shoulders. Christ, His prophets and apostles are always attacked by the likes of self appointed, self righteous so called "jews" they have always killed and persecuted the prophets WHO ARE JEWS!!! HELLO!

It is as I said, True Jews, the righteous elect predestined of Jacob are persecuted by the disobedient. You are an anti-semite an anti-Christ! You go on about being a self proclaimed, self taught "teacher" ( which is evident) who is correcting linguistics of all bibles, peoples languages Greek, Latin and Hebrew and you can't even read the plain simple text of English. You can't even speak Greek, Latin or Hebrew, yet here you are, a self appointed somebody who speaks of the Jewish Lord over all as if He is a nobody.

You go around calling people names and labeling them things you are, to shut down arguments against you. You're a coward and that is why you do that. Add that to liar and slanderer and deceiver because you're not even a Jew but a pet of some Messianic rabbi who isn't even real himself. Who are you kidding!
There is no satan in me.
He's locked up awaiting judgment as Peter and Jude and Isaiah said.
There is no satan in me.
He's locked up awaiting judgment as Peter and Jude and Isaiah said.
Yeah you're putting the cart before the horse. You call me catholic, you have more in common with Jorge Bergoglio than I ever will. He says there's no hell. People who are evil will simply just disappear. Poof 💨!You both are living in a fantasy world.
Not cool.
Not cool.
Shut up, Satan! I'm trying to think!
Get back in your prison and await your judgment.
What do you mean I'm unreasonable?
And what do you mean by that?
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...it's..
Jesus Christ!
Come back here! Don't run. I told you. You should've stayed in your prison.
Now you've done it!
Not cool.
Not cool.
Shut up, Satan! I'm trying to think!
Get back in your prison and await your judgment.
What do you mean I'm unreasonable?
And what do you mean by that?
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...it's..
Jesus Christ!
Come back here! Don't run. I told you. You should've stayed in your prison.
Now you've done it!
They have exorcists for this. I'd leave my number but your devil wouldn't let you call if you tried. So, sad.
They have exorcists for this. I'd leave my number but your devil wouldn't let you call if you tried. So, sad.
Yes, leave your number.
Two's boring, three's better.
Saw the Exorcist when I was 12. Scared the crap out of me. But it caused me to read the Bible to try to understand beats and dragons and seven-headed monsters.
Didn't know it then but I was feeding myself spiritual food to one day grow into everlasting life.
BOO! Happy Halloweenie.
And Happy Birthday to the Reformation 10/31/1517.
Yes, leave your number.
Two's boring, three's better.
Saw the Exorcist when I was 12. Scared the crap out of me. But it caused me to read the Bible to try to understand beats and dragons and seven-headed monsters.
Didn't know it then but I was feeding myself spiritual food to one day grow into everlasting life.
BOO! Happy Halloweenie.
And Happy Birthday to the Reformation 10/31/1517.
Yeah, I don't celebrate Halloween and don't have any husbands of the Reformationist.