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What is : Imputed Righteousness

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On repentance for past sin:
Of course, but that is not justification.
No, that is repenting of our sins and trespasses first, to be forgiven, washed, and justified by Christ.

He does so by grace, to pay our dept of death for all our past sinning.

It is by definition only something God can do.
Correct. Only we can repent of our sinning, and only God can forgive us for His Son's sake. We can't forgive our own past sinning, pay our own past debt, nor justify ourselves with God.

We repent for Jesus' sake first, He forgives and justifies us with it.

Let me illustrate more graphically: you're a kid and are before a judge and you took $400 worth of merchandise from a store, and you are in tears (you are terrified) and repentant and really sorry. There is just one problem. You didn't return the $400 and neither did anyone step in and do so for you.
Correct. And when God sees our repentance from past sins for His sake, He freely forgives us for His Son's sake.

The repentance of heart of course is from our sinful deeds, not just really sorry for it, to be forgiven and made free to sin again.

The gift of justification is not your tears, sorry, repentance,
No, justification is not us repenting. It is for repenting for Jesus' sake.

and God expects that but does not justify you for that.
He does if it's for Jesus' sake. Men can repent of many things for many reasons, which are for corruptible crowns in this life. But there is only one cause of repentance, that is incorruptible and honored by the Father: Repenting of all our sins and trespasses for His dear Son's sake.

He justifies you if the $400 is paid back,
This would be salvation and justification for works we have do to pay our own debt.

We don't pay back what we have done by repentance. We are only indebted to now do His will.

and since you can't (no job, no skills), someone else must do so. That amount, paid by someone else, is then credited to you.
If you mean forgiven of all past sinning by washing and regeneration of the blood of the Lamb, then I would call it the pearl of great price.

Rom 3: "so that God is now just (preserves justice) and the justifier (is a merciful person) of the one who believes on Jesus."
And that is only them repenting of sinning. No unrepented sinner is believing on Jesus from the heart unto His righteousness, because no unrighteous doer is given the faith, cleansing, and power of Christ to do His righteousness.

Afterall, the doer of unrighteousness is still not repented from the heart. Changing the mind about sinning is only skin deep. Changing the heart from doing unrighteousness is pure religion of Jesus Christ.

It is interesting to compare what you are doing with another friend (another site) who insisted that God did not need payment.
He doesn't. He only needs our repentance, which doesn't pay for anything done, but only ceases doing it.

Jesus' blood pays for and cleanses the death price for all things done before repentance.

but trying to make the repentance in itself a payment misses the point.
And misses God. Whoever is saying our repentance is paying our price of death by sinning, is basing their justification on paying penance for past sins.

I of course never say such a thing.

And in reality, our "debt" is much higher than $400!
Correct. And it is past debt, not present.

If someone still has the debt of death for sinning, it's not being paid for. The only sins paid for our past sins repented of. That may include all the sins of the world in our past, but only old repented sins are forgiven and washed away.

Forgiveness of Jesus Christ is only for past repented sins. The decieved religion of man teaches their present sinning is also 'already paid for' by inward faith and righteousness alone. (Which James 2 says is dead)

Any soul that is now sinning, is dead to God. The law of sin and death is till with power. It's the law of death for past sinning, that is paid in full by Jesus Christ.
I guess you could call this a correction without acknowledgement.

Little children, let no man deceive you: he that is doing righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.

At least now you don't say doing the righteousness of God is not what we do.

The only thing not done by us through grace, is to forgiven our past sins repented of. What we do with the NT pure heart given us now do His righteousness at all times to sin not.

Now we have justification and righteousness separated from sanctification from unrighteousness. Justified and righteous while not sanctified from doing unrighteousness.

Little children, let no man deceive you: he that is doing righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.

This is a two part truth: God's people do His righteousness, and they are the righteous by doing it.

You appear to draw back from saying we don't do God's righteousness. Now maybe you can draw back from saying we are righteous with doing it.

In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever is doing unrighteousness is not of God.

If we're not sanctified from doing unrighteousness, neither are we righteous nor justified while still doing unrighteousness.

Nor will we inherit the kingdom of God in the end:

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind...

Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which are doing such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Now we have justification and righteousness separated from sanctification
Exactly; separate realities but not separated from necessity. No one can be justified by anything they do. It is a pure gift of God. Eph 2 actually translates as 'not even the faith to believe the Gospel is from yourselves,' so that is about as low as a person can go.
Here is another aspect of impute which is apart from financial or debt, and can help us see it, because the term can also mean 'to regard (someone a certain way)'. "God calls the things that are not as though they were, and gives life to the dead." --Rom 4.

There is a movie called THE PROPOSITION in which the person needed the status of being engaged to keep her job and make a career break. The problem was she was Canadian and just learned that to keep her US job, she needed US status--or to be matrimonially inline to do so. So her US male assistant worked out a plot with her to make a trip to Alaska and write up the interview together as though engaged. She was regarded as US when represented by the US partner.

The believer does not have and cannot have the status God requires for acceptance because it is the standard of Christ himself, who fulfilled all righteousness, Mt 3. But the believer can access that by faith in Christ.

A similar thing happens in the Dickens novel LITTLE DORRIT. When little Amy Dorrit discovers that her brother has been freed from the debtor prison anonymously, she tells her friend William that if she 'knew who had done it, she would go to them immediately and hug them and kiss them and be so thankful to them.' Amy does not realize yet that it was William who paid it off.

The sinful woman of Luke 7 loved much because she had been forgiven much. It is best--we will love more--if we all , consider or regard our sin-debt to be even greater than our known sin. That is Jesus' point to those in Judaism. We will not just repent, we will be redefined. At least that is what Rom 6 says about the person who values justification.
I don't do one sided conversations and just follow along with people talking with themselves. If you're not going to show me the same courtesy I do of responding to your points specifically, then I'll just be moving on.

Otherwise, if you you want to back up and show any point I make is not reasonable from the Bible, I'd be glad to hear it.
One post per topic please. You are difficult to read.

At least now you don't say
I never said we dismiss doing good works. I never said we dismiss repentance. That's you're problem. I'm saying that the term/expression 'righteousness of God' from Psalms and Isaiah, then in Paul, is not what we do. It is an act of God in history: "His own arm came forth and created righteousness." The best statement is Rom 3:21-26 and it is not about a change inside us, but is something can look upon us with, as one praise song says, "I am covered over with / the robe of righteousness that Jesus gives to me." This can appear to be phony, but as you know from a parable in Mt 22, the King rejected people not dressed for the wedding, for coming as they were.
No, that is repenting of our sins and trespasses first, to be forgiven, washed, and justified by Christ.

He does so by grace, to pay our dept of death for all our past sinning.

Correct. Only we can repent of our sinning, and only God can forgive us for His Son's sake. We can't forgive our own past sinning, pay our own past debt, nor justify ourselves with God.

We repent for Jesus' sake first, He forgives and justifies us with it.

Correct. And when God sees our repentance from past sins for His sake, He freely forgives us for His Son's sake.

The repentance of heart of course is from our sinful deeds, not just really sorry for it, to be forgiven and made free to sin again.

No, justification is not us repenting. It is for repenting for Jesus' sake.

He does if it's for Jesus' sake. Men can repent of many things for many reasons, which are for corruptible crowns in this life. But there is only one cause of repentance, that is incorruptible and honored by the Father: Repenting of all our sins and trespasses for His dear Son's sake.

This would be salvation and justification for works we have do to pay our own debt.

We don't pay back what we have done by repentance. We are only indebted to now do His will.

If you mean forgiven of all past sinning by washing and regeneration of the blood of the Lamb, then I would call it the pearl of great price.

And that is only them repenting of sinning. No unrepented sinner is believing on Jesus from the heart unto His righteousness, because no unrighteous doer is given the faith, cleansing, and power of Christ to do His righteousness.

Afterall, the doer of unrighteousness is still not repented from the heart. Changing the mind about sinning is only skin deep. Changing the heart from doing unrighteousness is pure religion of Jesus Christ.

He doesn't. He only needs our repentance, which doesn't pay for anything done, but only ceases doing it.

Jesus' blood pays for and cleanses the death price for all things done before repentance.

And misses God. Whoever is saying our repentance is paying our price of death by sinning, is basing their justification on paying penance for past sins.

I of course never say such a thing.

Correct. And it is past debt, not present.

If someone still has the debt of death for sinning, it's not being paid for. The only sins paid for our past sins repented of. That may include all the sins of the world in our past, but only old repented sins are forgiven and washed away.

Forgiveness of Jesus Christ is only for past repented sins. The decieved religion of man teaches their present sinning is also 'already paid for' by inward faith and righteousness alone. (Which James 2 says is dead)

Any soul that is now sinning, is dead to God. The law of sin and death is till with power. It's the law of death for past sinning, that is paid in full by Jesus Christ.

Do I need to remind you that the Gospel happened first in 33AD? At least I hope you haven't been living that long! Seriously, you are making it all dependent on a human act, and we need to keep the perspective here. God has acted on man's behalf.

I think you want to declare yourself a perfect person and are more passionate about that than the cross of Christ. As I recall from Paul, he said he only boasts in the cross of Christ. I never hear him boasting about his own accomplishments.
I don't do one sided conversations and just follow along with people talking with themselves. If you're not going to show me the same courtesy I do of responding to your points specifically, then I'll just be moving on.

Otherwise, if you you want to back up and show any point I make is not reasonable from the Bible, I'd be glad to hear it.

I have been on the receiving end of your one sided convo; that's why I asked for one post topic at a time.

My previous post about boasting in the cross only is my reasonable point from the Bible about how your human perfectionism sounds.

"The least in the kingdom of God is greater than John" shows us that the right heart, not perfectionism, is what God accepts.
I don't do one sided conversations and just follow along with people talking with themselves. If you're not going to show me the same courtesy I do of responding to your points specifically, then I'll just be moving on.

Otherwise, if you you want to back up and show any point I make is not reasonable from the Bible, I'd be glad to hear it.

I don't think you are able to follow a complete example, which is unfortunate. The Proposition example and those I have made from others shows what the term imputed is about. It is an additional "through Christ" aspect that you are neglecting. I am not neglecting repentance and right actions.
I'm saying that the term/expression 'righteousness of God' from Psalms and Isaiah, then in Paul, is not what we do.
Ok, if you say so. You don't do the righteousness of God.

However, I tried to think you had heeded the verse, and stopped teaching it for doctrine.

Little children, let no man deceive you: he that is doing righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.

Not only is God's righteousness done by His people. But also only us doing His righteousness are His righteous people.

If you're not going to believe the verse, or not going to take the words seriously as stated, then there's nothing more to say from me.

It is an act of God in history: "His own arm came forth and created righteousness." The best statement is Rom 3:21-26 and it is not about a change inside us, but is something can look upon us with, as one praise song says, "I am covered over with / the robe of righteousness that Jesus gives to me."
No man is clothed in the righteousness of God, that is not doing it.

Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility:

No one is clothed with humility, that is not being humble to God and man.

But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

No man while still lusting with the heart and doing works of the flesh, is putting on Christ nor is clothed in His righteousness.

This can appear to be phony, but as you know from a parable in Mt 22, the King rejected people not dressed for the wedding, for coming as they were.
The spiritual clothing Christ sees is the righteous and holy living, that any man can see.
No, that is repenting of our sins and trespasses first, to be forgiven, washed, and justified by Christ.

He does so by grace, to pay our dept of death for all our past sinning.

Correct. Only we can repent of our sinning, and only God can forgive us for His Son's sake. We can't forgive our own past sinning, pay our own past debt, nor justify ourselves with God.

We repent for Jesus' sake first, He forgives and justifies us with it.

Correct. And when God sees our repentance from past sins for His sake, He freely forgives us for His Son's sake.

The repentance of heart of course is from our sinful deeds, not just really sorry for it, to be forgiven and made free to sin again.

No, justification is not us repenting. It is for repenting for Jesus' sake.

He does if it's for Jesus' sake. Men can repent of many things for many reasons, which are for corruptible crowns in this life. But there is only one cause of repentance, that is incorruptible and honored by the Father: Repenting of all our sins and trespasses for His dear Son's sake.

This would be salvation and justification for works we have do to pay our own debt.

We don't pay back what we have done by repentance. We are only indebted to now do His will.

If you mean forgiven of all past sinning by washing and regeneration of the blood of the Lamb, then I would call it the pearl of great price.

And that is only them repenting of sinning. No unrepented sinner is believing on Jesus from the heart unto His righteousness, because no unrighteous doer is given the faith, cleansing, and power of Christ to do His righteousness.

Afterall, the doer of unrighteousness is still not repented from the heart. Changing the mind about sinning is only skin deep. Changing the heart from doing unrighteousness is pure religion of Jesus Christ.

He doesn't. He only needs our repentance, which doesn't pay for anything done, but only ceases doing it.

Jesus' blood pays for and cleanses the death price for all things done before repentance.

And misses God. Whoever is saying our repentance is paying our price of death by sinning, is basing their justification on paying penance for past sins.

I of course never say such a thing.

Correct. And it is past debt, not present.

If someone still has the debt of death for sinning, it's not being paid for. The only sins paid for our past sins repented of. That may include all the sins of the world in our past, but only old repented sins are forgiven and washed away.

Forgiveness of Jesus Christ is only for past repented sins. The decieved religion of man teaches their present sinning is also 'already paid for' by inward faith and righteousness alone. (Which James 2 says is dead)

Any soul that is now sinning, is dead to God. The law of sin and death is till with power. It's the law of death for past sinning, that is paid in full by Jesus Christ.

But the past is all through life. 1 year from now, another chapter of "past" will exist! We need justification through Christ from that. Manna for each day. We do not produce atonement for sin.

On this we do not disagree. Don't assume we disagree; that is of Satan, too.
Ok, if you say so. You don't do the righteousness of God.

However, I tried to think you had heeded the verse, and stopped teaching it for doctrine.

Little children, let no man deceive you: he that is doing righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.

Not only is God's righteousness done by His people. But also only us doing His righteousness are His righteous people.

If you're not going to believe the verse, or not going to take the words seriously as stated, then there's nothing more to say from me.

No man is clothed in the righteousness of God, that is not doing it.

Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility:

No one is clothed with humility, that is not being humble to God and man.

But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

No man while still lusting with the heart and doing works of the flesh, is putting on Christ nor is clothed in His righteousness.

The spiritual clothing Christ sees is the righteous and holy living, that any man can see.

Sorry, you are unable to hold on to two things at once in balance. But they are two separate things.

You know some people say that 'being clothes' is automatically phony. Paul is more realistic and realizes that even the person made alive in Christ (Rom 6) will struggle like Rom 7. and thus needs justification in Christ (God did by sending his son; it does not say 'you did by being perfect) all through life, Rom 8. He is explaining justification later on in Christian life for the past. You are close but Paul is not a perfectionist.
The simplest way to put this is: God does not justify anyone who does not think they need it. That keeps us from 'boasting'! Rom 3:30.
Now we have justification and righteousness separated from sanctification
Exactly; separate realities but not separated from necessity.
I.e. going good is nice and sweet, but not necessary to be saved and justified with God.

No one can be justified by anything they do.
Then no man can be justified with God in His judgment by works we do.

James 2 of course shows no man is justified by their beliefs only, but by works, just as Abraham and Rahab.

God judges us by our works. Our fruits judged the tree we are at the roots. Any belief or doctrine that wants to think otherwise ends in the grave.

The only reason surface religion people want to distance their inner soul from their outer life, is so that they won't be judged by their works. And why not? Well, obviously they have not repented of all their own dead works.

And many of them loudly say so. And some even say it's impossible to do so, because they don't.

It is a pure gift of God.
Which is only given with the pure heart of Christ to them that repent of all past sinning.

The pure gift of God is not given to old unrepented lusting hearts.

Eph 2 actually translates as 'not even the faith to believe the Gospel is from yourselves,' so that is about as low as a person can go.
This is true. The saving and sanctifying faith of Jesus is not from ourselves, but only given us from repenting of our old past selves and sinning.

Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

The unrepented still are such that are, not the repented that such were...
I.e. going good is nice and sweet, but not necessary to be saved and justified with God.

Then no man can be justified with God in His judgment by works we do.

James 2 of course shows no man is justified by their beliefs only, but by works, just as Abraham and Rahab.

God judges us by our works. Our fruits judged the tree we are at the roots. Any belief or doctrine that wants to think otherwise ends in the grave.

The only reason surface religion people want to distance their inner soul from their outer life, is so that they won't be judged by their works. And why not? Well, obviously they have not repented of all their own dead works.

And many of them loudly say so. And some even say it's impossible to do so, because they don't.

Which is only given with the pure heart of Christ to them that repent of all past sinning.

The pure gift of God is not given to old unrepented lusting hearts.

This is true. The saving and sanctifying faith of Jesus is not from ourselves, but only given us from repenting of our old past selves and sinning.

Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

The unrepented still are such that are, not the repented that such were...

James 2 of course shows no man is justified by their beliefs
Right, but the NT says the other 100x more than that; that only what God has done in Christ can justify. 2 Cor 5:30: God made him to be sin, so that we can become the righteousness of God in Him. How much sin did Christ commit? Likewise how much righteousness do we have? That's the answer about justification. It is not about sanctification, which is not the topic of 2 Cor 5.
I.e. going good is nice and sweet, but not necessary to be saved and justified with God.

Then no man can be justified with God in His judgment by works we do.

James 2 of course shows no man is justified by their beliefs only, but by works, just as Abraham and Rahab.

God judges us by our works. Our fruits judged the tree we are at the roots. Any belief or doctrine that wants to think otherwise ends in the grave.

The only reason surface religion people want to distance their inner soul from their outer life, is so that they won't be judged by their works. And why not? Well, obviously they have not repented of all their own dead works.

And many of them loudly say so. And some even say it's impossible to do so, because they don't.

Which is only given with the pure heart of Christ to them that repent of all past sinning.

The pure gift of God is not given to old unrepented lusting hearts.

This is true. The saving and sanctifying faith of Jesus is not from ourselves, but only given us from repenting of our old past selves and sinning.

Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

The unrepented still are such that are, not the repented that such were...

I have no idea what you are saying in your first line about 'going good and sweet'. Please re-read or have someone read before you post.
I have been on the receiving end of your one sided convo; that's why I asked for one post topic at a time.
Show me any response I make that is not point by point, rather than just bypassing it altogether and going on with my own dialogue.

If you want one point per post. That's great. Trying making one point only in the first place. Which means on simple verse and statement. Not paragraphs of many statements.

We can start with this one:

You say God's righteousness is not what we do. The Bible says His righteousness is what we do:

Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.

You're response?
My previous post about boasting in the cross only is my reasonable point from the Bible about how your human perfectionism sounds.
I know, Which is also why I'm not interested in your many words, that do not first show any error in my arguments, no does it even address what I argue. I don't preach human perfectionism.

"The least in the kingdom of God is greater than John" shows us that the right heart, not perfectionism, is what God accepts.
There is no right heart with God, that is not a perfect heart toward God.

Let your heart therefore be perfect with the LORD our God, to walk in his statutes, and to keep his commandments, as at this day.

I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.

Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.

Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

God doesn't accept any unrepented lusting heart of man. Your surface religion of having a good heart, while still doing such unrighteousness things of the unrighteous, is not the pure religion of God by Jesus Christ.

The least in your religion's kingdom may be the most sinful among you, but in the kingdom of God the least and greatest are all with whole hearts toward God and living blamelessly in Christ Jesus.
James 2 of course shows no man is justified by their beliefs
Right, but the NT says the other 100x more than that; that only what God has done in Christ can justify.
I've heard this umpteenth times, but never read it in the Bible.

What God does with us in Christ Jesus, is wash away all sinning, to justify us by works of His righteousness.
2 Cor 5:30: God made him to be sin, so that we can become the righteousness of God in Him. How much sin did Christ commit?
None. He was made to be sinned against unto death of the cross by the will of the Father.

I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting.

That His death might pay the price of death for our past repented sins for His sake, And so be now made His sons doing His righteousness.

The whole surface faith religion of somehow being made 'inwardly' righteous, while doing unrighteousness is a fraud.

Pharisees can be outwardly righteous while inwardly corrupt. But there is no such thing as being outwardly unrighteous and inwardly pure.

Likewise how much righteousness do we have?
All His, if we repent of all our transgressions.

None of His if we repent not, or only in part, and gradually at our leisure.

Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin.

Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
That's the answer about justification. It is not about sanctification, which is not the topic of 2 Cor 5
And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
No washing without sanctification and no sanctification without justification.

God always has a way of exposing any error of man's doctrine. There's always one single verse putting any argument to rest.

The skin deep faith religion of separating works from being justified 'inwardly' is false. What we see is obvious efforts to say otherwise, so that even sanctification and justification must be separated also.

Show me any response I make that is not point by point, rather than just bypassing it altogether and going on with my own dialogue.

If you want one point per post. That's great. Trying making one point only in the first place. Which means on simple verse and statement. Not paragraphs of many statements.

We can start with this one:

You say God's righteousness is not what we do. The Bible says His righteousness is what we do:

Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.

You're response?

I already did. See the post about the term from Psalms, Isaiah and Romans that define the term 'the righteousness of God.' You think the only topic in the Bible is directly about personal holiness. No, it is historical and social and archeological. Get used to it.
I know, Which is also why I'm not interested in your many words, that do not first show any error in my arguments, no does it even address what I argue. I don't preach human perfectionism.

There is no right heart with God, that is not a perfect heart toward God.

Let your heart therefore be perfect with the LORD our God, to walk in his statutes, and to keep his commandments, as at this day.

I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.

Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.

Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

God doesn't accept any unrepented lusting heart of man. Your surface religion of having a good heart, while still doing such unrighteousness things of the unrighteous, is not the pure religion of God by Jesus Christ.

The least in your religion's kingdom may be the most sinful among you, but in the kingdom of God the least and greatest are all with whole hearts toward God and living blamelessly in Christ Jesus.

Throughout church history, people who have said what you do are called perfectionists. They don't have much use for Rom 7.
I know, Which is also why I'm not interested in your many words, that do not first show any error in my arguments, no does it even address what I argue. I don't preach human perfectionism.

There is no right heart with God, that is not a perfect heart toward God.

Let your heart therefore be perfect with the LORD our God, to walk in his statutes, and to keep his commandments, as at this day.

I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.

Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.

Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

God doesn't accept any unrepented lusting heart of man. Your surface religion of having a good heart, while still doing such unrighteousness things of the unrighteous, is not the pure religion of God by Jesus Christ.

The least in your religion's kingdom may be the most sinful among you, but in the kingdom of God the least and greatest are all with whole hearts toward God and living blamelessly in Christ Jesus.

As I said you are a perfectionist and you just proved it 5x. Ideals are not reality. They are the right ideals, but people fail.

The remark about John shows that even a mustard seed of faith is greater than John's level of sanctification.

The kingdom of God in one parable acknowledges that only God decides who is genuine wheat and who is weeds. Not for us to decide, only to 'boast in the cross of Christ.'

I do not have a religion.