This is going to sound redundant. When we are placed into Christ, we are complete in Him and lacking nothing according to Colossians 2:10-14, and other places. At that point positional sanctification is settled. It's a one time act, that we receive what Jesus did for us. What He did for us legally is everything, because we could do nothing to merit anything but judgment. That's positional sanctification.
At that point, to quote Macarthur, we then begin the process of being conformed to what God already reckons us to be in Christ legally. Remember, we are complete in Him and lacking nothing. Being filled with the Holy Spirit simply means to be more under His control, not receiving more of Him. Yielding everything to Him, for Him to work His goodness through us. And that's it, it's His goodness, not ours. It's not us that produces good, it's God. Only God is good. This term "infused grace strongly, and I emphasize, strongly, suggests that the goodness is coming from us. That God just makes it possible for goodness to come from our flesh. Some people are falling for this because, as we have all seen in the past, there are those who will do anything to inject mans ability in the flesh to produce good. Whether God helped him or not.
I'm telling you, there is absolutely no reason for the term "infused grace", or "imparted grace" unless someone is trying to back door a works based salvation. I've seen this tried many different ways and it never stops. Nothing new under the sun. They just keep trying.
I still have not heard an answer as to why we need the term "imparted grace", or "infused grace". Isn't that what we call the filling? If these new terms are just practical sanctification, then why not use the term practical sanctification?
Only God is good. Not one person here can do one good work unless it came from God Himself.