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The elephant named Trinity.~

Except that a "that" cannot be seen, looked upon, handled with our hands. In verse 3 you also make Jesus Christ an "it." What John is talking about just as he was in John 1 when he used the "word" to identify Jesus, is this Word of God, which is God and nothing less, became manifest, in the flesh---and therefore could be seen, looked upon, handled with their (the twelve and Paul are bearing witness of Him) hands.
It's referring to the Logos (Word) as something that was from God and revealed in Jesus. John directly referred to the Word of Life as eternal life that was revealed. Obviously speaking about the words Jesus received from God, the glory Jesus had, the miracles he did, etc. All of it existed in God's plan and foreknowledge. In 1 John 1:1-3 the Word isn't Jesus.
The trinitarian position is that just because Scripture says over and over again only the Father is the true God does not mean there aren't also at least 2 other's if you read between the lines. It's so ridiculous that they take their dogma as the central message of Scripture even though it is completely absent!

The mental gymnastics they invent is hilarious. Various lines of rationalization expand to far more than 3. And our friend @Rella tried yet another back door approach in the side thread on why do we believe other things not in Scripture. Blatant Appeal to Ignorance. And @Ariel pretending we ought to accept a proposition on the grounds that there is no evidence AGAINST it. 1st, that's another illogical Appeal to Ignorance. 2nd, there are mountains of evidence against it.

Some are so petty as to say NOT all the verses that say God is the Father use "alone" or "true" AS IF it is required. Language usage.
  • I have $1 left. (The Bible has only "God the Father" verses which implies this is the only one since it is stated over and over again that there is only one God.)
  • I have only $1 left.
  • I truly have $1 left.
  • I truly have only $1 left.
These sentences say the same EXACT thing. The only difference is emphasis. A fact is a fact even if there are not as many exclamation points after it to satisfy trinitarians who do not want to be satisfied.
There is no way to explain the Trinity biblically.

All they can do is boast that they are the only ones who know the truth their opponents are heretics.

I heard a famous SDA preacher was asked to explain the trinity, the answer was it is a mystery.

How do they put their trust in mystical doctrine is beyond me.
The trinitarian position is that just because Scripture says over and over again only the Father is the true God does not mean there aren't also at least 2 other's if you read between the lines.

WOW.... a heretic by any other name.
It's so ridiculous

Yes you are.
that they take their dogma as the central message of Scripture even though it is completely absent!

As is absent the word Christianity and first and foremost PEOPLE leaving that group of people needing a name. Maybe just call them "Bible Thumpers"? Has a nice ring dont you think? Oh wait. Bible is not there either.... How about Scripture Thumpers.
The mental gymnastics they invent is hilarious. Various lines of rationalization expand to far more than 3. And our friend @Rella tried yet another back door approach in the side thread on why do we believe other things not in Scripture.

Lets talk about...

Satan Was Once Lucifer... instead.

The fall of Satan from heaven has become deeply entrenched in Christian thought, but the origins of the Devil are not found anywhere in the Bible. In fact, Satan is not even used as a proper name in the Old Testament. Instead, the Hebrew ha satan is a title meaning simply “the adversary.” The Devil is not truly named and Hell not really described until the New Testament.
Blatant Appeal to Ignorance. And @Ariel pretending we ought to accept a proposition on the grounds that there is no evidence AGAINST it. 1st, that's another illogical Appeal to Ignorance. 2nd, there are mountains of evidence against it.

Some are so petty as to say NOT all the verses that say God is the Father use "alone" or "true" AS IF it is required. Language usage.
  • I have $1 left. (The Bible has only "God the Father" verses which implies this is the only one since it is stated over and over again that there is only one God.)
  • I have only $1 left.
  • I truly have $1 left.
  • I truly have only $1 left.
These sentences say the same EXACT thing. The only difference is emphasis. A fact is a fact even if there are not as many exclamation points after it to satisfy trinitarians who do not want to be satisfied.
Why do you not understand what you are reading.... You claim Jesus is not God because he never claimed it in the book... right?

It is true that Jesus never said the exact words, “I am God.”
He did, however, make the claim to be God in many different ways, and those who heard Him knew exactly what He was saying. For example, in John 10:30, Jesus said, “I and the Father are one.” The Jews who heard Him make that statement knew well that He was claiming to be God, as witnessed by their reaction: “His Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him” (John 10:31). When He asked them why they were attempting to stone Him, they said, “For blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God” (John 10:33). Stoning was the penalty for blasphemy (Leviticus 24:16), and the Jews plainly accused Jesus of claiming to be God.

Can we say... liar, liar pants on fire??????????????????????????????????????????????????????/
Jesus made another statement claiming to be God when He said, “Very truly I tell you, . . . before Abraham was born, I am!” (John 8:58).
The Jews, upon hearing Him, clearly understood that He was claiming preexistence and, more than that, to be Yahweh, the great “I AM” of Exodus 3:14.
The disciples of Jesus distinctly heard Him declare His deity. After Jesus’ resurrection, Thomas the doubting disciple finally understood Jesus’ deity,
declaring Him to be “my Lord and my God” (John 20:28). If Jesus were not Lord and God, He would have corrected Thomas, but He did not;


Even God the Father referred to Jesus as God: “About the Son he says, ‘Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever’” (Hebrews 1:8, quoting Psalm 45:6).
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It's referring to the Logos (Word) as something that was from God and revealed in Jesus. John directly referred to the Word of Life as eternal life that was revealed. Obviously speaking about the words Jesus received from God, the glory Jesus had, the miracles he did, etc. All of it existed in God's plan and foreknowledge. In 1 John 1:1-3 the Word isn't Jesus.
No it doesn't. If that were the case John never would have said the Word became flesh. Words cannot become flesh. Why ignore what I said?

Define how you are using "foreknowledge." There is a 10% chance that you will do that. A 90% chance that you won't. That is always the case with Unitarians.
Still using this overused reasoning to deny simple Truth.
If it is not there YOU... ESPECIALLY cannot use it. It makes you out to be a hypocrite.
Did you even watch the vid I posted?
Most of it. Did you even watch the video I posted? There is a 10% chance that you will answer that. A99.9% chance that if you do and do so honestly, the answer will be no. And a 90% or greater chance that you won't answer it. That is always the case with Unitarians.
No one can understand the trinity, let alone explain it. Theologians have long admitted this. No one has any business teaching as valid what they don't even understand.

It is not a mystery that the Trinity exists. That is revealed by God in His word. What is a mystery is how it is possible, and it is a mystery as to possibility, because there is no other triune being in our world by which to compare it. It is unique in other words. It is a mystery in the same sense that God Himself as eternal, knows all things, sees all things, is more powerful than anything else, creates out of nothing, causes a virgin to bring forth a child, raises the four days dead or three days dead to life and in perfect health and condition of body, are mysteries. We know they are true, because He says they are true and we trust Him. But the hows are beyond us. They are all incomprehensible to us.

Incomprehensible: impossible to comprehend.
Comprehend: to take into the mind and thoroughly understand.

It is that they are incomprehensible that classifies them as a mystery.
And why no one can understand the trinity is the same reason no one can understand nonsense. Compare to square circles.
In that case, unless you comprehend in full how your car works, or your phone, or your computer, your better stop using them. Better yet, use your own logic and pretend they don't exist, and write post after post insisting that they do not exist.
Even God the Father referred to Jesus as God: “About the Son he says, ‘Your throne, O God,
No. And we’ve talked about this many times. OF does not mean is. And ‘O’ is an abbreviation for OF.

It is the throne OF God no matter who sits in it.

Ever read the verses leading up to Hebrews 1:8? Today you are my son. This implies a non-eternal son, a time Jesus was NOT the son of God.

BTW, big font with many colors does not make you more right. Indeed, you are emphatically wrong. If Jesus is God, the trinity is false.
Your triune god followers are huge.

keep dodge and dodge until the end.
Have you seen them all? And they are all huge?!! My,my. must be something in the water.
Did you even watch the vid I posted?
No one can understand the trinity, let alone explain it. Theologians have long admitted this.
No one has any business teaching as valid what they don't even understand.

There goes my belief that God has no beginning.

No way on God's green earth I can wrap my mind around that one!

Who made that silly rule above anyway?
And why no one can understand the trinity is the same reason no one can understand nonsense. Compare to square circles.
First rule of the Immaterial: Material illustrations are not sufficient.
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No. And we’ve talked about this many times. OF does not mean is. And ‘O’ is an abbreviation for OF.

It is the throne OF God no matter who sits in it.
That passage does not even use the word "of". And "O" is not an abbreviation of "of". That is the most novel way of twisting Scripture I have ever seen. "O" in the Bible translation is the same thing we sometimes write as "Oh" as in "Your throne oh God----"
How do they put their trust in mystical doctrine is beyond me
Mystical and mystery are not the same thing. But, have you never heard of faith and that without faith no one can please God? Plus, Trinitarians are not putting their trust in the Trinity. They are putting their trust in Jesus which according to Scripture is the only way to God.
The reality does not match the rhetoric. There is no trinity verse in Scripture.
The reality matches the explicit and implicit teaching of Scripture of Christ's deity---and that of the Holy Spirit. "Baptise in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" would be one Scripture where the Trinity is all together in the same place at the same time, and for the same divine purpose.
The reality matches the explicit and implicit teaching of Scripture of Christ's deity---and that of the Holy Spirit. "Baptise in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" would be one Scripture where the Trinity is all together in the same place at the same time, and for the same divine purpose.
And from the mouth of Jesus himself (Jn 8:48-59), who by his resurrection from death proved that he is who he said he is -- I AM.
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No. And we’ve talked about this many times.

Me thinks you have reached the age where you remember things whether have happened or not.
OF does not mean is. And ‘O’ is an abbreviation for OF.

Nope, not always and not in the following examples
It is the throne OF God no matter who sits in it.

Right... the Father or the Son.

O is another name for God. This is why there is no comma, and it's not spelled "Oh". It's a name hidden in plain sight. O is named as such after the sound of the first breath.

Search me, O God, and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

Psalm 139:23-24
Ever read the verses leading up to Hebrews 1:8? Today you are my son. This implies a non-eternal son, a time Jesus was NOT the son of God.

BTW, big font with many colors does not make you more right. Indeed, you are emphatically wrong. If Jesus is God, the trinity is false.

Expletive. (Weighing the idea if it is worth getting kicked off just to say it.... Guess not... they would delete it)