Red Baker
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You are 100% wrong! Consider:I'm not 100% dogmatic on this...but pretty close...demons are the spirits of the giants mentioned in Gen 6 after some of the fallen angels procreated with the daughters of men.
Nephilim Heresy – Details
Did angels have wild sex with women? Birthing a sci-fi mongrel race of superhuman persons? Is this what Genesis 6:1-2 teaches? Or is there another lesson far more important? Paul warned that men would turn from sound doctrine and truth to fables, and this is a great example of it. What nonsense! If you want to know and defend the truth in these perilous times of the last days, here is an opportunity for you to do so.
Nephilim Heresy – Details
Who were the Sons of God?
What Was Their Sin?What Happened?
Genesis 6
1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Numbers 13
33 And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.
The sons of God in Genesis 6:2,4 were men from the godly families of the righteous descending from Seth to Noah. Their sin was to break their covenant with God and lustfully marry into the wicked families on earth descending from Cain and others. The offspring were famous men in the antediluvian world, and God drowned the earth for this sin and the wickedness of man.
Speculators, rejecting even elementary hermeneutics, assume the sons of God to be angels, which they say came to earth for sexual liaisons with women, resulting in a mongrel super race, which they call the Nephilim. Though God destroyed all living creatures with the Flood in Noah’s day, the consistent speculators find the Nephilim again in Canaan from Numbers 13:33.
Nephilim is a transliterated Hebrew word, occurring in corrupt Bible versions in two places, and subsequently used by some as a name for the mongrel creatures resulting from angels copulating with women according to a false and foolish interpretation of Genesis 6:1-4 and Numbers 13:33.
Numbers 13:33 (RV, ASV, RSV, NASV, NIV, NSRV, ESV, WEB, HSCB, GW, NCV, NIRV, BBE, CEB, The Message, Young’s).
The King James Version, God’s inspired and authoritative scriptures in English, which may be trusted and argued at the word level, as it was designed and used, has giants in both places.
Transliteration creates new words with no established meaning in the receiving language, and in this case, having little or confused meaning in the originating language. This unnecessary transliteration created the mysterious term Nephilim, encouraging imaginations to run wild about angels having sex with women resulting in a new race. A certain meaning of Nephilim cannot be determined, but since it does not occur in God’s Bible anyway, it is of no consequence to saints.
The wild idea of angels having sexual intercourse with human women to generate science fiction supermen should be ignored, if it were not for some publishing speculations based on this bizarre interpretation. Having turned their ears away from sound doctrine and truth for fables, carnal Christians with itching ears have found teachers that will scratch their lusts with these farfetched tales of a super race (II Tim 4:3-4). Rather than learn Christ, truth, and godliness, they want to be entertained with ridiculous propositions based on even more ridiculous interpretational methods.
The texts above do not say or imply anything about angels, and the rest of scripture is totally silent about such an incredible heaven-earth, interracial sexual event and its result. It is the logical fallacy of begging the question or circular reasoning to assume that angels are intended by a few uses of “sons of God” for angels in Job 1:6; 2:1; and 38:7. There is no reason to connect these passages beyond the mere sound of their words, which is a presumptive mistake violating even elementary hermeneutics for rightly dividing scripture (Neh 8:8; II Tim 2:15).
Rather than leap into the black abyss of angel-human mongrels running around in dark forests or leading international conspiracies, let sane readers weigh the evidence for a much simpler and Biblical explanation of the text. The scriptures themselves will prove that God in this passage … identified the sin of His adopted children (Seth’s descendants) marrying the reprobate children of the world (Cain’s and others’ descendants), thus bringing the Flood on the whole world, except for the family of Noah, which obtained mercy for his faithful obedience.
The sin was by men of flesh, not by angels, for God in context and in consequence said He would not always strive with fleshly man (Gen 6:3). The sin was taking daughters for marriage – not a sin of giving daughters in marriage. This must be human males taking human females, for the sin was by fleshly men, not angels, and the sin was taking the wives.
The sin was by men of flesh, not by angels, for God’s consequential judgment came on humanity and other breathing creatures in 120 years, when He drowned the human race by Noah’s Flood (Gen 6:3). Nothing happened to any angels 120 years later. Angelic destruction and punishment were thousands of years away, as they confessed to the Lord Christ on earth.
The also in verse 6:3 compares two things that are flesh. Since God is not flesh, He is not compared. Since angels are not flesh (and not mentioned here), they are not compared. Are there comparable fleshly things in context? Sons of God and daughters of men! The sons of God, who chose and took wives from the daughters of men, were also flesh. Though named after God religiously, they still had bodies and lusts of flesh like the daughters of men.
The Flood was provoked by men of the earth, not by angels, for God saw the wickedness of man and the evil imaginations of his heart (Gen 6:5-7). He did not see the wickedness of angels. If the angels were guilty of corrupting humanity, as would be the case if the wicked sexual perpetrators were angels, they would be mentioned. They are not mentioned. If the angels were guilty of this horrible sexual transgression, why did God punish humanity for it?
There is no mention in Genesis 6:1-4 of angels or anywhere else in scripture regarding such an incredible event as angel-human marriages, sexual intercourse, conception, reproduction, mongrel birth, mongrel nursing, etc. The Bible is a closed system of truth, and honest men never argue for an incredible thing like angel-human mongrels when there is not a mote of Biblical evidence for anything even resembling such a wild, Greek mythology fantasy. The burden of proof is upon them, for the doctrine they construct is entirely based on Job alone.
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