Please explain this position in relation to the angels that fell. Did they not choose to follow satan? Did not satan choose to rebell against God?
Choice is not choice when there is only one path and no way to deviate from that path.
God knows ALL things.
He knows the end from the beginning because He has ordained the end.
He knew He wasn't giving His glory to any of His creatures.
He knew that He was creating creatures fallen short of His glory of holiness and perfection.
He knew the angels were sinful for that is the only way God can create them for He does not give His glory to His creatures.
That is why angel and man sinned. They were created sinful.
God knew this when He created them.
He knew the end product BEFORE He created them.
God could not give holiness to angel and man for possessing only ONE natural or Deific Attribute of God they would STILL fall short of His glory for in order to stand before a Holy and Righteous God one had to possess ALL the natural and Deific Attributes of God, or they would fall short of His glory. And only the Son possessed ALL the natural and Deific Attributes of God and was able to stand before a Holy and Righteous God.
So, for those that hold angel and man were created holy fall short in their reasoning.
Scripture says "sin was found in Lucifer the cherub that covereth" and it wasn't because God didn't know he was sinful or that He was inspecting Lucifer after his creation and 'found' sin. The only rebellion was in his mind. He never acted upon his desire to 'ascend into heaven and be like God' he was already in first heaven covering the throne of God on earth when God knew the instant Lucifer thought about 'ascending' and addressed it. And immediately Lucifer and his fellow angels that God created sinful were cast down to hell delivered in chains of darkness awaiting judgment.
There is no choice to do 'good' when one is created sinful. They will sin which is what angel and man did.
So is all of creation is just a puppet for God to play with?
That's the reasoning of fallen men who do not know God and Scripture. They don't understand the Eternalness of God and that angel and man were created in TIME and have the ability to choose between chocolate and vanilla, but to choose from their evil sinful nature to do 'good' WITHOUT the anointing of the Holy Spirit all choices will be sinful for they are not choices in accordance to the will of God and anointed. The anointing is which enables a sinful person of low means and station to STAND before the King. Ask Esther who for six months had to endure anointing before she could approach the king. There is lesson in this, and I understand it. Without Christ, without Christ's Spirit, without the Holy Spirit God hears NO PRAYERS of the unsaved. For they approach God without the Holy Spirit who accompanies His elect's prayers. Thus, their prayers are sin. So, how can unbelievers approach God for salvation WITHOUT the Holy Spirit? He can't. Thus, there is no free will UNLESS God wills a thing.
The man asking for healing said to Christ, "If thou WILL thou can make me clean." Jesus said, "I WILL. Be thou clean." There was no free will in his healing and there is no salvation in our unless God wills it so where's the free will except within the confines of our realm in TIME to choose chocolate or vanilla? But a sinful person without God cannot even approach God let alone be saved unless God makes the first move and wills it.
Enjoy your chocolate.
I am not sure how you define "freewill" but it is a concept found in scripture.
Salvation is of the Lord. There is no free will when one is servant and bound in sin. All they know is sin. They can't choose good without the Holy Spirit who anoints the choice when it is in accordance with God's will. Otherwise, it is rebellion against God. Thoughts and attitudes NOT in accordance with God's will is rebellion and sin for it is the creatures will that seeks to be sovereign before a truly Sovereign God over His creation.
There is no free will in angel or man. There is only willful rebellion against God and God's prerogative is to deal with it immediately or let His longsuffering wait till the last day and deal with it altogether. But from our perspective in TIME we
think we have free will but you can will all you want to go to heaven or be saved. Unless God opens the door you are outside the city with the dogs and murderers and thieves.
Proverbs 1:29
For that they hated knowledge, and did not
choose the fear of the Lord:
The prophet is speaking to believers in Covenant with God and God is dealing with a stiff-necked people.
Many passages show we can make choices.
Sure. I agree.
But make distinction first between Covenant and non-Covenant, obedient and disobedient. Saved and unsaved and stop treating believers like unbelievers and unbelievers like believers. That, too, is sin. And a choice you make. But to be saved God is following the book of like with names of those predestined to salvation and He does no deviate from it. ALL of those people whose names are in the book of life of the lamb slain will repent and come to God because God WILLS it, not man.