Battery ran out, so I could not edit - so I am completing my reply.
Jesus said it is written MY HOUSE is a House of prayer ((he didn't say my Father's house or God's house, he made it personal)) 21:12-13&version=KJV
They accuse Jesus of blasphemy: that he said he was the Son of God making himself EQUAL TO GOD and that he had the power to forgive sins
Jesus was directly accused of blasphemy on three different occasions, and indirectly accused on two more. Following are the 5 occasions.
John 1:13 in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God - ((and the Word became flesh.)) ((It is quite clear the word is God))
Revelation 19:12-13 ..... And his name is called the Word of God 19:12-13&version=KJV
Jesus said before Abraham was I Am John 8:58
Thomas said my Lord and my God John 20:28
Jesus said no man comes to the Father except by him John 14:6
For unto you born this day in the city of David A SAVIOR Luke 2:11,-Savior
In the Old Testament God said he was savior and there was no other savior but him.
No the people didn't pray to Jesus, Jesus told the people to pray to the Father - but they worship Jesus and Jesus did not stop them from worshiping him. And we are absolutely not to worship anyone but God.
In a number of instances in the gospels we find people worshipping Jesus. A blind man that Jesus healed said. Then he said, "Lord, I believe!" And
Hi, I would offer. We must continue to be careful
how we hear
who we say we do . Satan is there eager to snatch the spiritual, invisible seed
Christ. Through lying signs that men wonder after as
if it was
Many false apostles . false prophets, false teachers, that deny Christ has paid the full wage of sin, the whole cost of salvation And brag they will finish it in Limbo (for the younger sinners) and Purgatory (for the more mature) . That's one the favorite suffering and wonders .Were how much suffering? It seems used to deceive dying mankind . Satan King of lying sign to wonder, wonder, wonder after Beliver have prophecy to the end of time They will not be deceived by lying sign that some wonder after. . . None were given
2 Peter 2:1 But there were
false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be
false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in
damnable heresies,
even denying the Lord tha
t bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
Remember the a prophet, apostle
Jesus the Son of man spoke the
words of the
Father (inspired falling down like rain ) .
My house
John 14:10 Believest thou not that
I am in the
Father, and the
Father in
me? the
words tha
t I speak unto you
I speak not of myself: but the
Father that dwelleth in
me, he doeth the
Same with before Abraham was born. . eternal God existed." Let there be"
Thomas demonstrated the confession of faith (The understanding Lords beliefs working a new believer, moved powerfully by God to believe,
Romans 10:10 For with the heart man
believeth unto
righteousness; (Christ) and with the
mouth confession is made unto
John 20 :27 Then saith
he (words of the Father) to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold
my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into
my side: and
be not faithless, but
After receiving the faith of God as lovingly commanded and rebuked for his unbelief (no faith) then the words of was born agin
John 20:28-29 And Thomas
answered (the father) and said unto
him, My Lord and
my God. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou
hast seen me, (vision of faith as labor of love)
thou hast believed: blessed are
they that
have not seen, and
yet have
Simply a call to salvation no different that any other born agin from above.
No blessing for seeing his dying flesh . We walk or understand the unseen eternal things, by his mighty works of faith as a labor of his love Mercy seasoned with grace
The kind of creative
faith as power "Let there be" and Thomas moved by that power . . . .
My Lord and
God (not seen),
"The father of lies does that with many doctrines of God .with the doctrines of dying mankind turning inspirtion upside down as if inspired after the things seen the temporal