Sure...for the single purpose of fulfilling prophecy. He could no more resist the call than John or James. It was an effectual calling for the exact result ordained by God.
I'm not saying I agree with this below but here is another side of the argument to contemplate as food for thought.
Was Lucifer always the Devil? Was he not once a perfect anointed cherub of God who
fell through the sin of pride (Isaiah 14:12–15; Ezekiel 28:11–19)? “The angels which kept not their first estate” (Jude 6) also
fell from a perfect position. Did not they all possess eternal life in the present tense until it was forfeited? The same can be said of Adam and Eve. Did not they once possess eternal life (present tense) based conditionally upon their obedience? Yes, it is possible to lose eternal life of your
own free will. Otherwise these would have never
lost their eternal life.
How much more are we accountable to God in our present condition of regeneration through the blood of Christ. “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3).
What about Judas Iscariot? Some say Judas was never a true apostle of our Lord Jesus Christ. They rightly consider his end but never truly consider what the Bible says about his beginning. Thus many believe he was a false apostle, though not one Scripture calls him a false apostle. He was an apostle who apostatized.
Apostle means one sent forth, while
apostate means one going, or gone backward, as abandoning, forsaking one’s profession of faith and practices. As I have heard it termed so many times, only a believer can ever rightly be labeled a backslider. The world or unbeliever can’t apostatize (fall away or go backwards), because an unbeliever has never believed unto salvation in Christ. They can’t fall when they are already fallen. In order to fall you must have a position from which to fall.
Acts 1:16–26 tells of Peter and the disciples choosing another apostle to fill the vacancy left by Judas. Verse 16 speaks of the Scripture being fulfilled that was spoken by the Holy Ghost concerning Judas. Notice verse 17, “For he was
numbered with us, and had
obtained part of this
ministry.” Also notice in verse 20, “And his
bishopric [the charge of instructing and governing in spiritual concerns; office] let another take.” Concerning the choosing of a new apostle, verse 25 says, “That he may take part of this ministry and
apostleship [the office or dignity of an apostle], from which Judas by transgression
fell, that he might go to his own place.” How could Judas
fall from a position appointed to him by our Lord Himself if he never really was an
apostle? According to the scriptures a qualification for a bishop is one who is
blameless (1 Timothy 3:2). If a bishop or elder of the church is to be blameless, how much more an apostle who would be a founder of churches. Do we really think Jesus would choose an officer of the church contrary to his Word? Men may, but not our Lord!
On certain occasions such as on the mount of transfiguration, the apostles were called by their specific names such as James, John, and Peter. Very often apostles were named specifically in certain settings of whom Judas was also named specifically and referred to as he who betrayed Jesus. When the Scripture says “his disciples,” “my disciples,” or “the twelve”
without specific names, should not we believe that it includes Judas as being numbered with the twelve (Acts 1:17; Matthew 10:1; 11:1; Mark 4:10)? He
was part of the ministry from the beginning. It is interesting to note that after Judas betrayed Christ and committed suicide, the Gospel writers refer to the disciples collectively as “the eleven” (Matthew 28:16; Mark 16:14; Luke 24:9, 33). Henceforth all Scripture quotations in this tract that speak of “his disciples” and especially “the twelve,” include Judas.
In my personal study of Judas, the Lord wanted me, once a believer in unconditional eternal security (“Once Saved, Always Saved”), to see through
His Word that Judas was once a believer who apostatized unto perdition. Through that study, the Spirit revealed about eighty-five other verses (not mentioned in this tract) which refer to
“his disciples,” of whom Judas was a part. Also found in the four Gospels are eight references to
“thy disciples,” nineteen references to “the disciples,” and twenty-one references to
“the twelve.”
Psalm 41:9 says of Judas, “Yea, mine own familiar friend in whom I trusted which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me.” Notice the expressions in this verse:
mine own— double ownership;
familiar—intimate, close, unreserved converse;
friend—as Abraham was the friend of God;
I trusted—the Lord trusted Judas! Jesus also called Judas his
friend even after Judas betrayed Him with a kiss (Matthew 26:49–50). Jesus was wounded in the house of
His friends (Zechariah 13:6). Jesus never called the Pharisees His friends.