The rest of the post #109 above:
@Behold said:
He (Calvin) redefined "Fore Knowledge" as "God Causes", and away he went....
Eleanor replies:The first things we must do is look at how the word "foreknowledge" (Gr:
prognosis) is used in the Bible, and it is used only of
divine foreknowledge, of God foreknowing
his actions. It is not used of God foreknowing man's actions.
And Gd knows in advance (foreknowledge) what is going to happen because he himself has decreed before the foundations of the world that it
shall happen.
Divine foreknowledge is not God causing it to happen, it is God knowing in advance what will happen, because he has decreed that it shall happen.
Divine foreknowledge (prognosis) in the NT, as distinct from man's foreknowledge, is God foreknowing his own actions, it is not God causing them, for they were already caused, which is
why he foreknows them.
God's Foreknowledge, is the Bible's prophecy.
Its the same.
= Showing what is to come....
The Bible is the written progressive REVELATION... its the REVEALING of "what God has done... is doing, and will do...
Its that simple.
= here is the future, in a Holy book
= God's foreknowledge, in a Holy book.
Its the "upcoming schedule" regarding 'what happens next", till the end of TIME., in a HOLY BOOK.
AND SO......
There are pre-determined eternal outcomes, regarding : UNBELIEF vs BELIEF.... In Christ Jesus.
And those outcomes are pre-determined, and that is all.
Reader, its like this... if you get on a Roller Coaster, you KNOW the outcome, is to ride it till it stops.
That is your Foreknowledge.
Are you "pre-destined" to get on it?
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So, God FOREKNOWS, that He has created a final outcome that is the eternal destination, of "unbelievers" vs "believers".
1.) Hell , then the lake of fire, and all this is all the 2nd Death = Unbelief
2.) Heaven, then New Jerusalem//Millennial reign, etc, etc. = Faith in Christ
God had all that in His MIND, (FOREKNOWLEDGE).....before Lucifer decided to try to take over Heaven itself.
Hell and the Lake of fire, were created before ADAM was created.... Reader.
(Edit by mod) , FOREKNOWLEDGE< is not God causing it to happen. "Pre-destined".
And neither can his indoctrinated disciples, until they SEE THE REVELATION.
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