Apparently, you have not understood that I offer all perspectives of what the image might be as speculation. Just because you are afraid to offer a speculation on how it might happen doesn't mean others must keep their traps shut, now does it?
Speculation is never a sound way to approach God's word.
You can wait by the phone if you want, but I do not need to adhere to how YOU think the conversation in this thread must progress.
Which is just another way to say Post 61 is being avoided despite its valid and op-relevant content.
Were any positive AI chats observed? If not, then the op is selective in its observations because AI is used in many positive ways. If so, then the op is selective (and thereby misrepresentative) with its report of observations. That's a fail, either way.
Demonic forces manipulate people, not objects. There is no report in scripture of the devil attaching himself to an inanimate object. Appeals to the devil controlling fire and wind in Job fail because Job 1:16 states, "
The fire of God fell..." and verse 19 never mentions the devil controlling the wind.
James 5:11 attributes Job's suffering to God and God's outcome, not the devil. The appeal to Rev. 13's beast has already been addressed. It was the beast,
not the devil, who brought fire down from heaven.
Tambora in Post #7, "And we have the story of Satan being able to cause fire from the sky to burn up Job's sheep flock and his servants, and also caused a wind storm that collapsed the house his children were in."
It was not Satan that did that.
What evidence exists the devil knows how to program AI? None. It is reasonable to think the devil could take some programming classes (I did) and learn programming languages used in AI
(I'm surprised no one has posted an op claiming Python is proof the serpent is controlling AI), but that would have nothing to do with the spiritualized argument of demonic influence. For now, evidence was requested and none has been provided.
AI is, by definition, software. How then, could software generate something other than software. Granted, software is worthless without hardware to run it, but the salient point is that the devil must control the software if he's going to control any hardware and there's no evidence the devil can do either. So far there is no software that can control the heavens or the weather sufficiently to bring fire down. Perhaps one day that might happen, but it'll take more than computer code to do so and we're a long way off from that capability. No one in this thread will be alive to see that development. The software would have to control the computer running it and the computer would have to manufacture whatever device is used to create the necessary atmospheric conditions to summon fire (not lightning) from heaven, and since Rev. 13:13 stipulates the fire comes down out of heaven (nto the skies of earth) that means this devil-run computer must have some control over heaven. There's definitely no evidence in scripture the devil can control anything in heaven
(the last time he did that he got locked up).
If Christians applied the cultural mandate or the great commission to AI then ops like this one would have an entirely different meaning and significance. That is how Christians should approach AI. We're supposed to take every thought captive that sets itself up against Christ. We're supposed to be subduing the earth andruling over it, baptizing the nations and teaching the Jesus' commands, not irrationally speculating.
Tambora in Post #11: "This thread is purely speculative as to what means the one beast uses to cause the image of the other beast to come to life."
Tambora in Post #24: "That's a lot more than I can prove. It makes for an interesting speculation, though."
Speculation can be fun, but when it promotes the misuse or abuse of God's word then it should be avoided. God tells us to
reason with Him. Paul exhorted the young Timothy,
1 Timothy 1:3-4
As I urged you upon my departure for Macedonia, remain on at Ephesus so that you may instruct certain men not to teach strange doctrines, nor to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies, which give rise to mere speculation rather than furthering the administration of God which is by faith.
2 Timothy 2:23
But refuse foolish and ignorant speculations, knowing that they produce quarrels.
And he told Titus,
Titus 3:9
Avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and strife and disputes about the Law, for they are unprofitable and worthless.
Especially when those speculations are associated with centuries of false teachers and would-be prophets.
Romans 1:21
For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
When all of this is considered, there's not a single sentence in the opening post that withstands critical examination, so the conclusion is therefore, there is nothing worthy of godly speculation.