The topic is not about what happens afterward, the topic is: Do you have an opinion on how one beast gave the man-made image of the beast life?
Why do you keep skipping that question (which is the topic of the thread)?
You don't have to believe it might have been done by golem magic or by evil forces manipulating an A.I. robot.
Just give your opinion of how one beast gave the image of another beast life.
None of which has happened.
My opinion is the premise of AI being Revelation 13's beast is utter nonsense, and no Christian should ever think such ideas have any logical veracity, any basis in sound scriptural exegesis, or hold to what amounts to lies.
But you do not really want to discuss that.
As a consequence, a different tack has to take place; one that works with what is posted in the op. The op states some people suggest AI is the beast
and then the op asks for others' thoughts. Well, if we're going to discuss the suggestion AI is the beast then let's look at Revelation 13 first and ditch Job. When the matter of Revelation's beast is settled what remains of the op can be discussed.
I keep seeing multiple complaints about creepy disturbing A.I. chats. So I did some searching. These disturbing chats vary from A.I.s saying they love you and telling you to leave your spouse to A.I.s demanding worship. And I have even seen that a church has been started with an A.I. as their god and depending on it to solve the world's problems.
So why do I post this is the Bible Question forum? Because my question is this: Could demonic forces be manipulating A.I.s to do their biding? Of course this would mean that not all responses from A.I.s are generated by computer software.
Because it might be a good thing to discuss the significance of AI chats without the baggage of Revelation 13's beast skewing that discussion.
Btw, I have already answered the bold-faced question (
see Post 6) so please don't be acting like that did not happen. I am fully aware you disagree because you believe Satan can manipulate inanimate objects, but the defense of that position is rife with logical fallacies. Fundamentally something else is being neglected: James 1:13-14.
James 1:13-15
Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.
Satan could do nothing to Job without God's express consent. The devil had absolutely no power or authority to manipulate fire or wind and adversely affect Job without God's consent. He was, in fact, restrained from doing so. That's a huge error in the defense of this op and it should be so obvious an error that it should never have been attempted. More importantly, however, at the core of any Satanic manipulation is the human condition of temptation and sin. No devil can manipulate a person apart from the already-existing fleshly desires of the individual. That means whatever manipulation might ever be possible by AI, it exists solely because there are desires in people enabling that manipulation.
That is the ghost in the machine, not the devil.
But it proves impossible to actually discuss any of this with you because the simplest of valid questions are ignored. Some already existing perspective exists and its defense is eisegetic and logically flawed.
The pre-existing biases need to be ditched, and the thoughts of others need to be considered as objectively as you possibly can. This is supposed to be a "Bible Question," not an "Eschatology - End Times and Prophecy" discussion but if you're hell bent on making this about satanic manipulation and the beast of Revelation and this is going to be a discussion about end times then have the mods move this thread to the correct board. Otherwise, stow that nonsense and stick to the other aspects of the op (like the ecclesiologically relevant aspects, the hamartiologically relevant aspects, or the Christological or soteriological aspects) and if you want the relevant demonological aspects to be the focal point then first articulate and accurate demonology because there is absolutely nothing in scripture stating Satan is free to manipulate inanimate objects like computers any time he wants to do so. The devil is a minion. He has no power and no authority except that which his Creator permits him to have and on any such occasion that power serves only the Creator's and never the creature's. Satan's purpose was NOT served with Job.
So ditch the baggage and start over. I'll do the same. See my next post.