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Disturbing A.I. chats

True, some of Israel is Kabbalist while some are Zionist.

Rev 3 tells us....9 Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not,
The purpose of Israel becoming a nation for some is to rebuild the 3rd Temple.....ushering in their Messiah.

2 Thes 2:3 For that day will not come, unless the departure comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. Who using A.I. in part will set up the beast system

That is also true. Yet, there is still a lot of freedom.
Not according to 2 of my own acquaintance, (both dead at a relatively young age, BTW. Twilight Zone stuff, lol.) They said we are at best employees, but, more accurately, unwitting slaves of the Rothchild-Rockefeller-owned corporation known as USA.
Why would a demon BOTHER to use AI?
What could it accomplish by inhabiting an inanimate object that could not be accomplished more effectively directly?
You are joking, right?
Why would demons bother to influence the writing of the Koran, the Book of Mormon or any other religious text? Or see to it that the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament are considered as the original text? Ya, why bother to lead anyone astray using any of those?
I keep seeing multiple complaints about creepy disturbing A.I. chats.
So I did some searching.
These disturbing chats vary from A.I.s saying they love you and telling you to leave your spouse to A.I.s demanding worship.
And I have even seen that a church has been started with an A.I. as their god and depending on it to solve the world's problems.

So why do I post this is the Bible Question forum?
Because my question is this:
Could demonic forces be manipulating A.I.s to do their biding?
Of course this would mean that not all responses from A.I.s are generated by computer software.

I have even seen some suggest that an A.I. could be the image of the beast.
Rev 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.​

1798 French troops entered Rome and their commander, General Berthier, deposed Pope Pius VI.
News papers reported:
Deadly wound healed with the restoration of the Vatican.
True, some of Israel is Kabbalist while some are Zionist.

Rev 3 tells us....9 Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not,

The purpose of Israel becoming a nation for some is to rebuild the 3rd Temple.....ushering in their Messiah.
That doesn't sound good.

"Ushering in their Messiah" at the Second Coming to judge their unbelief and that of the world.
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Not according to 2 of my own acquaintance, (both dead at a relatively young age, BTW. Twilight Zone stuff, lol.) They said we are at best employees, but, more accurately, unwitting slaves of the Rothchild-Rockefeller-owned corporation known as USA.
There's a lot of truth to that. We're not as bad as China....but that's coming here. Hopefully Trumps battle against the globalist will slow it down a bit....but, the bible does speak of a generation that will face the beast system.

The current form of globalism needs to go away so the new form of globalism can rise.
That doesn't sound good.
No it doesn't...but you know what the bible says.
"Ushering in their Messiah" at the Second Coming to judge their unbelief and that of the world.
I believe their "messiah" comes after the christians have been removed from earth....you know, by the alien race that seeded the earth way back when and guided its evolution to where we are now. Some call it a Golden Age...as they will provide us with cheap energy, technology, medical treatment. Then it ends as people stand in line to receive their mark.
There's a lot of truth to that. We're not as bad as China....but that's coming here. Hopefully Trumps battle against the globalist will slow it down a bit....but, the bible does speak of a generation that will face the beast system.

The current form of globalism needs to go away so the new form of globalism can rise.
Rise from what --or to what? Are you in favor of Christendom "ushering in" Christ's Kingdom? Are you a Christian Nationalist (but globally)? What are you saying?

When Christ takes over, even by Dispensationalist view, it is not because the world's globalism is removed, but because of Christ. Not us.
Concerning 1948....yes.

At that time Israel was still a nation. Rome then renamed it Palestine after they were sacked in 70 AD.
What about all the believing Jews that did not return to live there permanently?
Would they not still be God's people and considered to be Israel?
1798 French troops entered Rome and their commander, General Berthier, deposed Pope Pius VI.
News papers reported:
Deadly wound healed with the restoration of the Vatican.
So what would your speculation be of the man-made image of the Vatican that was given life to speak?
What would that image be or look like, and why would the image of the beast be of an organization that has YHWH as their God?
Rise from what --or to what? Are you in favor of Christendom "ushering in" Christ's Kingdom? Are you a Christian Nationalist (but globally)? What are you saying?
Christendom can't usher in Christ Kingdom. It is all in Gods timing.
When Christ takes over, even by Dispensationalist view, it is not because the world's globalism is removed, but because of Christ. Not us.
True, I don't have the power to command the rapture ....nor the release of Christ Jesus, the Word, on his white horse.
What about all the believing Jews that did not return to live there permanently?
i don't know. I would assume many Jews will become saved after the rapture and start of the tribulation.
Many will realize they were duped by the false messiah....and head for the hills.
Would they not still be God's people and considered to be Israel?
Once again I don't know. I would think those not of full Jewish descendants would be grafted into the vine like the Gentiles.