No, that's wrong. Regeneration in the Parable is the Farmers Tilled Garden...Regeneration is when the word of God becomes a living plant in the heart of the believer.
No, that's wrong. Regeneration in the Parable is the Farmers Tilled Garden...Regeneration is when the word of God becomes a living plant in the heart of the believer.
I suppose that you can say that even the good soil isn't alive even when it has a living plant, planted in it.The Seed doesn't BECOME alive, it is alive; sharper than a two-edged sword. But the Seed doesn't Regenerate Soil; the Soil stays Dead...
No, that's wrong. Regeneration in the Parable is the Farmers Tilled Garden...
The Good Soil is alive because it is Regenerated...I suppose that you can say that even the good soil isn't alive even when it has a living plant, planted in it.
However, as I said, a person is regenerated when the word of God becomes a living plant, planted in his heart.
Regeneration is when there is a living plant in the soil; no matter what type of soil that it is.
Except Matthew 13 teaches nothing of the sort.So, the seed, which is the word of God, becomes alive in the heart of the person who is shallow ground as well as the ground with weeds.
Yes, to you, but not according to Scripture.That would indicate regeneration to me.
So what? You're still in error and adding your ideas to Scripture.And I said shallow roots; not no roots.
You're having trouble with the site? Let me know what issues you're having.(I actually changed it; but this website is so darn slow that it took forever for it to register).
I don't reject any teachings of what the word means, I reject your take on what you think it means. Therein lies the difference.@preacher4truth, I'm sorry that you reject the clear teaching of the word of the Lord for your own idea about scripture.
So, the seed, which is the word of God, becomes alive in the heart of the person who is shallow ground as well as the ground with weeds.
That would indicate regeneration to me.
The conclusion of the matter is in the conclusion. Verse 15: As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.
Perfect!The conclusion of the matter is in the conclusion. Verse 15: As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.
Who creates and prepares the soil? Who is it that both hardens and softens a man's heart?
All the other soils are those who acquiesce to what they hear. Acquiesce: To consent or comply passively or without protest. To concur, not heartily but so far as to forbear opposition.
When tested, and our faith will always be tested just as it was with Abraham, the bad soil does not hold fast, showing that it was not in their hearts as genuine faith.
"Many are called (hear the gospel) but few are chosen."
2 Cor 12:10; Romans 5:3-5; James 1:2-4
Verses 11-14 are all about the outward call of the gospel. They "hear" the gospel. Some reject it outright. Some hear the gospel and like the sound of it, it makes them happy for a moment but it doesn't withstand the testing which suggests that they came "for the loaves and fishes" or some other fleshly desire. Some hear the gospel and even give assent it but the pleasures of this life and its cares choke it out, proving the soil was no good.Luke 8:13 speaks of a genuine faith that produces spiritual life; it is a living plant that is spoken of in the verse.
It is also a nominal, shallow, or lukewarm faith; and therefore not sufficient to obtain the promise of John 5:24, John 10:27-30, and other such passages.
If anyone doesn't continue in God's goodness, then they have a Luke 8:13 faith (Romans 11:20-22).
Kind of an aside, but not really a separate issue, but for those of you who like to find every parallel possible from a parable: Notice the causal relationship between God who gives the increase and God who created both seed and soil, and the work of the soil and the work of the seed. The whole business is the work of God. The soil does what it was made for and the seed does what it was made to do.The conclusion of the matter is in the conclusion. Verse 15: As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.
Who creates and prepares the soil? Who is it that both hardens and softens a man's heart?
All the other soils are those who acquiesce to what they hear. Acquiesce: To consent or comply passively or without protest. To concur, not heartily but so far as to forbear opposition.
When tested, and our faith will always be tested just as it was with Abraham, the bad soil does not hold fast, showing that it was not in their hearts as genuine faith.
"Many are called (hear the gospel) but few are chosen."
2 Cor 12:10; Romans 5:3-5; James 1:2-4
I agree...Kind of an aside, but not really a separate issue, but for those of you who like to find every parallel possible from a parable: Notice the causal relationship between God who gives the increase and God who created both seed and soil, and the work of the soil and the work of the seed. The whole business is the work of God. The soil does what it was made for and the seed does what it was made to do.
And was it not in their hearts as genuine faith because they were not born again?The conclusion of the matter is in the conclusion. Verse 15: As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.
Who creates and prepares the soil? Who is it that both hardens and softens a man's heart?
All the other soils are those who acquiesce to what they hear. Acquiesce: To consent or comply passively or without protest. To concur, not heartily but so far as to forbear opposition.
When tested, and our faith will always be tested just as it was with Abraham, the bad soil does not hold fast, showing that it was not in their hearts as genuine faith.
"Many are called (hear the gospel) but few are chosen."
2 Cor 12:10; Romans 5:3-5; James 1:2-4
Look at it like this...Kind of an aside, but not really a separate issue, but for those of you who like to find every parallel possible from a parable: Notice the causal relationship between God who gives the increase and God who created both seed and soil, and the work of the soil and the work of the seed. The whole business is the work of God. The soil does what it was made for and the seed does what it was made to do.
Except that in Lk 8:12, is not the "so that" of the devil's purpose?Look at it like this...
The Trodden Soil is the Hardest Reprobate heart there is. BUT; Jesus said that if the Seed were not carried away, the Soil might Believe and Jesus would have to Heal them. The Gospel is the Power of God unto Salvation; not the Regenerated Good Soil...
Without Christ's explanation of the Parable, I would never be able to believe this...
I’m inbetween Calvinist and Arminian . I haven’t really fully identified with any particular systematicI voted somewhere between Calvinism and Arminianism, though I'm a Calvinist; since I'm the most liberal 5-Point Calvinist you will meet. I like Fullerism, so I guess by the definition, I would be between...
Have you come back to the Reformed Camp?I’m inbetween Calvinist and Arminian . I haven’t really fully identified with any particular systematic
And was it not in their hearts as genuine faith because they were not born again?
Is not the issue regeneration? Only the fourth soil (heart) was regenerated.
The good soil is the inward call in which God regenerate the heart and the hearers actually believe in their mind an heart what they hear, and bear the fruit of perseverance no matter what.
The devil can't do anything without God's permission. See Job. God uses even the devils evil intents for His purposes. God is the first cause, and the devil in this instance as the second cause actually brings about what God intended. Remember God knows those who are His. @justbyfaith See how much clearer the meaning of scripture is when one accepts the biblical teaching of election and predestination?Except that in Lk 8:12, is not the "so that" of the devil's purpose?