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Why do Calvinists debate?

Enabling grace? What's that, the type of grace that enables a man to save himself?
"...Enables a man to save himself?" Now, this is a strawman. This was never mentioned in the post; you inserted it. You are the only one projecting this claim on the post. The poster never did.
"...Enables a man to save himself?" Now, this is a strawman. This was never mentioned in the post; you inserted it. You are the only one projecting this claim on the post. The poster never did.
Of course, the poster never did. I'm telling you what it comes down to. That's all :)
Sorry friend but you cannot prove any of this with scripture. Sounds like wishful thinking.
Romans 7:14 14 We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. Who is his slave master? The flesh? Proverbs 5:22-23 "His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins. He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray."
Actually, I think if you sincerely study these things you will find Arminianism isn't very far from Catholicism, its also a quick road back. Where Calvinism differs from both, it is biblically based.

Man can do nothing to save himself, that is why God must do it.


Enabling grace? What's that, the type of grace that enables a man to save himself?

Sorry friend but you cannot prove any of this with scripture. Sounds like wishful thinking.

So this is god's way of working with man, he just makes it so the flesh, for a moment cannot affect the person, so the person can act freely to save himself? And this is taught where?

To make a choice? Man must make that choice to save himself?

So far you have not explained saved by grace biblically.

Wow, you have no idea what the meaning of grace is.

And what are you trying to prove by pulling this verse out of context?

Wow, thats a strange gospel.

It's obviously simple to teach a false gospel.

Man does not save himself.
Man by grace is made able to make a choice. The choice does not save.

Its God who does the saving of those who line up with what is required for Him to do the saving.

Here is the one work (not by works) that God looks for as a sign to save.

Jesus told us the following....

John 6:27-29​
Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life,
which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him.”
Then they said to Him, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?”
Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.”

Does a person who agrees to accept medication, cure himself?

The medication cures him.

Likewise when a man accepts the solution (medication) for removing our condemnation?

Its the medication (God does the work) nullifies our condemnation.

There is no man saving himself in what I just stated, as I stated it.

Yes... its enabling Grace..

Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me,
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that
Christ’s power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:8-9​

God's grace enabled Paul to be strong, where prior to receiving that grace, Paul was too weak and helpless
to do what is right.... God's grace saved him, not himself.

grace and peace ..................
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Of course, the poster never did. I'm telling you what it comes down to. That's all :)
Just as I tell you what it comes down to, Reformed theology and Aminianism have their truths, but not all of them, and not exclusively.
YOu answered none of the questions I posed to you that should have shown you how stupid your question is, and how stupid your responses are.
You are a troll, either a sock puppet or are sent here for the express purpose of disruption with stupidity. You are not doing yourself or anyone else any favors. Staff will not tolerate it very long.

Hope that helps.
OK I will answer the questions next time.
Even though they did not answer the question I asked.
Man does not save himself.
Man by grace is made able to make a choice. The choice does not save.
Very well said
Its God who does the saving of those who line up with what is required for Him to do the saving.
Amen. When God commands, He gives the power with that command to obey.
Here is the one work (not by works) that God looks for as a sign to save.

Jesus told us the following....

John 6:27-29​
Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life,
which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him.”
Then they said to Him, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?”
Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.”

Does a person who agrees to accept medication, cure himself?

The medication cures him.

Likewise when a man accepts the solution (medication) for removing our condemnation?

By believing in Christ, he agrees to accept the medication...
The medication (God does the work) nullifies our condemnation.

There is no man saving himself in what I just stated, as I stated it.

Yes... enabling Grace!

Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me,
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that
Christ’s power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:8-9​

God's grace enabled Paul to be strong, where prior to receiving that grace, Paul was too weak and helpless
to do what is right.... God's grace saved him, not himself.

grace and peace ..................
Great post
Man does not save himself.
Man by grace is made able to make a choice. The choice does not save.
Then why are you teaching such?
If I were an unsaved person, I would think you were telling me I can save myself.
Its God who does the saving of those who line up with what is required for Him to do the saving.
Really? Where does God come on? You are teaching two different ways of salvation, well actually one and a half.
Here is the one work (not by works) that God looks for as a sign to save.

Jesus told us the following....

John 6:27-29​
Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life,
which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him.”
Then they said to Him, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?”
Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.”
Ummm, who's work did Jesus say it was? This is the work of who?
Does a person who agrees to accept medication, cure himself?

The medication cures him.
But dead people don't take medicine. Nor can they agree to take it, they are dead. Are the dead suppose to be able to do these things according to you?
Likewise when a man accepts the solution (medication) for removing our condemnation?

By believing in Christ, he agrees to accept the medication...
The medication (God does the work) nullifies our condemnation.
Can you see the problem here? Man must be alive before he can take any medicine. Know what happens if you pour medicine down a dead mans throat? Nothing.
There is no man saving himself in what I just stated, as I stated it.
No, you taught dead men can take medicine. Where I come from dead men don't do anything. So, you are teaching a false gospel.
Yes... enabling Grace!
No, not biblical.
Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me,
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that
Christ’s power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:8-9​
Huh? In context, could you explain how this is enabling and what is enabled?
God's grace enabled Paul to be strong, where prior to receiving that grace, Paul was too weak and helpless
to do what is right.... God's grace saved him, not himself.
Paul was saved by grace. grace didn't enable him to save himself.
Just as I tell you what it comes down to, Reformed theology and Aminianism have their truths, but not all of them, and not exclusively.
You have said all sorts of stuff but proved nothing.
Did they ask to be made a new creature? Did they desire to become a new creature? Did they love God and want to become a new creature to be nearer to Him? If not, then they were forced.
Were you forced to be created?
You seem to believe that an unborn-again person can partake in the Holy Spirit and be enlightened.
I didn't say that. Though I think you'd be hard-pressed to prove it false.
As have you.
Well, I gave to the chance. Tomorrow I will give you the opportunity as we can discuss these points. With scripture of course.
Well, I gave to the chance. Tomorrow I will give you the opportunity as we can discuss these points. With scripture of course.
Of course, and let's agree not to use ad hominem references.
Well, I gave to the chance. Tomorrow I will give you the opportunity as we can discuss these points. With scripture of course.
Oh, and if you like we can discuss this in the private debate area. This way we can take turns and no one can interrupt. Think about it. :)
Were you forced to be created?
Did I not want to be created? How can one force nothing? Once I am something, I still can't be forced until or unless I have a will.
I didn't say that. Though I think you'd be hard-pressed to prove it false.
Of course you didn't, that is why I said, "You seem." Why would I prove it false? It is one of my main arguments. A person can be enlightened and partake of the Holy Spirit before becoming a Christian.
Then why are you teaching such?
If I were an unsaved person, I would think you were telling me I can save myself.

Really? Where does God come on? You are teaching two different ways of salvation, well actually one and a half.

Ummm, who's work did Jesus say it was? This is the work of who?

But dead people don't take medicine. Nor can they agree to take it, they are dead. Are the dead suppose to be able to do these things according to you?

Can you see the problem here? Man must be alive before he can take any medicine. Know what happens if you pour medicine down a dead mans throat? Nothing.

No, you taught dead men can take medicine. Where I come from dead men don't do anything. So, you are teaching a false gospel.

No, not biblical.

Huh? In context, could you explain how this is enabling and what is enabled?

Paul was saved by grace. grace didn't enable him to save himself.

Everything I said is passed through your bias filter which comes out not saying what I was saying....
makesends said:
Were you forced to be created?
Did I not want to be created?
No. You didn't want anything. Meanwhile, you are a new creature, in Christ. Not the same person you were. Literally, not the same.
How can one force nothing? Once I am something, I still can't be forced until or unless I have a will.
Once you had a will at enmity with God; why call it 'force' when he changes your will and gives you a new heart? You still choose—nobody is saying different. But you choose as a result of your will —the old will, or the new will.

Apart from Christ we can do nothing. It is not far from "we are nothing". In a sense, since he is the Creator, apart from his reason for creating us, we are nothing.

Of course you didn't, that is why I said, "You seem." Why would I prove it false? It is one of my main arguments. A person can be enlightened and partake of the Holy Spirit before becoming a Christian.
"You seem" to be talking out both sides of your mouth here. Why would you say that I seem to believe something and then turn around and claim I didn't?

What do you mean by "becoming a Christian", here? Before being regenerated? Before being saved from sin? Before being justified? Before repenting? Before choosing to give up your will to Christ?

Or, perhaps more to the point, why would you think that an unbeliever in whom the Spirit is doing as it pleases for its own reasons, enlightening and so on per Hebrews 6, would, while still a slave to sin and living according to the flesh, have the will to do contrary to Romans 8?