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Why didn't God destroy Satan at the beginning?

Angels are the spirit beings who live in heaven, yes they are messengers as well. but are still angels.
Do they have form a created body ? If so when were they created?

How would we distinguish the difference between God's Holy Spirit working in us to both will and do the good pleasure of the Holy Father and what some call angels? ( a fake word)
The Eden rebellion altered Gods original plans for the time being.
Well there goes all trust in the hope and promises of God! If we can change God's plans, He is not God.
Jesus has a God just like us-John 20:17--thus cannot be God, he is Gods son.

In the beginning was the logos, and the logos was with God, and the logos was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him [the logos], and apart from him [the logos] nothing came into being that has come into being...... And the logos became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw his [the logos'] glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

That would be impossible for an ordinary human. But God can do anything, including have his logos that is God become flesh and walk among us and worship God just as we are supposed to do. Stop anthropomorphizing God.
Satan raised issues against Gods universal sovereignty in the Eden rebellion.
None of which succeeded and all of which served God's purpose.
Mortals chose to know bad.
If the word, "immortals" is intended to mean "human mortals" then that is irrelevant. This op is about Satan, not humans. Every time you ignore or neglect Satan and try to insert or impose humans onto the discussion you are off topic. Do not expect me to collaborate with that godless subterfuge. Either stick to why God did not destroy Satan or don't bother me.

The reason God did not destroy Satan at the beginning is because it served God's purpose not to do so. All creation serves the Creator's purpose. That applies to the creature we now call "Satan," and to suggest otherwise is to say some purpose other than the Creator's exists and that, in turn, compromises core doctrines like divine sovereignty and omni-attribution. Either God's purpose is served or god is not God.
You've been here long enough to see that he is himself indeed God. We have seen that protest, among many others, claiming to prove he is not God. It doesn't work and I'm not going to bother to show why, because you don't want to know, but just to procreate your gospel. Good luck with that.
The word is not called capitol G God at John 1:1 in the Greek lexicons.
Do they have form a created body ? If so when were they created?

How would we distinguish the difference between God's Holy Spirit working in us to both will and do the good pleasure of the Holy Father and what some call angels? ( a fake word)
They are spirit beings. The holy spirit is Gods active force it is not a living being.
Well there goes all trust in the hope and promises of God! If we can change God's plans, He is not God.
We didn't change his plans, his kingdom rule will make his plans a reality. Nothing will ever interfere when Gods kingdom takes full control forever. All rebels are being rooted out.

In the beginning was the logos, and the logos was with God, and the logos was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him [the logos], and apart from him [the logos] nothing came into being that has come into being...... And the logos became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw his [the logos'] glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

That would be impossible for an ordinary human. But God can do anything, including have his logos that is God become flesh and walk among us and worship God just as we are supposed to do. Stop anthropomorphizing God.
The word is not called capitol G God in the Greek lexicons.
None of which succeeded and all of which served God's purpose.

If the word, "immortals" is intended to mean "human mortals" then that is irrelevant. This op is about Satan, not humans. Every time you ignore or neglect Satan and try to insert or impose humans onto the discussion you are off topic. Do not expect me to collaborate with that godless subterfuge. Either stick to why God did not destroy Satan or don't bother me.

The reason God did not destroy Satan at the beginning is because it served God's purpose not to do so. All creation serves the Creator's purpose. That applies to the creature we now call "Satan," and to suggest otherwise is to say some purpose other than the Creator's exists and that, in turn, compromises core doctrines like divine sovereignty and omni-attribution. Either God's purpose is served or god is not God.
The bible doesn't teach that. Reasoning falsely NEVER makes a truth.
They are spirit beings. The holy spirit is Gods active force it is not a living being.

I would offer.

How many are spirit beings? A legion?
When were they created?

Born again. . believers are spirit beings .As sons of God he calls us gods . In that way we are to have no other gods as dying humans before him. Like a Pope, Charles Manson or Jimmy Jones etc . . . human form in the place of the invisible head . . .our Holy Father.

The abomination of desolation making desolate all things writen in the law law and prophets (sola scriptura) No man can serve two teaching masters as one unsen eternal God. Peter learned the difference between the things of dying mankind and the things of our unseen eternal God

As a creative force it becomes living being. "Let there be" and it was "God alone Good " His living word is Spirit and Spirit life giving.

Dying flesh profits for nothing . Christ the strong man gives it to us by force strengthening the will of dying mankind to both hear the will of the Father the unseen head of the church his bride empowering dying mankind to do it to the good pleasure of the Faithful (let there be and it was good) Creator .

Matthew 11:12 ESV From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.

Matthew 11:12 NMB From the time of John the Baptist to now, the kingdom of heaven is sorely pressed, and those who go to it with effort seize it for themselves

Matthew 11:12 ICB Since the time John the Baptist came until now, the kingdom of heaven has been going forward in strength. People using force have been trying to take the kingdom.
I would offer.

How many are spirit beings? A legion?
When were they created?

Born again. . believers are spirit beings .As sons of God he calls us gods . In that way we are to have no other gods as dying humans before him. Like a Pope, Charles Manson or Jimmy Jones etc . . . human form in the place of the invisible head . . .our Holy Father.

The abomination of desolation making desolate all things writen in the law law and prophets (sola scriptura) No man can serve two teaching masters as one unsen eternal God. Peter learned the difference between the things of dying mankind and the things of our unseen eternal God

As a creative force it becomes living being. "Let there be" and it was "God alone Good " His living word is Spirit and Spirit life giving.

Dying flesh profits for nothing . Christ the strong man gives it to us by force strengthening the will of dying mankind to both hear the will of the Father the unseen head of the church his bride empowering dying mankind to do it to the good pleasure of the Faithful (let there be and it was good) Creator .

Matthew 11:12 ESV From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.

Matthew 11:12 NMB From the time of John the Baptist to now, the kingdom of heaven is sorely pressed, and those who go to it with effort seize it for themselves

Matthew 11:12 ICB Since the time John the Baptist came until now, the kingdom of heaven has been going forward in strength. People using force have been trying to take the kingdom.
All spirit beings were created long before the universe was. There are millions of spirit beings.
Matthew 11:12-- From the days of John the baptist until now, the kingdom of the heavens is the goal toward which men press, and those pressing forward are seizing it.
All spirit beings were created long before the universe was. There are millions of spirit beings.
Matthew 11:12-- From the days of John the baptist until now, the kingdom of the heavens is the goal toward which men press, and those pressing forward are seizing it.
Christ rested from all the work he was performing in the six days he did work.

Can these what you call angels take on human form? Again how many are there. . is the sky the limit? ?
We didn't change his plans, his kingdom rule will make his plans a reality. Nothing will ever interfere when Gods kingdom takes full control forever. All rebels are being rooted out.
Is He not in control now?

What was His original plan that Eden altered?
All spirit beings were created long before the universe was. There are millions of spirit beings.
Matthew 11:12-- From the days of John the baptist until now, the kingdom of the heavens is the goal toward which men press, and those pressing forward are seizing it.

Yes those given the power of the Father our invisible head can mightily press forward. . without him we can do nothing that could please Him . David said when he awoke his savaior was still there When we are awoken the fast is broken we can seek the manna of your daily word sweet as honey it can strengthen in a time of need . . eat just enough to share with others.

God attributes the milion of spirit being as the legion in whom chains of this world could not keep.The "legions gospel"preached through false apostles with false prophecy. . . the oral traditons of drying mankind. worshiping a legion of dying father's . he droduces his sel as the One Holy Father the one manner we can commune and venerate our one Holy Father.

Not a legion that title is reserved for the father of lies, Satan Lucifer Him self as the one Holy father not seen who dwells in all of his sons of God, Christians

Mattew 6:7-11 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father (singular) knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father (singular) which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name (singular ) Thy kingdom come, Thy (singular) will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
The word is not called capitol G God in the Greek lexicons.
I see reason has left the building. The Greek manuscripts are UNCIAL and there is no "capitol G" in ancient times. Modern translation is inescapably doctrinal.
The bible doesn't teach that.
Yes, it does.
Reasoning falsely NEVER makes a truth.
I completely agree. You should try reason sometime.
I see reason has left the building. The Greek manuscripts are UNCIAL and there is no "capitol G" in ancient times. Modern translation is inescapably doctrinal.

Yes, it does.

I completely agree. You should try reason sometime.
By using capitol G . What do you think it destroys or does it build up a previous doctrine?
By using capitol G . What do you think it destroys or does it build up a previous doctrine?
I think the question is crooked.

We (Christians) use a capital "G" simply to separate monotheism from polytheism. Nothing more. YHWH is God. Zeus is a god. There is, in fact, only one God and it doesn't matter whether a big-G or a little-g is used from that perspective. the "gods" of pagan mythologies do not actually exist. They are not god or gods at all. They are myths. Similar problems arise working solely within the Judaic paradigm because Judaism had its own myths. There's a lot of elohims in Judaism. There are not a lot of elohims in reality. There is only the Creator and the creature. Creatures are never the Creator; they are never actually literal gods. If the word "God," or "god" is held to be a Being of unsurpassable might, knowledge/wisdom, and presence (the omni-attributes of the God of the Bible), then, logically speaking, there can be only one god/God. Two or more omni-attributed gods is self-contradictory (and the ECFs understood that). The problem is Jesus is attributed divine qualities so there is an instantaneous conflict between the necessity of a one God and a god being made flesh having all the same attributes of the necessarily one-god God. Furthermore, logically speaking, for an otherwise ordinary human being to be endowed with the kind of power possessed by the Creator the constitution of that human would have to be so radically altered that the human would cease to be human. Think of what it would take to modify the human body to contain an internal nuclear explosion - an explosion inside the body - an explosion contained inside the body that is then used to heal the sick, command demons and the elements of the creation. Now magnify the power of that explosion by a factor of infinity.

The "specially-endowed human" view fails prima facie once logic is employed.

It is NOT what scripture teaches. Modality fails for similar reasons. The fact is Jesus was/is a human male. Scripture is clear about that. Scripture is also clear he is the logos of god that is god made flesh (whether the Gs are capitalized or not). The preamble to John's gospel was taken from Philo, a Hellenist Jewish philosopher who wrote about Alexander the great being the mediator between God and Man, a....... specially endowed human being.

John was vomiting on that premise, treating it as excrement, openly repudiating the premise and indicting the Jewish leaders of his day for embracing the premise of BOTH Alexander being that guy AND any human being such a person. But, because comparative religion is not commonly taught, those facts are lost on many.

The fact remains, Jesus was assigned by God in God's word with divine attributes and yet there can be - both scripturally and logically - only one G/god. That is why the doctrine of the Trinity was developed. It sounds insane but it is logically necessary given the facts of scripture. What scripture assigns to Jesus would otherwise be heretical and since it is God in His own word assigning those attributes we'd have to reject the premise fo God's own existence because a self-contradictory or lying god is not a God.

Personally, I suspect the doctrine of the Trinity, while true, is also so woefully incomplete that we'll be embarrassed, and the one/unity of God is infinitely ;) greater than we currently fathom. Oneness and modalist folks will probably cry.
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Christ rested from all the work he was performing in the six days he did work.

Can these what you call angels take on human form? Again how many are there. . is the sky the limit? ?
Jehovah is the only true God-He created all things-99% THROUGH Jesus= his master worker of Prov 8:30
Angels have taken on human form. Only by Gods will now though. In the days prior to the flood Angels came down as mortal to have sex with women and made babies called-Nephlim. Those are the fallen angels known as demons now.