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Why didn't God destroy Satan at the beginning?

Satan's resistance serves God's purpose.

What you are suggesting is that someone or something other than the Creator has purpose(s) for creation. The onus is on you, not me, to prove that premise. That position claiming a creature can purpose the whole of creation to the creature's will is what must be demonstrated. Just because a sin-enslaved Satan thinks he can (re-)purpose creation does not mean his thinking is correct!

Show me the scripture stating any creature can and has repurposed creation against the Creator's will.

Does it serve God's purpose to do so? Does it serve Satan's purpose to have God destroy him?

Yes, and that is the purpose Satan serves in God's creation.

Do you correctly understand what the word "God" means? How about the word "almighty"? The Bible is filled with the language of "war" and "rebellion" but the fact of whole scripture is the Creator of all that exists is ALMIGHTY!!! He can snap His fingers and the entire creation could cease to exist. No more Satan, no more humans, no more earth. Poof! All of it gone in an instant. Satan delusionally imagines he foments a rebellion. His adversarialness amounts to blowing spit wads and an Abrams tank. In the end his rebellion will be like a blade of grass at ground zero in a nuclear blast. He, that blade of grass, can resist and rebel all he likes but there is no question about his impotency to withstand the blast and no question of the inevitable outcome. God gave him his name.

Jude 1:6-7
And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day, just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire.

Satan has been bound in eternal bonds of darkness since the day of his rebellion. He is a creature, not a creator.

Show me the scripture stating any creature can and has repurposed creation against the Creator's will. Do it now, without delay or further obfuscation or avoidance. Do not waste another post not proving me wrong.
The lie told to Eve at Genesis 3:4-he called God a liar. Eve chose this wicked system by rebelling. Its satans, Adam and Eves fault.
Satan was the anointed Cherub, given dominion over the Garden of Eden. He got jealous and wanted worship.
Not according to you.

You've gone on record saying a creature can purpose creation apart from God and the almighty God can be resisted and opposed against His will.

Yes, He could have and thet, therefore, means He and only He is in charge and He and only He is sovereign, and His purpose and only His purpose exists. The moment you say He could have destroyed all three of them you instantly eradicate the existence of any purpose but God's. Any hypothetical, unnamed purpose of the creature proves impotent and futile in the face of Gd's ability to kill all three of them. You are undermining and contradicting your own argument.

Incorrect. God's blessing asserting His command the subdue and populate the earth was conditioned upon their obedience. If they ate, they'd die. No offspring filling the earth.

And we're talking about Satan, not Adam or Eve. Stay on topic.
All have free will, thus any can rebel against Gods will. Even Jesus can.
Thank you for your time. If you cannot keep the posts about the posts, then do not expect replies from me. You do not read me impugning your cognitive faculties just because the arguments you've presented contradict themselves.
Only to the darkness do they contradict from ones false reasonings.
Satan always wanted to be God and will do everything he can to pretend he is Christ when he's here to deceive the world. It’s important to remember that Lucifer which is another name for Satan, had challenged the fairness and justice of God. He had started with his lies in heaven, and the very idea of telling a lie had never entered the minds of the angels. So the angels didn’t grasp all that lay behind Lucifer’s deceptions. So we see what Satan wanted from the start and what had come into his heart.
Isaiah 14:12-13
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:’

But Christ is the true morning star as we see in Revelation:
Revelation 22:16
I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

Now the place that Lucifer wants it to be at 'the mount of the congregation' in the 'north' which is God's throne..
We find the same in Psalm 48:1-2:
Psalm 48:1-2
1 Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness.
2 Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.

If God had destroyed Satan immediately, the angels would have begun to serve Him from fear rather than from love. This would have defeated the very purpose He had in creating beings with the power of choice in the first place. God gave Satan a chance to demonstrate his system which he wanted to bring in to replace that of God. That’s why Satan was given an opportunity to show it to the worlds, and to Adam and Eve who allowed the deception here. So our world become the testing ground where Satan and his character and the nature of the kingdom he wants, are contrasted with the character of God and the nature of His kingdom. So who we choose is important and Satan will throw a curveball at us at the end.

We know that Satan can transform himself to a 'angel of light' and will show himself at the end claiming worship that belongs to God and wanting to be God. He did it in heaven and deceived a third of the angels and they followed him.
Revelation 12:3-4
3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

And Satan will do it again at the end. But we know how it ends.
Scripture tells us that the ruler of this world has been judged and the Earth is under judgment - John 16:10-11.

Satan has been tried, found guilty, and sentenced to the lake of fire. That may be the reason why God did not immediately terminate the devil. His system of fairness _ to bring the accused before witnesses, execute a trial, and then execute judgment........ The same judgment the spirits within man is has to endure, lives is seemingly our trial and the angels that are held bound the bottom of the Euphrates which left their first estate - all are pending judgment.
The lie told to Eve at Genesis 3:4-he called God a liar. Eve chose this wicked system by rebelling. Its satans, Adam and Eves fault.
Satan was the anointed Cherub, given dominion over the Garden of Eden. He got jealous and wanted worship.
All have free will, thus any can rebel against Gods will. Even Jesus can.
Only to the darkness do they contradict from ones false reasonings.
Non sequitur.

The Creator and only the Creator decides the purpose of His creation and the creation is His and His alone. It is sovereignly His creation alone and He is almighty. All appearances to the contrary are only that: appearances. They have no substance apart from the Creator. The reason God did not destroy Satan in the beginning is because it served His purpose not to do so. Whatever Satan thought Satan had going on was a delusion on Satan's part. His name and his purpose were assigned to him, and his destiny decided by Another. He has never been free.
Non sequitur.

The Creator and only the Creator decides the purpose of His creation and the creation is His and His alone. It is sovereignly His creation alone and He is almighty. All appearances to the contrary are only that: appearances. They have no substance apart from the Creator. The reason God did not destroy Satan in the beginning is because it served His purpose not to do so. Whatever Satan thought Satan had going on was a delusion on Satan's part. His name and his purpose were assigned to him, and his destiny decided by Another. He has never been free.
He didn't want robots, thus gave all free will. One could use that free will out of love and respect for their creator to live by his advice, or use it to rebel. Eve and Adam made a bad choice, it dominoed into this sick system. But have no fear God has promised his kingdom rule will put all back to perfection and his original plans will continue on forever never again with any interference like now. Life everlasting on a paradise earth.
All have free will, thus any can rebel against Gods will. Even Jesus can.
All WILL rebel against God. They don't even know God's will, but those to whom God has shown mercy and given them a new will, and except for Jesus Christ, who is God himself.
They are still angels.
Yes called apostles messengers .

The Greek word Angelo's is "Messenger" not "Angel".

The word angel is fake word needed to change the way people say they hear God . Creating an unseen legion of workers with familiar spirit some must call patron saints. As if it was not the promise of Spirit of Christ would dwelt in each believer as the teacher, comforter and guide

Again simply to create another false source of faith. . not as it is writen (sola scriptura ) the one and only source. Not Like what some call patron saints the dying traditions of dying mankind .

The word is messenger not the fake word (angel) How beautiful are the messengers feet shod with Christ's gospel of peace
Satan destroyed his own self ./
He didn't want robots, thus gave all free will. One could use that free will out of love and respect for their creator to live by his advice, or use it to rebel. Eve and Adam made a bad choice, it dominoed into this sick system. But have no fear God has promised his kingdom rule will put all back to perfection and his original plans will continue on forever never again with any interference like now. Life everlasting on a paradise earth.
He created a temporal will subject to his letter of the law "death" mankind chose "death "
Satan always wanted to be God and will do everything he can to pretend he is Christ when he's here to deceive the world.
Incorrect. If you are talking about Lucifer, he didn't want to be God. He wanted to be like the Most High [God.] There's a difference.
It’s important to remember that Lucifer which is another name for Satan, had challenged the fairness and justice of God.
I'm not sure that is in Scripture. I see no "challenge the fairness and justice of God" in Scripture.
He had started with his lies in heaven, and the very idea of telling a lie had never entered the minds of the angels.
Again, I don't see him "telling a lie" in Scripture. His declarations found in Isaiah and Ezekiel were truthful desires of what he wanted to do and none of those things are falsehoods.
So the angels didn’t grasp all that lay behind Lucifer’s deceptions. So we see what Satan wanted from the start and what had come into his heart.
Isaiah 14:12-13
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:’
Again, I don't find your surmising's about "angels grasping" or "deceptions" in Scripture. Your conjectures are not supported by the text of Scripture concerning Lucifer.
But Christ is the true morning star as we see in Revelation:
Revelation 22:16
I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
The name Lucifer merely means "brightness" as Strong defines the word. The insertion of "star" is misleading. So would be words attached to "brightness" like [bright] "flame" or [bright] light. It doesn't say in the text "star" anywhere and given that this "star" designation is given to Christ, the third Person of the Trinity, there is nowhere in Scripture Lucifer as being a "bright" star.
Now the place that Lucifer wants it to be at 'the mount of the congregation' in the 'north' which is God's throne..
We find the same in Psalm 48:1-2:
Psalm 48:1-2
1 Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness.
2 Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.
Lucifer's desires had an upward direction (ascend into heaven, above the stars, ascend above the height of the clouds), possibly a reference to the heavenly New Jerusalem, the true seat of God's power, but nothing that places him upon the earth especially since his ministry/service was "outstretched" above the throne of God on earth placing him in first heaven (the area of atmosphere from the ground to the boundary of where outer space begins.)
If God had destroyed Satan immediately, the angels would have begun to serve Him from fear rather than from love.
As "love" is a deific attribute of God Lucifer possessed no love in his 'makeup.' He had no free will to serve God in the ministry Scripture describes him as performing. The idea of serving from fear is also adding to the bible (Prov. 30:7.)
This would have defeated the very purpose He had in creating beings with the power of choice in the first place.
I can agree with him having "choice" as in the [power of] "choosing" to remain in his "first estate" of service or to rebel in his "heart" and act upon his desires (if such a thing was even possible.) The idea of acting out the desires of his "heart" does not mean he had the ability to do so. He could have very well been "locked-in" to the service/ministry God assigned him. The "iniquity" found in his "heart" was not acted upon. They were merely desires contrary to the will of God for him, and what he desired in his "heart" was quickly acted upon by God
God gave Satan a chance to demonstrate his system which he wanted to bring in to replace that of God. That’s why Satan was given an opportunity to show it to the worlds, and to Adam and Eve who allowed the deception here. So our world become the testing ground where Satan and his character and the nature of the kingdom he wants, are contrasted with the character of God and the nature of His kingdom. So who we choose is important and Satan will throw a curveball at us at the end.
Too much conjecture unsupported by Scripture. I think you may have been influenced by other peoples' bible studies (commentaries) rather than staying within the text of Scripture. None of those comments above can be supported by Scripture.
We know that Satan can transform himself to a 'angel of light' and will show himself at the end claiming worship that belongs to God and wanting to be God. He did it in heaven and deceived a third of the angels and they followed him.
Lucifer possesses no creative attributes as a cherub. Lucifer is the name of the cherub in Isaiah 14 and "Satan" as found in 2 Corinthians 11 "transforming into an angel or messenger of 'light' is merely a characteristic applied to men who are "false apostles" and "deceitful workers" transforming themselves into apostles (or sent, commissioned) of Christ.
Revelation 12:3-4
3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

And Satan will do it again at the end. But we know how it ends.
I wonder if Revelation 12 is an event on earth and Lucifer being the "red dragon" or a celestial alignment in the heavens given as a sign to Israel. This "red dragon" (Lucifer?) whose "tail drew the third part and did cast them to the earth" cannot be Lucifer since the angels that sinned are locked up as told by both Peter and Jude. Red dragon/Lucifer cast nothing to earth instead he himself was cast down to "hell" as said the prophet, Isaiah.

If you stay within the text of Scripture and do away with all your conjectures about what may have happened 'behind the scenes' you just may be able to present a more correct telling of these things from Scripture instead of leaning upon your understanding in the vanity of your mind.
Incorrect. If you are talking about Lucifer, he didn't want to be God. He wanted to be like the Most High [God.] There's a difference.
Same difference. He is the god of this world system
The name Lucifer merely means "brightness" as Strong defines the word. The insertion of "star" is misleading. So would be words attached to "brightness" like [bright] "flame" or [bright] light. It doesn't say in the text "star" anywhere and given that this "star" designation is given to Christ, the third Person of the Trinity, there is nowhere in Scripture Lucifer as being a "bright" star.
Lucifer the morning star the false apostle bringing false prophecy (oral traditions of dying mankind) Lucifer the false light comes amongst the true light bearers of the living word of God .

Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God (Christians) came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them.And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

In all that Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.The fool has said there is no invisible God as head.

Jesus the bright and morning star . The true reflection of the Father . God is light Like stars believers as sons of God can reflect the glory of the Father.

Revelation 22:16I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
He didn't want robots, thus gave all free will. One could use that free will out of love and respect for their creator to live by his advice, or use it to rebel. Eve and Adam made a bad choice, it dominoed into this sick system. But have no fear God has promised his kingdom rule will put all back to perfection and his original plans will continue on forever never again with any interference like now. Life everlasting on a paradise earth.
Non sequitur. No one has remotely suggested robots and human free will has nothing to do with God's decision not to destroy satan. You're still off-topic.
He didn't want robots, thus gave all free will
Why is it that people believe that no free will equals robot. That is an inane leap.
One could use that free will out of love and respect for their creator to live by his advice, or use it to rebel.
All that is wrong with that statement:
1.Man never had will that was free---it was always subject to God. The fact that man willed to disobey God does not mean his will was free. It means that because he did disobey God, he threw himself into bondage to disobedience. Our will does not have to be free in order to make choices.
2. God does not give advice. He gives commands and we are not free to disobey them. We simply, do disobey. And suffer the consequences.
3. It shows no recognition of the holiness of God nor the puniness of us by comparison. It puts us on equal footing which is exactly what Eve was tempted by. It considers sin as mistakes and not the great treason it is against His Holiness. It makes God less that He is and man much, much more than he is.
Eve and Adam made a bad choice, it dominoed into this sick system.
This is not a sick system. It is an utterly corrupt system full of corrupted people, who spew corruption.
But have no fear God has promised his kingdom rule will put all back to perfection and his original plans will continue on forever never again with any interference like now. Life everlasting on a paradise earth.
His original plans have never wavered for one millisecond. They were firmly established in eternity by the Eternal, long before He created our world. We are not interfering in His plans at all. To even think that we could, is to not know the first thing about God.
All WILL rebel against God. They don't even know God's will, but those to whom God has shown mercy and given them a new will, and except for Jesus Christ, who is God himself.
Jesus has a God just like us-John 20:17--thus cannot be God, he is Gods son.
Yes called apostles messengers .

The Greek word Angelo's is "Messenger" not "Angel".

The word angel is fake word needed to change the way people say they hear God . Creating an unseen legion of workers with familiar spirit some must call patron saints. As if it was not the promise of Spirit of Christ would dwelt in each believer as the teacher, comforter and guide

Again simply to create another false source of faith. . not as it is writen (sola scriptura ) the one and only source. Not Like what some call patron saints the dying traditions of dying mankind .

The word is messenger not the fake word (angel) How beautiful are the messengers feet shod with Christ's gospel of peace
Angels are the spirit beings who live in heaven, yes they are messengers as well. but are still angels.
Non sequitur. No one has remotely suggested robots and human free will has nothing to do with God's decision not to destroy satan. You're still off-topic.
Satan raised issues against Gods universal sovereignty in the Eden rebellion. Mortals chose to know bad.
Why is it that people believe that no free will equals robot. That is an inane leap.

All that is wrong with that statement:
1.Man never had will that was free---it was always subject to God. The fact that man willed to disobey God does not mean his will was free. It means that because he did disobey God, he threw himself into bondage to disobedience. Our will does not have to be free in order to make choices.
2. God does not give advice. He gives commands and we are not free to disobey them. We simply, do disobey. And suffer the consequences.
3. It shows no recognition of the holiness of God nor the puniness of us by comparison. It puts us on equal footing which is exactly what Eve was tempted by. It considers sin as mistakes and not the great treason it is against His Holiness. It makes God less that He is and man much, much more than he is.

This is not a sick system. It is an utterly corrupt system full of corrupted people, who spew corruption.

His original plans have never wavered for one millisecond. They were firmly established in eternity by the Eternal, long before He created our world. We are not interfering in His plans at all. To even think that we could, is to not know the first thing about God.
The Eden rebellion altered Gods original plans for the time being.
Jesus has a God just like us-John 20:17--thus cannot be God, he is Gods son.
You've been here long enough to see that he is himself indeed God. We have seen that protest, among many others, claiming to prove he is not God. It doesn't work and I'm not going to bother to show why, because you don't want to know, but just to procreate your gospel. Good luck with that.