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Why didn't God destroy Satan at the beginning?

They are still angels.
Did you mean apostles sent messengers?

Romans 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
Did you mean apostles sent messengers?

Romans 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
The messengers from heaven are angels.
You ask a question in the OP title, that cannot be answered, but only speculated about, and the proceed to answer it with speculation. You are asking human beings to answer a question that God knows, and the reason we don't know, is because He doesn't tell us. Thus when you answer, you presume to be able with a finite mind to peer into the infinite. We must be very careful about doing this and then announcing what we imagine we perceive, as the truth. That is one way false teachings get started and grow. And in fact we should never peer into what God has not chosen to tell us. We won't find what we are looking for, but are quite likely to find something else. A bit like reading tea leaves and holding seances.
The answer is clear, if God had destroyed him outright, from what would we serve Him, from Love or Fear. God chose love and let Satan make his lies against God. And when man fell, sent the ultimate sacrifice of His Son to save us.
The answer is clear, if God had destroyed him outright, from what would we serve Him, from Love or Fear. God chose love and let Satan make his lies against God. And when man fell, sent the ultimate sacrifice of His Son to save us.
To save those who repent and turn around( Acts 3:19)--Those who become like children and learn and obey. Jesus teaches --Man does not live by bread alone but by EVERY utterance from God= OT-NT learning never stops. The ones taking the lead in the religion that has Jesus, teach every utterance from God to the flock-without fail. It never stops. All can look this very minute to see if their religion obeys Jesus. If not being taught Every utterance then one has found these-2 Cor 11:12-15--RUN FROM THEM.
Satan raised issues against God in the Eden rebellion.
To save those who repent and turn around( Acts 3:19)--Those who become like children and learn and obey. Jesus teaches --Man does not live by bread alone but by EVERY utterance from God= OT-NT learning never stops. The ones taking the lead in the religion that has Jesus, teach every utterance from God to the flock-without fail. It never stops. All can look this very minute to see if their religion obeys Jesus. If not being taught Every utterance then one has found these-2 Cor 11:12-15--RUN FROM THEM.
Satan raised issues against God in the Eden rebellion.
Thus we must follow what God says, even on the Sabbath truth which many fail on..
Why didn't God destroy Satan at the beginning?
Because the creature we call "Satan" (or the "Adversary") serves God's purpose. Nothing more. He has no purpose, no power, and no effect other than that which his Creator permits.
Satan always wanted to be God...
It is true Lucifer wanted to be God, but not ALWAYS. He was not created wanting to be God. He was not created that way. If the tradition Satan is the former Lucifer then there was a time when he worshipped God as God. So let's take the "always" out and say, "Soon after his creation, the creature now known as "Satan" wanted to be god." And then let's apply a smidgen of logic because, axiomatically speaking, there can only be one God. Two big-G Gods is self-contradictory if God is almighty.... and Lucifer certainly understood the Creator is all mightily almighty. His desire to be God is evidence of what Paul called "futile thinking," (Rom. 1), evidence of his being given over to his lusts, evidence sin had had an instantaneously depraving, enslaving, deadly effect.
....and will do everything he can to pretend he is Christ when he's here to deceive the world.
That is contradictory with the opening statement.

His wanting to be God contradicts his wanting to be the anointed one, the Messiah, the Christ. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here if you can show me where scripture says Satan is interesting in being our Savior, and specifically his wanting to save us from our sin AND wanting to do so from within his own state of sinful enslavement and death. Absent any such scripture we must conclude Satan - wishing to be God - is interested only in being LORD and never also Savior.

Remember: Satan is enslaved to sin!!!!! The wages of sin is death. Satan is dead. He is just as dead as any other creature who has disobeyed God. Satan is a creature and he has always been a creature. Being a creature, he is subject to all the limitations and causa-and-effect conditions God set into creation.

It is questionable whether or not Lucifer, turned Satan, ever knew and understood the purpose of the Son. That relationship of the Father and the Son's soteriological purpose was made before Lucifer was ever created. Logically speaking, he could not want what he does not know. At the time of his disobedience/rebellion/sin Jesus was enthroned as Lord. Adam had not yet disobeyed God. God had not fully revealed the salvific purpose of Jesus foreknown before the world was founded. At best Satan knew only that Jesus was the tree of life. And, since there is only one Savior, we have the same problem with the claim Satan wanted to be Christ. Satan is a finite creature, not an infinite, omni-attributed Creator so..... assuming the position of God, he cannot also be Christ. He can be only one or the other.

Satan wants to be LORD, not Lord and Savior.
....when he's here to deceive the world.

That is what he does. AND that is what he does by design - God's design. It is the natural effect of the made-to-worship-archangel falling. Do you think he likes lying? Think for a moment what that must be like never to tell a complete truth, to have that ability stripped from you (all his glory was stripped from him , according to Isaiah). His being the deceiver, the father of lies, is part of his recompense. That has absolutely no power over God, no power over the Son, and what limited power it has over God's chosen exists solely by God consent and serves only God's purpose.
Because the creature we call "Satan" (or the "Adversary") serves God's purpose. Nothing more. He has no purpose, no power, and no effect other than that which his Creator permits.
Not true. Issues were raised against Gods sovereignty in the Eden rebellion. Mortals asked for this wicked system by that rebellion. Thus God is letting it be proved once and for all time if he is correct Mortals need know only good, or satan correct mortals are better off knowing both good and bad--BAD SUCKS. God is always correct. Its almost done. Gods kingdom will be a cure all.
Because the creature we call "Satan" (or the "Adversary") serves God's purpose. Nothing more. He has no purpose, no power, and no effect other than that which his Creator permits.

Not true. Issues were raised against Gods sovereignty in the Eden rebellion. Mortals asked for this wicked system by that rebellion. Thus God is letting it be proved once and for all time if he is correct Mortals need know only good, or satan correct mortals are better off knowing both good and bad--BAD SUCKS. God is always correct. Its almost done. Gods kingdom will be a cure all.
It's not true Satan serves God's purpose? That's complete, utter, abject nonsense.
Issues were raised against Gods sovereignty in the Eden rebellion.
God says, "meh" to man's "issues." In no way was God's sovereignty ever been an issue for God, nor will it ever be such an issue, and we should all be thankful God did not speak the whole lot of them out of existence. Let there be light.

Let there no longer be light.
Not true. Issues were raised against Gods sovereignty in the Eden rebellion.
Dumb. That statement shows an absolute failure understanding the meaning of the word "sovereign." God is not simply and sole "a" sovereign," or "the " sovereign. God is sovereign. There are no "issues." There is only rebellion, and it was sovereignly met with grace.

For a season.

According to His purpose, and His purpose alone.
Mortals asked for this wicked system by that rebellion. Thus God is letting it be proved once and for all time if he is correct Mortals need know only good, or satan correct mortals are better off knowing both good and bad--BAD SUCKS.
Not true, and irrelevant.

The answer to the question, "Why didn't God destroy Satan?" is answer with a God answer, not a man answer (or an angel answer).

It's like when a husband and wife are arguing and the therapist asks one of the spouses, "Why did you say that?" There are always two ways to answer that.

  1. "I said that because s/he ______________________________ (and they offer an explanation external to themselves)." That answer is all about the other person and not about the one asked the question.
  2. "I said that because I ______________________________ (and they offer an explanation from within)," and internal explanation describing their own thoughts, emotions, values, beliefs, and choices.

Those are to completely different kinds of answers. When God asked Adam what he'd done the answer was,

Genesis 3:12
The man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me some of the fruit of the tree, and I ate.”

Adam gaslighted God, blaming both God and the woman for his own actions. Imagine how Eve felt. Husbands and wives have been replaying that nonsense ever since.

And you are doing it here and now in this thread! God is NOT concerned with creatures' "issues" with His sovereignty. God does what He wants as He wants when He wants as He wants and one of THE most rebellious things any creature can do is take credit for himself when it is due God.
God is always correct. Its almost done. Gods kingdom will be a cure all.
LOL! You've contradicted yourself. First you protest the premise f all things serving God's purpose and only God's purpose and then end with God is always correct and His kingdom will cure all.

Now I know you have an agenda for this op and this op was posted with an already existing answer in mind, but so far it looks like it is ALL going to be foolishness because you just went on record denying God's providence, sovereignty, and purpose AND did so in exchange for the creatures' "issues."

So think before you respond to this post.

It's not true Satan serves God's purpose? That's complete, utter, abject nonsense.
You are the one who is wrong. Even in the book of Job, satan challenged God about the ones following him which brought all of us into it. God will destroy satan. Satan means-resister of Jehovah.= one who is in opposition, thus not serving Gods purpose.
God says, "meh" to man's "issues." In no way was God's sovereignty ever been an issue for God, nor will it ever be such an issue, and we should all be thankful God did not speak the whole lot of them out of existence. Let there be light.

Let there no longer be light.

Dumb. That statement shows an absolute failure understanding the meaning of the word "sovereign." God is not simply and sole "a" sovereign," or "the " sovereign. God is sovereign. There are no "issues." There is only rebellion, and it was sovereignly met with grace.

For a season.

According to His purpose, and His purpose alone.
God knows what he is doing. He could have killed all 3 on the spot in Eden but then he would have been a liar because he told Adam and Eve their offspring would fill the earth. And it only would have proved him stronger, not right. He wants to be proved right in his decisions. He is always right. 1/3 of the angels fell later, so God probably knew if he destroyed them, others would have kept interfering, so once and for all time the issues raised will be resolved so it can never happen again.
Not true, and irrelevant.

The answer to the question, "Why didn't God destroy Satan?" is answer with a God answer, not a man answer (or an angel answer).

It's like when a husband and wife are arguing and the therapist asks one of the spouses, "Why did you say that?" There are always two ways to answer that.

  1. "I said that because s/he ______________________________ (and they offer an explanation external to themselves)." That answer is all about the other person and not about the one asked the question.
  2. "I said that because I ______________________________ (and they offer an explanation from within)," and internal explanation describing their own thoughts, emotions, values, beliefs, and choices.

Those are to completely different kinds of answers. When God asked Adam what he'd done the answer was,

Genesis 3:12
The man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me some of the fruit of the tree, and I ate.”

Adam gaslighted God, blaming both God and the woman for his own actions. Imagine how Eve felt. Husbands and wives have been replaying that nonsense ever since.

And you are doing it here and now in this thread! God is NOT concerned with creatures' "issues" with His sovereignty. God does what He wants as He wants when He wants as He wants and one of THE most rebellious things any creature can do is take credit for himself when it is due God.

LOL! You've contradicted yourself. First you protest the premise f all things serving God's purpose and only God's purpose and then end with God is always correct and His kingdom will cure all.

Now I know you have an agenda for this op and this op was posted with an already existing answer in mind, but so far it looks like it is ALL going to be foolishness because you just went on record denying God's providence, sovereignty, and purpose AND did so in exchange for the creatures' "issues."

So think before you respond to this post.
You must not be able to understand English.
Yes Adam stood by Eve, he wasn't deceived, Eve believed satans lie.
God does not do what he wants anytime he wants. His decisions are always made with love, mercy and justice.
You are the one who is wrong. Even in the book of Job, satan challenged God about the ones following him which brought all of us into it.
Satan's resistance serves God's purpose.

What you are suggesting is that someone or something other than the Creator has purpose(s) for creation. The onus is on you, not me, to prove that premise. That position claiming a creature can purpose the whole of creation to the creature's will is what must be demonstrated. Just because a sin-enslaved Satan thinks he can (re-)purpose creation does not mean his thinking is correct!

Show me the scripture stating any creature can and has repurposed creation against the Creator's will.
God will destroy satan.
Does it serve God's purpose to do so? Does it serve Satan's purpose to have God destroy him?
Satan means-resister of Jehovah.= one who is in opposition, thus not serving Gods purpose.
Yes, and that is the purpose Satan serves in God's creation.

Do you correctly understand what the word "God" means? How about the word "almighty"? The Bible is filled with the language of "war" and "rebellion" but the fact of whole scripture is the Creator of all that exists is ALMIGHTY!!! He can snap His fingers and the entire creation could cease to exist. No more Satan, no more humans, no more earth. Poof! All of it gone in an instant. Satan delusionally imagines he foments a rebellion. His adversarialness amounts to blowing spit wads and an Abrams tank. In the end his rebellion will be like a blade of grass at ground zero in a nuclear blast. He, that blade of grass, can resist and rebel all he likes but there is no question about his impotency to withstand the blast and no question of the inevitable outcome. God gave him his name.

Jude 1:6-7
And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day, just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire.

Satan has been bound in eternal bonds of darkness since the day of his rebellion. He is a creature, not a creator.

Show me the scripture stating any creature can and has repurposed creation against the Creator's will. Do it now, without delay or further obfuscation or avoidance. Do not waste another post not proving me wrong.
God knows what he is doing.
Not according to you.

You've gone on record saying a creature can purpose creation apart from God and the almighty God can be resisted and opposed against His will.
He could have killed all 3 on the spot in Eden
Yes, He could have and thet, therefore, means He and only He is in charge and He and only He is sovereign, and His purpose and only His purpose exists. The moment you say He could have destroyed all three of them you instantly eradicate the existence of any purpose but God's. Any hypothetical, unnamed purpose of the creature proves impotent and futile in the face of Gd's ability to kill all three of them. You are undermining and contradicting your own argument.
but then he would have been a liar because he told Adam and Eve their offspring would fill the earth.
Incorrect. God's blessing asserting His command the subdue and populate the earth was conditioned upon their obedience. If they ate, they'd die. No offspring filling the earth.

And we're talking about Satan, not Adam or Eve. Stay on topic.
You must not be able to understand English.
Thank you for your time. If you cannot keep the posts about the posts, then do not expect replies from me. You do not read me impugning your cognitive faculties just because the arguments you've presented contradict themselves.