And so what you said was not a judgement and accusation now becomes one again.I disagree with you. How does that conclude that I have "heaped to myself teachers in the translators of other versions to tell me what I want to hear." ?(You really need to rework that sentence.) How does my disagreeing with you mean I seek to have my ears tickled or that I am not seeking God's unadulterated truth? What makes you think you have any business reaching that conclusion, let alone make a public statement like that about me, when you don't even know me? All you know is that I disagree with you.
I know that I have an unction from the Holy One, and know all things (1 John 2:20)? so, if you disagree with me, are you not disagreeing with that unction also?
But the reason you may disagree is that you "do not abide by the kjv".
I will say to you that I find that other versions teach a distinctly different message than the kjv as concerning some doctrine.
And I will say again that the way to life is narrow and there are few who actually find it.
Who determined that the KJV is the only translation that is not watered down? Is it maybe for some reason unknown to me that you simply prefer it, and therefore all others are watered down?
Other translations may not be watered down; but as for me, I will go with what I know is inspired and inerrant.
And yes, you are saying that in your mind I might not be saved.
Yes, not that you aren't; but that you might not be.
This is true of anyone; because the way to life is narrow and there are few who actually find it.
Which suggests that probably you should give your definition of what salvation entails, because if you have read the things I post, you would know that I am, even though I do not agree with you on much of your interpretation of scripture.
If we disagree on what is taught by scripture, it indicates that one of us does not have the unction spoken of in 1 John 2:20.
Also, I am told that I can discern the spirit of truth and error by whether a person agrees or disagrees with what I preach (1 John 4:5-6).
That seems to be what you are measuring my salvation by. But let me give you a bit of insider information you are no doubt lacking. I am a seventy seven year old woman who joined the redeemed at age 35. And have never looked back or waffled in my faith. In my actions, sure, but not my faith. Truth has always been my goal, whether I liked it or not. And it is and always has been God's face I seek.
Then there will come a point when you no longer disagree with me; because in seeking the truth you will come to the knowledge of the truth (unless you are what is spoken of in 2 Timothy 3:7).
So come down off the high horse and stop looking down your nose at people.
You should really be careful about saying that to people. There was a time when I was very much like I am today and someone said that to me; and it devastated me as a straw that broke the camel's back. Previous to that, for a full year, was the year of my greatest joy in my relationship with the Lord. But of course, people very simply hate the righteous.
And I am not looking down my nose at anyone.
It appears that you are offended by my statements. I would only encourage you to remember that there is an offense in the Cross of Jesus Christ (Galatians 5:11).I am doing that and always have been. Who are you to suggest otherwise? It is something we are told in the scriptures to NOT do. You are accusing the brethren. You are weighing and measuring and judging against yourself, to calculate another's standing before God----and in a very condescending manner.
And I am certainly not accusing any of the brethren; simply making a statement about what might happen to someone who denies the veracity of the kjv because they don't like what it says.
Such people are clearly heaping to themselves teachers (in the translators of other versions) to tell them what their itching ears want to hear.
But as for you, you keep walking down the broad path. I don't expect you to listen to me.