Of course Jesus didn't violate the spirit of the sabbath-day law.While God commanded priests to rest on the Sabbath, God also commanded priests to make offerings on the Sabbath (Numbers 28:9-10), however, it was not the case that they were forced to sin by breaking one of the two commands no matter what they chose to do, but that the lesser command was never intended to be understood as preventing the greater command from being obeyed. This is why Jesus said in Matthew 12:5-7 that priests who do their duties on the Sabbath are held innocent, why David and his men were held innocent, and why Jesus defended his disciples as being innocent. Even during the Sabbath year, people were permitted to eat from what grew from the ground. This is also why it is lawful to circumcise a baby on the 8th day if it happens to fall on the Sabbath or why it is lawful to get an ox or a child out of a ditch on the Sabbath. So not all forms of work are intended to be understood as being prohibited by the Sabbath. Likewise, people are permitted to cary things on the Sabbath within an eruv, so it is not correct to think that Jesus was teaching people to sin by not obeying the Sabbath.
He violated the letter; in that He did work, and commanded someone to do work, on the sabbath.
Exo 20:10, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates.