... and a heretic.
Many have seen the videos of Arizona Pastor Steven Anderson going nuclear about his congregants so much as
questioning the Trinity doctrine ...
... but did you know that he used to passionately teach Oneness?
This is very strange considering his lack of self control when addressing the Trinity today. Any honest preacher would admit they were also once deceived about a prior doctrine and be understanding and helpful to any and all who made the same mistake.
Pastor Anderson becomes unglued and demands people be physically and violently removed from the church when they even ask a question, or show any level of doubt, about the Trinity.
This not only speaks badly of this pastor, and his sincerity and "qualifications" as a pastor, but it also exposes the Trinity in a very strange light as well. Why is this doctrine so violently defended by so many websites and churches claiming a Christian set of standards and conduct?
NO church or website reacts this way when anybody questions Jesus being God or any of Jesus' actions or motivations throughout the Gospels. Why is the Trinity so taboo among modern mainstream Churchianity?