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Jesus is God {title edited}

So say the false religions that fear the truth that exposes them.
Which part is false?

I don't think those who fear the Truth discuss the inner workings of their doctrine publicly.

Those who do, don't use Scripture to support them.
Rather loose hermeneutic.
Not sure why you call it loose when makes sense. Isaiah 7, regarding Immanuel, says he needed time to know to reject evil and choose good. God doesn't need time to know to reject evil and choose good. That's why Jesus denied being God when he said only God is good.

Isaiah 7
14Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call Him Immanuel. 15By the time He knows enough to reject evil and choose good, He will be eating curds and honey.

Mark 10
18“Why do you call Me good?” Jesus replied. “No one is good except God alone.
I have no idea what your point is.
As many as the father gave the son they alone have been empowered to both hear the will and empowered by the faith of God to finish it to the glory of God.

The son of man had no power of his own.

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
As many as the father gave the son they alone have been empowered to both hear the will and empowered by the faith of God to finish it to the glory of God.

The son of man had no power of his own.

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
Your writing is so hard to understand.

I have been skipping most of them.

I don't get how you are connecting.

I have to put you on ignore instead of just scratching my head.
Which part is false?

I don't think those who fear the Truth discuss the inner workings of their doctrine publicly.

Those who do, don't use Scripture to support them.
No trinity God exists. Its written history that it was created at the councils of Catholicism. Israel from Moses on up until this very day-NEVER served the true living God as a trinity.
The son of man had no power of his own.
That's rich.

Before He was ever "given all power and authority in heaven and earth", He knocked down an entire army of Roman soldiers simply by speaking, walked on water, healed, resurrected, was worshiped and forgave sins, but you declare He had no power?
No trinity God exists. Its written history that it was created at the councils of Catholicism. Israel from Moses on up until this very day-NEVER served the true living God as a trinity.
I didn't say anything about a trinity god.
Not sure why you call it loose when makes sense. Isaiah 7, regarding Immanuel, says he needed time to know to reject evil and choose good. God doesn't need time to know to reject evil and choose good. That's why Jesus denied being God when he said only God is good.

Isaiah 7
14Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call Him Immanuel. 15By the time He knows enough to reject evil and choose good, He will be eating curds and honey.

Mark 10
18“Why do you call Me good?” Jesus replied. “No one is good except God alone.
You don't know what a rhetorical statement is?
That's rich.

Before He was ever "given all power and authority in heaven and earth", He knocked down an entire army of Roman soldiers simply by speaking, walked on water, healed, resurrected, was worshiped and forgave sins, but you declare He had no power?

Yes, the Holy Father working in the Son of man, dying mankind, Not as I will the powerless but you Holy Father alone having the power . The power to both give him ears to hear the Father's understanding and a new born again soul by which Jesus the Son of man could do the will of the powerful Father .

He had that power of the Holy Father working his body of death but would never say it a was of his dying body . . .very rich

Worship the father not the powerless son of man.

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
Because not all that can be humanly inferred is Biblical teaching.
If it is in the Bible it is biblical teaching, especially OT.

It can be abused or misused.

Especially the difference between triune god worshippers and the rest.

The difference is vast like black and white.
If it is in the Bible it is biblical teaching, especially OT.

It can be abused or misused.

Especially the difference between triune god worshippers and the rest.

The difference is vast like black and white.
Why especially in the OT? The NT interprets/revezals what was mystery in the OT. Including the triune nature of God. Paul tells us in 1 Cor 10:1-4 that Jesus was the Rock that followed them in the Exodus. For I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea, and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and the sea, and all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink, For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ.
If it is in the Bible it is biblical teaching, especially OT.

It can be abused or misused.

Especially the difference between triune god worshippers and the rest.

The difference is vast like black and white.
Inference is not stated, but inferred, either correctly or incorrectly, based on the context of the NT, the completion of God's incomplete OT revelation.
Because not all that can be humanly inferred is Biblical teaching.
Oh, not sure why you say that either. Do you believe God needed time to learn to reject evil and choose good?
Oh, not sure why you say that either. Do you believe God needed time to learn to reject evil and choose good?
???? I do not see how this question could possibly arise out of what @Eleanor said. Unless you do not know what inferred means or what humanly inferred means.