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CCAM Forums: Rules & Guidelines, Part 1

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John Bauer
Staff member
Jun 19, 2023
Reaction score
Reformed (URCNA)
Marital status
Kingdom of God
UPDATED: February 22, 2025​

The Christ-Centered Apologetics Ministry (CCAM) forums are dedicated to discussing Christian theology from the perspective of biblical orthodoxy. While diverse views exist within Christianity, discussions should be conducted with a commitment to scriptural truth, Christian charity, and theological depth. Our goal is to encourage thoughtful dialogue that strengthens faith, sharpens understanding, and upholds the authority of God's word.

1. Preamble Regarding the Rules​

1.1. All members are required to read, ensure they understand, and comply with the Rules & Guidelines at all times ("Rules"). The Rules apply to all communications made on this web site. Any failure to comply with the Rules may result in a post being edited or deleted and possibly the offending account receiving a warning, temporary suspension, or permanent ban.

1.2. The Rules may be updated at any time. When an update is published, an official announcement will be made. It is up to the members to familiarize themselves with the updated Rules, and continuing use of this web site constitutes agreement and compliance with the updated Rules.

2. Respectful Discourse​

A Christ-centered community thrives on grace, mutual respect, humility, and love. Every member is called to engage with others in a way that reflects the character of Christ, fostering meaningful discussions that build up the body of believers. In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas ("In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity").

2.1. All members must engage in discussions with humility, respect, and peace (Eph 4:2; Rom 12:18; Matt 7:12; 1 Cor 13:1-13). Discussions should be constructive, seeking to edify rather than tear down. Approach discussions with a willingness to listen, a readiness to learn, and a heart that seeks to edify fellow believers in unity with Christ Jesus.

2.2. Address the issue, topic, or argument, not the person. Such things as inflammatory or marginalizing language, divisiveness, misquoting, misrepresenting, trolling, and personal attacks (including belittling, insulting, falsely accusing, or making assumptions about the character, motives, or faith of other members) are strictly prohibited. It only serves to derail meaningful theological discussion. Avoid speech that incites needless conflict, fosters resentment, seeks to stir up strife among believers, or exaggerates or distorts another member's words in order to discredit them or to win an argument. When quoting or summarizing another member’s position, do so honestly, in context, and preferably with a citation to ensure that their views are represented accurately and fairly. Aim to promote unity in Christ while allowing for meaningful debate, speaking the truth in love and humility, recognizing that all wisdom and understanding comes from God (cf. Rule 2.1).

3. Biblical and Theological Integrity​

All members are expected to engage respectfully with orthodox, sound Christian doctrine and biblical truth in all discussions, regardless of whether one agrees with such doctrines. These forums are committed to fostering conversations that are rooted in scripture and aligned with historic Christian orthodoxy. We encourage deep theological engagement that remains faithful to God’s word.

3.1. Use scripture as the foundation for discussion. Support theological claims with relevant scripture passages whenever applicable. Interpret scripture carefully, considering context, historical background, and sound hermeneutical principles. Thoughtful engagement with biblical texts is encouraged over proof-texting or out-of-context citations.

3.2. Avoid promoting heretical views (e.g., denying core Christian doctrines like the Trinity). These forums uphold essential Christian beliefs, including the deity of Christ, salvation by grace through faith, and the authority of Scripture. While discussions on various theological perspectives are welcome, any post challenging core Christian doctrines must include biblical and expositional support. Additionally, those presenting opposing views must substantively engage with rebuttals rather than merely repeating assertions. Posts failing to meet this standard may be removed.

4. Posting Guidelines​

To maintain an organized and constructive forum, members must follow these posting guidelines:

4.1. Introduce yourself as soon as possible. This involves posting a thread in the Introduce Yourself forum, sharing a little about the unique perspective that you bring to the discussions. While a detailed biography is not required, a brief summary of your theological background, denominational affiliation (if any), or key doctrinal positions helps others engage with you more effectively.

4.2. Post threads in the appropriate forum category. Each section of these forums is designated for specific topics, and posting in the correct category helps maintain order and facilitates meaningful discussions. Threads placed in the wrong section may be moved or removed by moderators. Before posting, take a moment to review the forum categories and select the one that best fits your topic (e.g., discussions on the Trinity belong in “The Trinity” forum; issues related to defending the faith belong in “Apologetics,” etc.).

4.2.1. Post videos only in the Youtube/Favorite Videos/Music forum. Since all video submissions must be manually approved by a Moderator, to protect the reputation and witness of the CCAM forums, it makes the task easier if all video submissions are located in one forum.
4.3. Stay on topic and avoid derailing or hijacking the thread. When engaging in a discussion, keep responses relevant to the original post. Do not divert the conversation to unrelated matters, introduce personal grievances, or use the thread as an opportunity to push an unrelated agenda. Engaging in discussions with the intent to stir up controversy, bait others into arguments, or introduce unrelated topics just disrupts meaningful dialogue. Stay on topic and contribute in a way that adds value to the conversation, not detracts from it. If you have a different subject to discuss, start a new thread in the appropriate forum rather than disrupting an existing one.

4.4. Limit new threads to two per day. To ensure quality discussions and prevent excessive clutter, members may start a maximum of two new threads per day. This encourages thoughtful participation and prevents overwhelming the forum with excessive topics.

4.5. Use clear and descriptive thread titles. When starting a new thread, choose a title that accurately reflects the content of your post. This helps other members understand the topic at a glance and improves engagement.

4.6. Do not flood the forum with excessive, repetitive, or unintelligible posts. Posting the same message multiple times, either within a single thread or across multiple threads, disrupts conversations and clutters the forum. Thoughtful engagement is encouraged over sheer volume of posts. As already said (4.3), ensure that contributions add value to the discussion and remain relevant to the thread. Random or nonsensical posts that do not contribute meaningfully to a theological discussion may be removed.

4.7. Do not revive old threads without new contributions. If a thread has been inactive for a long period, do not bring it back (“necroposting”) unless you have significant new insights or relevant updates to contribute.

4.8. Inappropriate content will not be tolerated. This includes the following:

4.8.1. No unauthorized advertising, self-promotion, or solicitation. This includes promoting personal blogs, books, web sites, businesses, fundraising efforts, organizations, or ministries without prior approval from the moderation team. While members may share external resources in the context of a discussion, overt advertising or self-promotion is not allowed.

4.8.2. Do not use the forum for recruitment. Members may not attempt to recruit others for external organizations, groups, or movements. Theological discussions may touch on various ministries or perspectives, but the forums are not a platform for proselytizing members into specific churches, denominations, ministries, organizations, or personal initiatives.

4.8.3. Link responsibly and with discretion. When sharing external links, ensure they are relevant, credible, appropriate for the discussion, and comply with the Rules. Additionally, excessive linking to outside content without engaging in discussion within the forum may be considered spam.

4.8.4. Hate speech or discrimination will not be tolerated. There is to be no racism, antisemitism, ethnic slurs, or derogatory language targeting any group. All people are made in the image of God and should be treated with dignity and respect, insofar as we are called to love our neighbor as ourselves.

4.8.5. Profanity and vulgar language will not be tolerated. Foul or offensive language has no place in a Christian discussion forum. Posts containing profanity, crude humor, or suggestive language will be removed, including those disguised with textual masking or obfuscated language. Malicious compliance is not compliance.

4.8.6. Pornographic, violent, immoral, or sexually explicit material will not be tolerated. Any content, images, or discussions promoting immorality, violence, or sexual content are strictly forbidden. This includes inappropriate jokes, innuendos, or suggestive discussions.
Last edited:
Update: February 22, 2025 (23:09 EST)
  • Changed the wording to Rules & Guidelines 1.1. The original is shown first, the edited version is shown second with the changes in red.
    • 1.1. All members are required to read, ensure they understand, and comply with the Rules at all times. The Rules apply to all communications made on this web site. Any failure to comply with the Rules may result in a post being edited or deleted and possibly the offending account receiving a warning, temporary suspension, or permanent ban.
    • 1.1. All members are required to read, ensure they understand, and comply with the Rules & Guidelines at all times ("Rules"). The Rules apply to all communications made on this web site. Any failure to comply with the Rules may result in a post being edited or deleted and possibly the offending account receiving a warning, temporary suspension, or permanent ban.
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