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Jesus is God {title edited}

Romans 5 says the trespass of one man (Adam) led to condemnation for all men. Do you really believe that no one is condemned before God pre death and resurrection of Christ?
You've been to the great white throne judgement already?

Romans 3 tells us that all are under sin (9-19) Verse 20 tells us the whole world is held accountable to God. We are told the same thing at the very beginning of creation, when we were made in His image and likeness and given our duties as His subjects. And given only one "Do not" command.
Different contexts to what Jesus was talking about.

That is how the gospel is spread. How people are drawn to Christ. And Scripture does not lend theology to what Jesus said---what He says is theology, and from theology come doctrines.
Paul has a theology, i.e., he didn't repeat verbatim the things Jesus said.
Your assertion is.
No I'm right.

Thanks for admitting that both uses of "the One" in Romans 10:14 refers to Jesus.
Don't try to represent me. Yes, belief in Jesus is required, but God saves the world through Jesus. Look at the context:

Romans 10
13for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

This calling on the Lord refers to YHWH. It's a quote from Joel 2

32And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD
will be saved;
for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem
there will be deliverance, as the LORD has promised,
among the remnant called by the LORD.

Hence John 3:17:

God saves through Jesus. Got it?

Important Safety Tip: Unless you sincerely believe yourself infallible, and/or channeling
God's thoughts; I strongly recommend you avoid telling people they are wrong lest the
hapless day arrive when you are forced to eat your words. Leave yourself avenue for
an honorable retreat instead of disgrace.

"I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless
word they have spoken. For by your words you will be innocent, and by your words you
will be condemned." (Matt 12:36-37)
whats your point?
You've been to the great white throne judgement already?
What does that even mean? The Bible tells us everyone who does not accept Christ, post resurrection, is condemned. Why would I need to be at the White Throne judgement to know that?
Different contexts to what Jesus was talking about.
Well---what is the context?
Paul has a theology, i.e., he didn't repeat verbatim the things Jesus said.
Shall I now have to define theology for you? You could look it up yourself, and I suggest you look up words to learn their meaning before you use them. Make sure you are using them right, you know?
You've been to the great white throne judgement already?
What does that even mean? The Bible tells us everyone who does not accept Christ, post resurrection, is condemned. Why would I need to be at the White Throne judgement to know that?
Different contexts to what Jesus was talking about.
Well---what is the context?
Paul has a theology, i.e., he didn't repeat verbatim the things Jesus said.
Shall I now have to define theology for you? You could look it up yourself, and I suggest you look up words to learn their meaning before you use them. Make sure you are using them right, you know?
What does that even mean? The Bible tells us everyone who does not accept Christ, post resurrection, is condemned. Why would I need to be at the White Throne judgement to know that?

Well---what is the context?

Shall I now have to define theology for you? You could look it up yourself, and I suggest you look up words to learn their meaning before you use them. Make sure you are using them right, you know?
do you have any point in these?

Or just making more muddy talk.
do you have any point in these?

Or just making more muddy talk.
The points are pretty sharp and easy to see. What is the point of your post?
Why did Jesus have to die?
justice is your answer--All of Gods ways are justice( Deut 32:4)=perfect balance on his justice scales( an eye for an eye)--A sinless mortal rebelled and sinned-Justice= A sinless mortal lived sinless but paid in full the wages of sin that he did not owe= the ransom sacrifice.
Isaiah 45:5 is clear-- I am YHVH(Jehovah)and there is no one else. With the exception of me there is no other God.---See the word-ME--not we.
The points are pretty sharp and easy to see. What is the point of your post?
This is my thread and I don't want any distracted argument.

Or are you guys hijacking it and changing the direction?
What does that even mean? The Bible tells us everyone who does not accept Christ, post resurrection, is condemned. Why would I need to be at the White Throne judgement to know that?

Well---what is the context?

Shall I now have to define theology for you? You could look it up yourself, and I suggest you look up words to learn their meaning before you use them. Make sure you are using them right, you know?
You’re saying all people have been condemned yet you haven’t been condemned. As I said, there is a different context those have to the condemnation they have in Adam and the condemnation one may have at their works-based judgement day.

Generally speaking, all are condemned to be condemned, but not all condemned to the second death. What you do actually matters. God repaying each according to their works is all over the New Testament. Do you know that or do you disagree with that too?
This is my thread and I don't want any distracted argument.

Or are you guys hijacking it and changing the direction?
They already changed the title of the thread and your OP. They’re trying to bury the truth.
read more of what I said.

Here's what I asserted in post 419:
"The One" (which appears twice) in Romans 10:14 refers to Jesus.

Runningman responded by asserting in post 420:
Yes and the one who saves is God.

By your use of "Yes' demonstrates it is an agreement with what I asserted that "the One" refers to Jesus. When you added "and" is you calling "the one" who saves as being God a reference back you your agreement that it is Jesus.

Great work!

Before you whine and whimper that I am not accurately representing what you intended to convey then you can clear this mess you made by simply answering this question:

To whom does "the One" (which appears twice) in Romans 10:14 refer to?
This is my thread and I don't want any distracted argument.

Or are you guys hijacking it and changing the direction?

The title of this thread reads in part "Jesus is God."
This is my thread

If you really and truly want to be an effective ambassador for Christ, then you are
simply going to have to stop fighting with people!

"The Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to
teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope
that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and
that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has
taken them captive to do his will." (2Tim 2:24-26)
justice is your answer--All of Gods ways are justice( Deut 32:4)=perfect balance on his justice scales( an eye for an eye)--A sinless mortal rebelled and sinned-Justice= A sinless mortal lived sinless but paid in full the wages of sin that he did not owe= the ransom sacrifice.
Sorry. There were only two sinless mortals who rebelled and that is Adam and Eve. So you have Jesus dying for Adam (since God says sin came to all men through Adam, not Adam and Eve.) That would only justify Adam. Everyone born through Adam after he sinned is not a sinless mortal.