Only in the mind of the modern futurist and nothing they ever imagine ever comes true. There is a handful of red cows in the West Bank and some Dispensational Zionist missionary thinks they are "the signal to rebuild the Third Temple," when that may or may not be true. We'll ALL know it's not true in two or three years when those cows either exceed the dedication period or are slain for food. Once that happens, we'll also know that article was sheer speculation that baited the Christians looking for signs of things nowhere stated in scripture.
There is not scripture in the New Testament explicitly stating anything about red heifers.
Yes, but the red heifer is necessary for consecrating the temple grounds prior to it getting built.
There is no scripture in the entire Bible explicitly stating another temple of stone will be built.
Yes, but a temple must be built if the fest of booths is going to happen, and that feast requires a temple.
There is no explicit mention of future feast of booths in the New Testament, especially not in the 21st century.
Yes, but who will the antichrist enter the temple and declare himself God if there's no temple?
Well, for one, that is not an answer to the point previously made. The antichrist is never said to enter the temple; it's the lawless man that does that. It's not the AoD, either and you're getting very sloppy with scripture combining those three as if they are all the same person when scripture never states any such thing. Besides, there were two temples standing when Paul wrote about the lawless man entering the temple and his original audience knew what was holding back that guy.
This is still future. The anti-christ hasn't shown himself yet.
I thought we were talking about the eschatological significance of five red heifers.
This is what passes for intelligent discourse among modern futurists.
There is no explicit scripture for what they imagine will happen. All the beliefs are created by reading scripture inferentially and ignoring or dismissing what is stated. When asked for scripture and shown scripture the common response is to repeatedly change the subject or attack the other person (both happened here in this thread). It then proves impossible to have a cogent topical conversation with modern futurists.
Within two or three years everyone, regardless of their eschatological orientation, will know whether this article about the eschatological significance of five red heifers has any merit. We'll also then know whether those defending modern futurist based on this article were correct. At that time the veracity of this thread will not be a matter of debate and only the most ideologically idolatrous modern futurist will dissent.
I can wait.
In the interim I exhort all the modern futurists, Dispensational Premillennialists, pre-tribulation rapturists, and Zionists to be more discerning: just because some comrade posts an article on the internet does not mean it has any veracity. There are people within modern futurism that prey on modern futurists for attention and financial support. They prey upon an already-existing vulnerability in the heart and mind of the commoner, the desire for signs.
James 1:14
But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.
The desire for a red heifer does not make every article on red heifers eschatological.