In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. He created Adam and Eve and they threw away everything God gave to them for a piece of fruit. The were thrown out of the garden, but not before God told Eve that their salvation would come through ONE of her descendants. They then had children, Cain, avid agricultural specialist, and Abel, the anti-vegan slaughterer of captive sheep. (I'm just trying to have a little fun with it.)
We move on to the flood. There are many stories as to why the flood occurred, and the one I lend credence to is that angels possessed men and went in to women, and the children were hybrids, the nephillim. As such, they were iredeemable. No sacrifice could save them, and apparently, given time, they would have overrun the earth. No one was saved from the flood. Noah and family were on a boat, so they were not saved from the flood, but through the flood on the ark that was an arketype... I mean archetype of Christ saving believers through the world flooded with sin.
Then we have later have Abraham, whom God ordered to leave His home in Ur. God made promises to Abraham that he would be the father of a great nation through his son Isaac. The same promise was passed on down to Isaac, and then to Jacob, renamed Israel. Their was foreshadowing with Isaac where Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac, and when God stopped them, God provided a substitute sacrifice in the form of a ram trapped in the underbrush. In the same way, God would provide a Lamb as a substitute for mankind. However, it couldn't simply be a person, but was God Himself, as Jesus.
When Israel was founded, God told Moses that they would rebel, not a question of if, not even a question of when because God told Moses. He gave Moses a song of curses for what would take place. However, he also said that there would come a time when all the blessings and curses have been fulfilled, and things would then be as they should be. He speaks of a last time when they would turn back to God, and he would bring them back to their land.
There is the 70 weeks prophecy where God gives His decree, His command for Daniel's people (Israel) and the holy city (Jerusalem). It speaks of the prince coming, and then after, the prince being cut off. (Triumphal entry, and crucifixion). After he is cut off, before the 70th week, the people of the prince to come destroy the city and sanctuary. Then, for the last week, a covenant is strenthened, and then violated after 3 1/2 years. At that time comes one who will stand in God's temple and declare himself God, putting an end to the sacrifices, and putting an end to all religion in the world other then the worship of himself. At the end of the 3 1/2 years, Jesus Himself deals with this person. At this time we see the final purpose God has for Israel, which is reconciliation. God has already reconciled with the Gentiles, the remnant of Israel is the last group to reconcile. They, who rejected Jesus, not God, as Paul did, will see and recognize Him, and be saved as Paul was.
Your view stops at the cross and then seems to say Israel has been rejected. While God, through Paul's writings, says no, they have not been rejected. At that time, it was the time of the gentiles. In Luke it is said as:
23 Woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days; for there will be great distress upon the [
o]land and wrath to this people; 24 and they will fall by the edge of the sword, and will be led captive into all the nations; and
Jerusalem will be trampled under foot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
This is in line with what Paul says in Romans, where Israel is partially blinded/hardened until the fulness of the Gentiles has come in. There will come a time when Jerusalem is no longer trampled under foot by the Gentiles. In looking at the world today, it appears that such a time may be close at hand. I'm not saying this is it, but, one cannot deny how uncanny it is that Jews were gathered up from around the world and brought back to Israel in 1948. The one who brought in the Abraham Accords (an accord is like a covenant) also moved to recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel by moving the embassy to Jerusalem. His political aspirations took a fatal blow, but he is back again. He will again try to bring peace to the world, as he did his first time around. Again, this speaks only to how close this can appear to prophecy. I don't believe this is it, but is the fig tree showing that summer is near. It's not here yet, but it won't be much longer.
To believe God has solely one purpose for Israel and that Israel only existed to benefit the Gentiles is a little short sighted. [That point of view is to help you see some of the outcomes that I could ask you to address.] It's kind of like saying Calvinism teaches double predestination, or that God created evil. Calvin had to address that, and he did. Some of it is funny, but most of it showed the sad state of heresy in his day and age. And, most of the questions are the same questions you can find on the calvinism vs. arminianism forum here. No change. The lie hasn't even evolved. If they knew the sort of things the people asking those questions believed, they might stop asking the questions, though I doubt it.
There is but one purpose to God's redemption in this world, and that is to bring glory to Himself. Paul says there are two main themes to redemption, three depending on how one builds it out. The disobedience of Israel in the rejection of Jesus, the obedience of the Gentiles in the acceptance of the gospel due to the disobedience of Israel, and the mercy God will have on Israel due to the obedience of the Gentiles. All have been locked in disobedience that God may have mercy on all. Paul does not say that Israel started in disobedience. I believe that is because it is understood that Israel are the chosen people of God. As such, it is understood (though not necessarily true at all times) that they follow God. The disobedience in Paul's discourse is the rejection of the Messiah, after God had taken all that time to tell them that He is coming, and here is how you will know. The Gentiles weren't the chosen one of God, didn't have the oracles of God, etc. They are shown as being disobedient since they are not the people of God. The gospel came to them because of the rejection of Jesus by Israel, but instead of rejecting it like Israel and continuing in disobedience, they, who didn't have God as Israel did, accepted. So when called to obedience, they obeyed. (Obviously not all of them, but it was a group, not individuals). Through the obedience of the Gentiles, Israel will find mercy from God. Israel was made disobedient, and the Gentiles came out of disobedience, so that God can have mercy on all. At the end, there will be the church, saved, and the remnant of Israel, not saved. You will then have the remnant of Israel, like Paul, see, recognize, break down, and accept Jesus their King. He will, as mentioned in Matthew, be seen in Jerusalem again, after the remnant cries out "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord."