May I hold you to that?
Hmmm... I am surprised to read that question. It matters because if the predicted events do not happen then that news article, all the claims by the missionary who wrote it, this op, and this thread are wastes of time built on falsehood. If these heifers, the hoped-for consecration, and the future temple never happen then everyone making such claims and supporting such claims has either spoken falsely or lied (depending on their knowledge beforehand).
If I told you, "X will happen in three years," and X does not happen, not only am I factually wrong, but you have reason to point that out to me (and everyone affected by my mistake). If I say "X will happen in three years," and I know beforehand that X will not happen, or is not likely to happen in the specified time, then I haven't simply made a mistake. I have
On one hand, there is a HUGE difference between a falsehood and a lie.
But, on another hand, for all practical intents and purposes the chronic propagation of falsehoods - factual errors made without any intent to deceive -still have adverse effect on the witness to Christ and the body of believers.
That is why it matters.
I do not think ANY pre-trib Christian has it correct. None. I think you are all wrong and all of you are always and everywhere wrong. But I can discuss the problem of false prognostications without vilifying the whole lot of you wretched cretins
Most of which is irrelevant and off topic. This op is about red heifers and nothing more, nothing else. You do, however, broach another concern because - as I have often informed you and other pre-tribbers - it is nearly impossible to have a topical discussion without the pre-tribbers sabotaging the discussion with piles of irrelevant matters.
You limiting your half of this conversation specifically to the red heifers and the prospective consecration of ground for a future stone temple will be appreciated. It will also prevent me from criticizing you and all other pre-tribbers for chronically going off topic.