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If Adam and Eve were a product of "evolutionism"....when, how and why did mankind fall?

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If Adam and Eve were a product of "evolutionism"....when, how and why did mankind fall?
Well technically, there would have been no fall. I mean, what could they have fallen from? There would be no moral law. The world would be full of liberal democrats.

Mob Rules!!! ;)
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Oh it is a biblical concept. Read the account of creation. Everything has a nature or it does not exist.

If "nature" is used of mankind to describe him---all biblical concepts aside---would say it could be said "It is the nature of humans to sin?" In the same sense of the word that one might say "It is the nature of wild beasts to sleep in the daytime, and search for food at night?

If so we do have an example of that in the Bible. Psalm 104.

And if it is not in the nature of man to sin---the why does he? Why does he violate his nature constantly all the days of his life?
Just so I know what you are characterizing by "sin nature", do you believe that Adam was created with a sin nature? When you answer that, then I will come back and discuss it further with you.
Just so I know what you are characterizing by "sin nature", do you believe that Adam was created with a sin nature? When you answer that, then I will come back and discuss it further with you.
No, I do not think Adam was created with a sin nature.
No, I do not think Adam was created with a sin nature.
If we sin because we have a sin nature, then why did Adam sin if he didn't have a sin nature?
Well technically, there would have been no fall. I mean, what could they have fallen from? There would be no moral law. The world would be full of liberal democrats.
Why? I realize that the OP essentially assumes evolution is a false description of man's beginnings. And I understand your argument. But if it is in fact the way that God did, why would that negate the fall and why would there be no moral law?

And for what it is worth, the world is full of liberal democrats.
Why? I realize that the OP essentially assumes evolution is a false description of man's beginnings. And I understand your argument. But if it is in fact the way that God did, why would that negate the fall and why would there be no moral law?

And for what it is worth, the world is full of liberal democrats.
So, God exist in this scenario?
If we sin because we have a sin nature, then why did Adam sin if he didn't have a sin nature?
Because he was a creature who was created as a moral agent---image of God----and he was able to sin. Just as he was created mortal (able to die) and corruptible (able to become corrupted.) Everyone after Adam was thrown from the Garden knows evil and good---they are corrupt because mankind has been corrupted.

Compare the creation of man to the creation of animals and maybe you will see the difference. Each animal had is specific nature and purpose in God's creation, and this is a command of God in a sense. They are to do what God created them to do in the way God created them to do it. But they are not a moral agent and their "obedience" is through the instinct that God put in their nature. By nature they are what they are and do what they do. They were created that way.

Adam and Eve were created with a nature that does not survive and thrive through instinct, but by imitating his Father and obedience to Him. And he was created to tend to and care for the creation and to multiply and fill the earth. As such he has moral choice. Adam is the father of all mankind. Can you acknowledge that? Adam was not created a sinner with an inherent bend toward sin. When he did sin, he gained something God did not give him. The knowledge of not only good, but also of evil. Not only did Adam and Eve have this knowledge, but every child born in Adam----of the earth----has that same knowledge inherent in them. All of mankind became sinful creatures. That is why every last one of the DOES sin.
Did Adam have free will?
Adam had a will that was not predisposed to sin. It was not free in the sense that it was allowed to disobey without reaping what it sowed and whatever he did would fall on all the rest of his kind. Human.
Because he was a creature who was created as a moral agent---image of God----and he was able to sin. Just as he was created mortal (able to die) and corruptible (able to become corrupted.) Everyone after Adam was thrown from the Garden knows evil and good---they are corrupt because mankind has been corrupted.

Compare the creation of man to the creation of animals and maybe you will see the difference. Each animal had is specific nature and purpose in God's creation, and this is a command of God in a sense. They are to do what God created them to do in the way God created them to do it. But they are not a moral agent and their "obedience" is through the instinct that God put in their nature. By nature they are what they are and do what they do. They were created that way.

Adam and Eve were created with a nature that does not survive and thrive through instinct, but by imitating his Father and obedience to Him. And he was created to tend to and care for the creation and to multiply and fill the earth. As such he has moral choice. Adam is the father of all mankind. Can you acknowledge that? Adam was not created a sinner with an inherent bend toward sin. When he did sin, he gained something God did not give him. The knowledge of not only good, but also of evil. Not only did Adam and Eve have this knowledge, but every child born in Adam----of the earth----has that same knowledge inherent in them. All of mankind became sinful creatures. That is why every last one of the DOES sin.
Sorry, but mankind has not been corrupted any more than Adam was corrupted. There is nothing in the scriptures that says otherwise.
:unsure: Hmmm, I give up. How
I asked....If Adam and Eve were a product of "evolutionism"....when, how and why did mankind fall?

I don't have the answer...that's why I asked. All I know is what the bible says about the fall and not what the Theo-Evos say.

Thing is the Theo-Evos are hush hush concerning this answer.
If we sin because we have a sin nature, then why did Adam sin if he didn't have a sin nature?
I think you need to read up on what the sin nature is.

Here's the beginning of the article from Got Questions....The sin nature is that aspect in man that makes him rebellious against God. When we speak of the sin nature, we refer to the fact that we have a natural inclination to sin; given the choice to do God’s will or our own, we will naturally choose to do our own thing.
Sorry, but mankind has not been corrupted any more than Adam was corrupted. There is nothing in the scriptures that says otherwise.
This is from the same article...

Where did the sin nature come from? Scripture says that God created humans good and without a sinful nature: “God created man in His own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). However, Genesis 3 records the disobedience of Adam and Eve. By that one action, sin entered into their nature. They were immediately stricken with a sense of shame and unfitness, and they hid from God’s presence (Genesis 3:8). When they had children, Adam’s image and likeness was passed along to his offspring (Genesis 5:3). The sin nature manifested itself early in the genealogy: the very first child born to Adam and Eve, Cain, became the very first murderer (Genesis 4:8).
This is from the same article...

Where did the sin nature come from? Scripture says that God created humans good and without a sinful nature: “God created man in His own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). However, Genesis 3 records the disobedience of Adam and Eve. By that one action, sin entered into their nature. They were immediately stricken with a sense of shame and unfitness, and they hid from God’s presence (Genesis 3:8). When they had children, Adam’s image and likeness was passed along to his offspring (Genesis 5:3). The sin nature manifested itself early in the genealogy: the very first child born to Adam and Eve, Cain, became the very first murderer (Genesis 4:8).
Scripture never says God created humans without a sin nature.
Being created in the image of God does not mean without a sin nature.
I think you need to read up on what the sin nature is.
Since sin nature is not actually discussed in the Bible, where do you suggest I read up about it? Why would I go to something like Got Questions on that instead of the Bible? Especially since it is Reformed Theology, and I can get that just from reading what is mostly posted here.
Since sin nature is not actually discussed in the Bible, where do you suggest I read up about it? Why would I go to something like Got Questions on that instead of the Bible? Especially since it is Reformed Theology, and I can get that just from reading what is mostly posted here.
Seems you missed lots of biblical teachings friend. 🙁
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