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Eve's Name

Eve's name.

According to Genesis 3:20....

Genesis 3:20
Now the man called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all the living.

Eve wasn't named until after the fall (but before they couple were discharged from the garden). What are we to make of that? Was she nameless prior to Gen. 3:20? Did the man and the woman call each other "man" and "woman" before then?
Actually Adam and Eve both were named Adam by God.

Genesis 5:2​

“Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.”

Just Like my wife and I are called Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Baker

But, Adam called her name Eve, because she was indeed the mother all living.
Hi everyone,

I wrote this recent spate of inquiries for everyone's delight. Because scripture is silent on these matters the answers are, necessarily, going to be ones of speculation. The inquiries were intended to provoke a little thought, some consideration of scripture, some enjoyable conversation among us, and the opportunity to discuss some things in light-hearted manner (as opposed to the more serious and sometimes rancorous topics of salvation, end times, or the Trinity).

I do not think there is an answer to this op's inquiry.

Were I to venture an answer I, personally, suggest Adam's words serve as an example of sin's effect, not something God is stating as truth about Eve. The words are found in God's Word, but the words aren't God's words. God's Word is telling us what Adam said and, presumably, what Adam thought after he had disobeyed God, and sin and death had come upon him. One of the reasons I do not think Adam's words are Christologically soteriological (have to do with salvation in Christ) is because of Paul's comment in 1 Tim. 2:15, women will be saved through childbearing...... if they continue in the faith, love and holiness with self-restraint. In other words, those women are all already saved Christologically. They already have faith in Christ, they already know the love of God found therein and they are already holy = separated for sacred purpose. Paul is not saying a non-believing female can have salvation from sin by having babies. That would be salvation by works. However, perhaps I am wrong. Perhaps there is an answer found in the whole of God's Word and we need to continue investigating.

As far as this op goes, however, the op has served its purpose, and I appreciate everyone's participation. I hope the opportunity to have a little light-hearted speculation and fun was realized.

Mods, you can decide whether to close the thread accordingly or leave it open for future speculation and fun :cool:.
Hi I would offer. Another perspective.

The Christian bride as the priesthood of believers. Sent them as apostles like Timothy a member of the chase virgin bride sends them two by two. The chaste virgin bride suffering like Paul with Timothy in birth pain in a hope Christ will be formed in in him

.In that way the bride will be saved in childbirth preaching the gospel

Adam to represent Christ the invisible head and Eve the chaste virgin bride called the mother of us all .

The commandment came from the father given to Adam who was to represent our unseen God Adam and not Eve was given the loving commandment not to eat from the tree hidden in the garden as a parable .

Satan knowing Eve was the weaker vessel as a priestess preach the word of God added four litle words of false prophecy .Adam failed to warn Eve . The "lust of the flesh" drew them to the hidden tree to see "lust of the eye" the two building blocks of false pride

Do not lust after woman or men with lust the creator of adultery'.

Look do not touch .

Then having touched and not dying instantly they both ate the fruit of the dead .

Adding or subtracting to the word of God (sola scriptura) with false prophecy cause of the fall.

The development of the priesthood of believers Chaste virgin bride

Exodus 7King James Version7 And the Lord said unto Moses(Adam) , See, I have made thee(Adam) a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron (Eve) thy brother shall be thy (Adam) prophet. Thou (Adam) shalt speak all that I command thee: and Aaron(Eve the priestess )thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh, that he send the children of Israel out of his land.