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If Adam and Eve were a product of "evolutionism"....when, how and why did mankind fall?

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According to Theo-Evo theology....when did the pre-human-primates become "mankind'?
According to Theo-Evo theology pre-human-primates didn't become "mankind".
still don't know exactly

What do you mean by "Theo-Evo fall"? Do theo-evos think that mankind is fallen? ...that there is such a thing as original sin?
While we are asking "fall account" questions, here are 3 sets of questions for you concerning the "Adam and Eve account":
The fall is the reason why we all need Jesus. I was hoping some Theo-Evo could shed some light on how it happened.
We are told that the snake was the craftiest of animals and that it could talk and reason. So were snakes speaking with their forked tongues and tiny reptilian brains or did massive physiological changes take place? ...if so what changes occurred and when did that happen?
There are several thoughts. Was the snake possessed? We also see an account where a donkey talked in the bible.
The snake tells Eve that "...and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." Now if Eve didn't know good from evil (at that time), then that claim would make as much sense a telling a person that can only see white, black and gray that she'll know red from yellow. It simply wouldn't make sense (to her).....so how could she then see that the fruit was desirable for gaining wisdom?
Eve had a limited knowledge. Adam and Eve knew they were "very good"...
Was there only one species of walking (or non-slithering), talking snake that produced all the present species of non-talking snakes? ....and when did these talking snakes become moral agents?....where is the account of the fall of the talking snakes and why weren't they cursed to slithering at that time?
You seem to be acting as if you know all the details about the biblical fall...then try to deny it happened...but then try to tell us A&E fell another way while providing no details.
According to Theo-Evo theology pre-human-primates didn't become "mankind".
Then what happened? According to Theo-Evo theology Adam wasn't formed from the dirt then Eve from his rib.
The fall is the reason why we all need Jesus.
the reason that we need Jesus is because we all have sinned....not because Eve and Adam sinned. I should add that a week old baby hasn't sinned as he isn't capable of sinning yet and he isn't tainted by original sin...but if he lives long enough he will sin and that will taint him.
I was hoping some Theo-Evo could shed some light on how it happened.
How what happened? How a fall that they don't believe in happened?
There are several thoughts. Was the snake possessed?
it says that the snake was the craftiest of all the animals...not that the non-animal that possessed the snake was the craftiest of all the animals
You seem to be acting as if you know all the details about the biblical fall...
Obviously I am aware of the story about Eve, Adam and the talking snake....but you see I don't believe that eternal life comes from eating the fruit that hung on a tree in the middle of a garden. I believe that eternal life comes from accepting/believing in (eating) what was achieved by Jesus (the fruit) as he hung on a Roman cross of crucifixion (the tree).
the reason that we need Jesus is because we all have sinned....not because Eve and Adam sinned. I should add that a week old baby hasn't sinned as he isn't capable of sinning yet and he isn't tainted by original sin...but if he lives long enough he will sin and that will taint him.
Because Adam and Eve sinned..all humans, there prodigy now have a propensity to sin.
How what happened? How a fall that they don't believe in happened?
There is a reason as to why every man sins..and needs Jesus as their savior. What do the theo-evos say that reason is?
it says that the snake was the craftiest of all the animals...not that the non-animal that possessed the snake was the craftiest of all the animals
What does that mean?
Obviously I am aware of the story about Eve, Adam and the talking snake....but you see I don't believe that eternal life comes from eating the fruit that hung on a tree in the middle of a garden. I believe that eternal life comes from accepting/believing in (eating) what was achieved by Jesus (the fruit) as he hung on a Roman cross of crucifixion (the tree).
What was the reason for Jesus coming and hanging on a cross?
If Adam and Eve were a product of evolution [then] how and why did mankind fall?
They fell because they could. The how was by deliberately disobeyed God's commands knowing it would make them dead in sin and the why is to glorify God. But evolution is not intended to explain any of it. As far as evolutionary theory goes, the fall is irrelevant.
They fell because they could. The how was by deliberately disobeyed God's commands knowing it would make them dead in sin and the why is to glorify God. But evolution is not intended to explain any of it. As far as evolutionary theory goes, the fall is irrelevant.
"the fall is irrelevant.".....that's part of my point. The fall of Adam and Eve is very relevant.

The Theo-Evos have no reason for a full and the subsequent need for Jesus because of the fall.
They fell because they could. The how was by deliberately disobeyed God's commands knowing it would make them dead in sin and the why is to glorify God. But evolution is not intended to explain any of it. As far as evolutionary theory goes, the fall is irrelevant.
I can understand that Adam and Eve "fell" when they deliberately disobeyed God, and it resulted in their "death". Who caused the rest of humanity to "fall" when Adam and Eve deliberately disobeyed God?
"the fall is irrelevant.".....that's part of my point. The fall of Adam and Eve is very relevant.

The Theo-Evos have no reason for a full and the subsequent need for Jesus because of the fall of Adam and Eve; but you do have a reason for a full and the subsequent need for Jesus because of your own fall when you deliberately disobeyed God.
And indeed you have no
"the fall is irrelevant.".....that's part of my point. The fall of Adam and Eve is very relevant.

The Theo-Evos have no reason for a full and the subsequent need for Jesus because of the fall.
Well... let me ask you two questions.

  1. Would you say the fall is a moral matter?
  2. Would you use a microscope to view far distant galaxies?

I can understand that Adam and Eve "fell" when they deliberately disobeyed God, and it resulted in their "death". Who caused the rest of humanity to "fall" when Adam and Eve deliberately disobeyed God?
It's not a "who"...but a what. That what is the nature of what A&E's progeny are.
I can understand that Adam and Eve "fell" when they deliberately disobeyed God, and it resulted in their "death". Who caused the rest of humanity to "fall" when Adam and Eve deliberately disobeyed God?
That question must be answer in two ways because there are two conditions causing the fall of all humanity. The first is that God designed creation to function in specified ways and one of those ways was death coming to all men because all would sin. It's not all might sin, but all would sin. The second is that two imperfect creatures do not procreate perfect progeny. Imperfection never begets perfection.
If A&E's disobedience and the subsequent fall which give us our sin nature is a moral issue...then yes.
And the answer to the second question? Would you use a microscope to view far distant galaxies?
Who made A&E's the fallen progeny that you think they are?
A&E did. Their progeny is not born with what A&E originally had prior to their fall.
That question must be answer in two ways because there are two conditions causing the fall of all humanity. The first is that God designed creation to function in specified ways and one of those ways was death coming to all men because all would sin. It's not all might sin, but all would sin. The second is that two imperfect creatures do not procreate perfect progeny. Imperfection never begets perfection.
The imperfection is not in the flesh and blood of the man but in the spirit of the man. The spirit of man comes not by procreation but by the hand of God. John 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

Also, it is all would sin, but it is not all were made to sin. Sin is a choice.
Says who?
The bible.

Adam was made in God image...very good. Are you going to claim God has a sin nature and that sin nature was given to Adam when he was made? Are you going to claim Adam obtained a sin nature that was then passed onto his progeny?
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