Through the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
The word teaches that we are saved by grace, through faith...
How is this grace and faith received you may ask.
We are convicted by the Holy Spirit of God when hearing the gospel message, and God the Holy Spirit who is the power of the gospel opens our hearts and minds to understanding our need of salvation through a perfect savior.
He leads us into repentance, and grants us faith through His grace and thereby imputes the righteousness of Christ to us.
Your poll is lacking in my opinion.
Maybe we should start with "saved." What is it?
It is saved from the wrath of God (Ro 5:9) on sin.
How are we saved from God's wrath on sin?
Through faith in Jesus Christ and his atoning work (Ro 3:25).
How does that work?
God counts the punishment due you for your sin as satisfied by Jesus' atonement on the cross.
Then what?
Your sin debt being paid, God
declares you "not guilty," which is justification (Gr:
Justification/righteousness are often called the same thing.
However, justification being a
declaration of "not guilty," of right-
standing with God, and not
actual righteousness, it is a
forensic righteousness of no guilt, a credited (imputed) righteousness.
actual righteousness is sanctification through obedience, which leads to righteousness leading to holiness (Ro 6:16-19).
Now aren't you glad you asked?