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Annihilationism is taught in the bible

Gnostics also have no use for the material things, like bodies and other icky things.

Correct. Jesus took on mortal flesh that we may rise on that Day by His great power.

2 Corinthians 5:4-5 NKJV
For we who are in this tent groan, being burdened, not because we want to be unclothed, but further clothed, that mortality may be swallowed up by life. [5] Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.

You mean this sort of thing?

John 11:24-25 NKJV
Martha said to Him, "I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day." [25] Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.

John 6:40,44,54 NKJV
And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day."
[44] No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.
[54] Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.
If Yahshua said "I will raise him up" the Jews would have stoned him on the spot. And yet we see no comment by the Jews for such a claim.
More Catholic Hanky Panky.

Only Yahwah is able to grant life immortal.

Yahshua came here to reconcile mankind to Yahwah through a new covenant. Yahshua did not come here to elevate himself.
makesends said:
When I wrote it, I almost said that if a person ceases to exist, then—as God sees apart from time, as opposed to how we see from within time—that person never did exist. This is almost incoherent to say, as it necessarily uses human language and human concepts, but there is something to it. However, I do think God makes some things "to be no more" that do exist during this temporal "envelope."
Thank you for the explanation. And I would challenge your argument with a couple of thoughts that may be worth considering.

First, does God create anything that goes to waste? I don't think so. I would say that even temporal things that are here today and gone tomorrow play a role in accomplishing his purposes. So, I cannot agree with your notion that those who cease to exist might as well have not existed from God's eternal perspective. If they played a role in accomplishing his purposes, then their existence was notable—and even crucial in many cases, I believe (like giving birth to his elect). And this is to say nothing of the seriousness of their sin, even "as God sees apart from time."
I agree completely that God does not create anything that goes to waste, even though I can't reconcile all applications of the principle. That those temporal things that I described as made to "be no more" are not wasted, to me, has to do also with the fact that I assume, that the things of this earth are not "the real", but only pictures of "the real" things of Heaven. (And by that, I don't mean to say that those temporal things are not real).

But I like the idea of them being of value, simply as playing a role in accomplishing his purposes.

But this is wandering from my point, I think. When I said "there is something to it", I did not mean it was a valid statement that a person who ceases to exist never did exist. To me it is a bogus statement, because it is ludicrous, to me, that anything can cease to exist, and particularly that anything made in the image of God can cease to exist. But all that is, depends on God for its existence, and God can do as he pleases with it, being Lord over very existence.
Second, if the unrepentant who have sinned against an eternal, infinite God are punished with an eternal punishment—and that is what annihilationists believe—then it's an inaccurate caricature to say they are punished "merely temporally." Sure, they are punished temporally, here and now, but then also eternally in the hereafter. Their punishment is death, and that punishment is forever. Unrepentant sinners are first spiritually separated from God and later metaphysically separated from God. As Cornelius Van Til recognized, a man who is metaphysically separated from God is effectively destroyed; to be "cast out from the presence of the Lord is the idea at the root of eternal death" (Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown Commentary).
My bad. I didn't know annihilationists believe in 'an eternal punishment', as such. To them, does eternal death = eternal non-existence?
Third, there is the problem of conditional immortality. God alone possesses immortality (1 Tim 6:16), which Jesus Christ brought to light through the gospel (2 Tim 1:10), so the promise that this mortal body will put on immortality (1 Cor 15:53) is for those whose belief in the gospel endured to the end. There is an implicit belief among Christians (which the Belgic Confession states explicitly) that the damned "will become immortal," but there are no scriptures attesting to that. My observations of scriptures is that immortality is not intrinsic to human nature but rather a salvific gift.
To my thinking, it is a sloughing of terms to say that the damned "will become immortal". We do that a lot, though. We say that they will live in a continuing death, or words like that. I think all it means is that they will not entirely cease to exist.

I like the thought that the separation from God is the antithesis to our unity in Heaven with God who is our very sustenance. But I know that He is the very sustainer of existence itself, so it would seem to be not a perfect antithesis. I expect if I was to show this observation to an annihilationist, they would delight in the notion that theirs is a more perfect antithesis.

I'm not sure of your meaning: "intrinsic to human nature". In the common worldview, humans, and all other things, are, once-existent, intrinsically so, creator-irrelevant. Obviously, I don't hold to that. So I will agree that immortality is not intrinsic to the human nature. But "mortality" does not equal "subject to final annihilation."

As I read it in Scripture, the lake of fire is not just judgement —it is suffering.

makesends said:
Above all other things, ... humans are made in the image of God. Implied by that fact, I think, is that ours is not merely a temporal but a "permanent" existence.
That would involve a discussion on the image of God, as I think we disagree on that. The royal-functional view of J. Richard Middleton and virtually all Old Testament scholars, which I also affirm, does not seem to imply a permanency to human existence. If you have seen that it does, then please feel free to explain the connection. On the other hand, if your view on the image of God differs from Middleton and others, well, that would account for our disagreement.

makesends said:
Humans, being made in the image of God, are therefore of moral accountability; morality, being rooted in God, is of a permanent nature.
To be morally accountable before God does not obviate the punishment for sin, which is death, which is forever. And good and evil being defined by God is a theological proposition, not an anthropological one; it tells us nothing about human nature.
I see I have violated my own precept, "Don't apply math to the spiritual". But I think I did say something to the effect that this is how it seems to me —not that this is the truth.

You say, "...the punishment for sin, which is death, which is forever". Unless you are an annihilationist, I don't know what you are saying, quite.
We make sense of eternal life and eternal punishment by reference to God, his gracious love on the one hand and his just wrath on the other. Love is an eternal attribute of God, but what about wrath? Surely not. It seems to be contingent upon the existence of sin and the violation of divine principles, which God intends to eliminate from all of creation until at last God may be all in all. As we see all throughout scriptures, and especially on the cross, God's anger can be satisfied. Imagine a God whose wrath is never spent! No, when God's fierce anger is kindled, it is an unquenchable fire that burns against people until it is spent or complete. In The Cross of Christ (1986), John Stott put it this way:
A cluster of words seems to affirm the truth that God must be himself, that what is inside him must come out, and that the demands of his own nature and character must be met by appropriate action on his part. The chief word is kālah, which is used particularly by Ezekiel in relation to God's anger. It means "to be complete, at an end, finished, accomplished, spent." It occurs in a variety of contexts in the Old Testament, nearly always to indicate the "end" of something, either because it has been destroyed or because it has been finished in some other way. Time, work, and life all have an end. Tears are exhausted by weeping, water used up and grass dried up in drought, and our physical strength is spent. So, through Ezekiel, Yahweh warns Judah that he is about to "accomplish" (KJV), "satisfy" (RSV) or "spend" (NIV) his anger "upon" or "against" them. They have refused to listen to him and have persisted in their idolatry. So now, at last, "the time has come, the day is near ... I am about to pour out my wrath on you and spend my anger against you" (Ezek. 7:7–8). It is significant that the "pouring out" and the "spending" go together, for what is poured out cannot be gathered again and what is spent is finished. The same two images are coupled in Lamentations 4:11, "The LORD has given full vent (kālah) to his wrath; he has poured out his fierce anger." Indeed, only when Yahweh's wrath is "spent" does it "cease."​
I think we confuse ourselves with our absolutist notions about our words, as though they are of themselves meaningful as we conceive of them. If wrath is of itself an attribute of God, then it is not without all the other attributes of God. But maybe it is only God's dealing with sin, perhaps just our way of looking at his acts of justice.
Gnostics also have no use for the material things, like bodies and other icky things.
Did you mean things that are dying as good as dead our earthen bodies? Not sure if I would call it icky thing rather than dead never to rise
Correct. Jesus took on mortal flesh that we may rise on that Day by His great power.
I think you meant great power of God as Christ reckoned by the father. The son of man Jesus had no power of his own to rise from the dead to newness of sprit life .He will receive his new body at the same time of all saints called the last day under the sun.The end of time.
My bad. I didn't know annihilationists believe in 'an eternal punishment', as such. To them, does eternal death = eternal non-existence?
Annihilationist believe in eternal punishment for ever as long as they live. Not forever and ever with no end .Suffering stops when a person takes their last breath.

I agree completely that God does not create anything that goes to waste, even though I can't reconcile all applications of the principle. That those temporal things that I described as made to "be no more" are not wasted, to me, has to do also with the fact that I assume, that the things of this earth are not "the real", but only pictures of "the real" things of Heaven. (And by that, I don't mean to say that those temporal things are not real).

Hi .I would offer.

Not a waste simply dying flesh that did not profit because it could not.(no power) God is not a man as us .

Many disciples that were hoping the flesh of the Son of man could profit .They walked away to show they have no power that comes from the Holy Spirit .Hearing God's eternal understanding

They were hoping the temporal flesh of Jesus the Son of man could profit. . . not mixing it with faith the unseen eternal things of our Holy Father they walked away

John 6 63-65 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him. And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.. . . . . . .(Not dead flesh of eternal life)

The letter of the law the second death (thou shall not of or in dying mankind is as good as dead).Mankind is dead (powerless) carrying out the one apoint to die once. no mistrial or double jeopardy.

God's instrument of judgement kills .It as the second death will be tossed in the judgement of God called fire. The tool of death "thou shall not or you will surely die never to rise again" .

The death of death. It will not rise up and condemn through dying corruption another whole creation .The former things of earth will not be remember to include the book of the law death.

I wonder why mankind desires two trials two deaths one after taking their last breath of oxygen?

Whats the hope misled vengeance?

Is dead never to rise not a reliable witness? are men rising from buried under with no oxygen with no breath of life?????

Does dust have its own breath

Genisis w2: 7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Annihilationist believe in eternal punishment for ever as long as they live. Not forever and ever with no end .Suffering stops when a person takes their last breath.
@DialecticSkeptic would say different, I think, but he seems to be referring to a question of definition of death or something —I'm still not sure what he is saying. And I have heard self-professed annihilationists claim there is some punishment in hell/but that it ends in the LOF.
Hi .I would offer.

Not a waste simply dying flesh that did not profit because it could not.(no power) God is not a man as us .

Many disciples that were hoping the flesh of the Son of man could profit .They walked away to show they have no power that comes from the Holy Spirit .Hearing God's eternal understanding

They were hoping the temporal flesh of Jesus the Son of man could profit. . . not mixing it with faith the unseen eternal things of our Holy Father they walked away

John 6 63-65 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him. And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.. . . . . . .(Not dead flesh of eternal life)

The letter of the law the second death (thou shall not of or in dying mankind is as good as dead).Mankind is dead (powerless) carrying out the one apoint to die once. no mistrial or double jeopardy.

God's instrument of judgement kills .It as the second death will be tossed in the judgement of God called fire. The tool of death "thou shall not or you will surely die never to rise again" .

The death of death. It will not rise up and condemn through dying corruption another whole creation .The former things of earth will not be remember to include the book of the law death.

I wonder why mankind desires two trials two deaths one after taking their last breath of oxygen?

Whats the hope misled vengeance?

Is dead never to rise not a reliable witness? are men rising from buried under with no oxygen with no breath of life?????

Does dust have its own breath

Genisis w2: 7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
There is a very real difference between the death of flesh, and spiritual death. The mental incongruity of the one due to the lack of understanding of just what life is, doesn't approach the horror of the other and the depth of truth that we ignore due to the pain of apprehending these awe-ful facts. I think we all sometimes experience inklings that there is an infinity of truth for which we were made, and we shrink away from it, perhaps for fear of madness. We obviously were not made to understand some things, but in Christ alone.

We could go a long way into the speculation of these things, without proving anything, and it would be fun. But I don't see the application of that discussion to the matter at hand. I'm not questioning whether the flesh profits anything. I think that is a different discussion, though related.

The notion of the "video being played", so to speak, when "every idle word" is reviewed, may well be God showing us everything as it happens. (This doesn't mean that we are up there now looking down on ourselves doing what we do, but that might be a useful way to think of it. Only there is a lot more detail to what we do here than we know, and we will know it there.) —My point there being that God's wisdom, love and majesty and every other attribute will (eternally, I think) be on full display BECAUSE OF what he did here, in the face of what we did.
Greetings Eleanor,

My present position is not the position I first heard over fifty years ago when I begun my Christian life in my mid twenties. It also goes against the mainstream teaching of many great men in the past, whom I'm convinced were willing to be rubber stamped by other men who were rubber stamped by religion, mainly RCC with their doctrine of purgatory, their cash flow cow!
Beside to reject a burning present hell is to them one on the great marks of not being sound in the faith. But, be as it may, only God knows why even good men error on this one teaching. Consider:
Why would God allow the wicked to remain~and in what state would he allow them to remain? When I think of perishing I think of totally passing away. THe earth as we know it shall pass away and in its place God shall create a new heaven and earth.

A question for you, my sister: Where will be the lake of fire where the wicked shall face the second death?
My understanding from searching the scriptures will be this earth when God shall destroy it with fire according to 2nd Peter 3 which reads:

Eleanor, the world of the ungodly perished in Noah's day with the flood, they did not continue living, they perished, just as they did in Sodom and Gomorrah~suffering the vengeance of eternal fire, meaning that there were no reversal! Jude verse 7:

Today we see no evidence of where Sodom and Gomorrah and the cites about them were, we can only speculate at best.

When 2nd Peter three is fulfilled, then in its place there will be a new heaven and a new earth with the old forever passing away with fervent heat and the wicked therein, which the lake of fire will be their second death, forever gone not to be remembered again forever, world without end.

This is my understanding, and I received it not from commentaires of men, (of even good, righteous men ) for they will certainly confuse one searching for the truth if we allow them to do so.
Eternal punishment (Mt 25:46, Mk 9:43-48) and
torment forever and ever (Rev 14:11)
do not allow me to accept annihilation of the person.
@DialecticSkeptic would say different, I think, but he seems to be referring to a question of definition of death or something —I'm still not sure what he is saying. And I have heard self-professed annihilationists claim there is some punishment in hell/but that it ends in the LOF.

There is a very real difference between the death of flesh, and spiritual death. The mental incongruity of the one due to the lack of understanding of just what life is, doesn't approach the horror of the other and the depth of truth that we ignore due to the pain of apprehending these awe-ful facts. I think we all sometimes experience inklings that there is an infinity of truth for which we were made, and we shrink away from it, perhaps for fear of madness. We obviously were not made to understand some things, but in Christ alone.

We could go a long way into the speculation of these things, without proving anything, and it would be fun. But I don't see the application of that discussion to the matter at hand. I'm not questioning whether the flesh profits anything. I think that is a different discussion, though related.

The notion of the "video being played", so to speak, when "every idle word" is reviewed, may well be God showing us everything as it happens. (This doesn't mean that we are up there now looking down on ourselves doing what we do, but that might be a useful way to think of it. Only there is a lot more detail to what we do here than we know, and we will know it there.) —My point there being that God's wisdom, love and majesty and every other attribute will (eternally, I think) be on full display BECAUSE OF what he did here, in the face of what we did.
Yes as it happens in his seasons .

Like some Salmon trying to swim up the falls as if some could not fall. . . water washed away the bridge over the bottomless pit
If Yahshua said "I will raise him up" the Jews would have stoned him on the spot. And yet we see no comment by the Jews for such a claim.
More Catholic Hanky Panky.

Only Yahwah is able to grant life immortal.

Yahshua came here to reconcile mankind to Yahwah through a new covenant. Yahshua did not come here to elevate himself.
So in other words you are denying 1Cor 15? OR I'm not sure what you are trying to say.
Did you mean things that are dying as good as dead our earthen bodies? Not sure if I would call it icky thing rather than dead never to rise
Our spirits rise first, then our bodies.
I think you meant great power of God as Christ reckoned by the father. The son of man Jesus had no power of his own to rise from the dead to newness of sprit life .He will receive his new body at the same time of all saints called the last day under the sun.The end of time.
John 2:19 NASB95
Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up."

John 10:17-18 NASB95
For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again. [18] No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from My Father."

Do you even hold to the Trinity?
And there's "Spiritually dead" folks all arounds us functioning nicely in their PHYSICAL life.
Noting that spiritually dead does not mean mortal spirit, but the absence of God's divine eternal life within one's immortal human spirit.
Even though our spirits are immortal by their nature as spirit, we are still born spiritually dead (without eternal life).
Noting that spiritually dead does not mean mortal spirit, but the absence of God's divine eternal life within one's immortal human spirit.
Even though our spirits are immortal by their nature as spirit, we are still born spiritually dead (without eternal life).
According to YOUR Paradigm about "Original sin", of course. So obviously, all the unborn who are murdered by their mothers, all infants, and all very young children who die prematurely, are in HELL. Time will tell.
The temporal human spirit under the letter of the law death is dead never to rise to new spirit life It returns to father who gave it under (thou shall not or in dying a person is as good as dead.Deader than a doornail

Jame2 :26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith (Christ's labor of love) without works (the works of his love) is dead also.
I'll take vanilla.
I would only mention that the Bible teaches that certain people shall be cast into a "furnace of fire", where there shall be "wailing and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 13:41-42, 49-50) and that this is "everlasting punishment" (Matthew 25:46)
According to YOUR Paradigm about "Original sin", of course. So obviously, all the unborn who are murdered by their mothers, all infants, and all very young children who die prematurely, are in HELL. Time will tell.
No, according to Paul's paradigm about imputed sin (Ro 5:12-14).

Addressed in post #36.

Feel free to demonstrate the error of the Scriptures there.
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I would only mention that the Bible teaches that certain people shall be cast into a "furnace of fire", where there shall be "wailing and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 13:41-42, 49-50) and that this is "everlasting punishment" (Matthew 25:46)
"Everlasting punishment" means that they never live again. "Lake of fire" is a parable for a body of people that are judged.

"Everlasting punishment" means that they never live again. "Lake of fire" is a parable for a body of people that are judged.

Not if you compare the verses to each other and come to a conclusion based on a combination of the verses.

It should be clear that "wailing and gnashing of teeth" in "the furnace of fire" is a major aspect of "everlasting punishment"

I'm not going to make the gamble that it might be otherwise; for such a gamble might result in my wailing and gnashing my teeth for all of eternity.
Not if you compare the verses to each other and come to a conclusion based on a combination of the verses.

It should be clear that "wailing and gnashing of teeth" in "the furnace of fire" is a major aspect of "everlasting punishment"

I'm not going to make the gamble that it might be otherwise; for such a gamble might result in my wailing and gnashing my teeth for all of eternity.
Count me in on that!
No, according to Paul's paradigm about imputed sin (Ro 5:12-14).
Nothing about "Imputed sin" at all. it just says "WE ALL SIN" - and we do don'cha know!!!.

The unborn, Babies / very young children haven't gotten around to it yet. But they will.
Nothing about "Imputed sin" at all. it just says "WE ALL SIN" - and we do don'cha know!!!.

The unborn, Babies / very young children haven't gotten around to it yet. But they will.
Feel free to exegete Ro 5:12-14 omitting none of the points Paul presents therein.

See post #119. . .and don't miss post #166!
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Nothing about "Imputed sin" at all. it just says "WE ALL SIN" - and we do don'cha know!!!.

The unborn, Babies / very young children haven't gotten around to it yet. But they will.
The people from Adam to Moses couldn't sin (violate the law) because there was no law.

Yet death reigned over them because of imputed sin passed down to them from Adam.