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A different view of Daniels 70 weeks


Jun 4, 2023
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This is a different than most views of Daniels 70 weeks. Most people put Daniels 70th week in the future and call it the time of Jacobs trouble or the great chain but the time table below shows a different interpretation which matches history. Remember there are no coincidences in the bible.

The vision of the angle Gabriel and the prophecy of the 70 weeks were an answer to Daniels prayer in Daniel 9:4-19. Daniels is praying to God and asking for mercy as he knew that the prophet Jeremiah had prophesied that the captivity would last for 70 years. The law of Moses states that they need to repent and turn back to God but the 70 years was almost up and the Jews were still not repenting. We see in the verses below that Daniel is pleading to God for mercy.

Daniel 9:17-19
17 “Now, our God, hear the prayers and petitions of your servant. For your sake, Lord, look with favor on your desolate sanctuary. 18 Give ear, our God, and hear; open your eyes and see the desolation of the city that bears your Name. We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. 19 Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name.”

The prophecy given by the angel Gabriel

Daniel 9:24-27
24 “Seventy ‘sevens’ are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy Place. 25 “Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.

The 70 years would become 70 weeks of foreign control. The Jews would go back and rebuild Jerusalem but not as free people but under foreign control.

The 70 weeks are 490 years of prophecy.

The command by the angel Gabriel is to know and understand the prophecy. The decree (the word to go and rebuild Jerusalem) would trigger the understanding of the time line of the vision. Thus the decree of king Cyrus is the key to know and understand the 70 weeks. The decree of king Cyrus gives us a concrete date and point in time of the 70 weeks.

Below are the time lines of each set of weeks

605 B.C. The start of the 70 weeks Daniel and the Jews are taken into captivity. (time goes backwards from the time of Daniel vision)

587 B.C. Jerusalem is destroyed by Babylon the start of the 7 weeks (runs parallel to some of the 62 weeks)

170/1 B.C. Onias 3rd is murdered (cut off and has nothing) the second anointed one the last of the Zadokite priesthood which was the start of the 70th week.

538 B.C. King Cyrus issues a decree to go and rebuild Jerusalem and Joshua (the first anointed one who was to come) goes back to rebuild Jerusalem. This is the end of the 7 weeks which was 49 years after 587 B.C. when Jerusalem was destroyed.

167 B.C. Antiochus Epiphanies 4th desecrates the temple ½ way through the 70th week. The abomination that caused desolation.

164/3 B.C. Antiochus Epiphanies 4th dies and the temple sacrifice is reestablished the end of the 70th week. (the end is poured out on him)

War continued during and until the end of the 70th week

The purposes of the 70 weeks in Daniel 9:24 were fulfilled by the Jews who remained loyal to God and resisted apostasy.

605 B.C.-171 B.C. 62 weeks or 434 years

587 B.C.-538 B.C. 7 weeks or 49 years

170/1 B.C.-164/3 B.C. 70th week or 7 years

Some versions of the bible use the word Messiah instead of the anointed one but that was a mistake and not the original meaning.

Below are three main points to show that Jesus wasn't any part of the prophecy of the 70 weeks

1-Some people think that the 70 weeks start in 445 BC, but this is 160 years after 605 B.C. when the Jews were taken into captivity. If this was the case then the curse of the covenant would not come into effect on those who did not repent-in 535 B.C. when Jeremiah's 70 years prophecy expired. Instead it would come their grandchildren and great grandchildren which would violate the principal of the Law of Moses that children pay the price for their parents and grandparents sins.

2-It says that the anointed one will come after 62 & 7 weeks but he is cut off after 62 weeks. How can the anointed one if it is one person come 49 years after he is cut off? This proves that it is two different people. If it is Jesus how could He come 49 years after he dies?

3-Not once in the bible did Jesus or any of the new testament writers ever claim that Jesus fulfilled any parts of the 70 weeks. This would not be missed and if it was Jesus it would prove who Jesus is to the Jews Especially in the book of Matthew. Thus Jesus is not either of the anointed ones in the prophecy of the 70 weeks.

This time line takes away the possibility of a future 70th week or even a future seven year tribulation.
This time line takes away the possibility of a future 70th week or even a future seven year tribulation.
I dont see how unless you are a pre-millennial?
No I’m a partial preterist amil not everything has happened yet
How does your OP match-up with this?

Amazing Prophecy ~ by ReverendRV * January 12

Daniel 9:26-a NIV
; After the sixty-two 'sevens,' the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing.

Do you want a good reason to believe in the God of the Bible? This Verse is the middle part of a Passage that predicted the time of Jesus Christ’s death; a Prophecy made hundreds of years before it happened! ~ When Israel was conquered and carried off to Babylon, Daniel kept his Faith in God, and was elevated to a high office in that Nation. An Angel spoke to the Prophet Daniel and said there would be a time that Israel would return to rebuild it's Land; then the clock would begin ticking, counting down the time until their Messiah would die. The Sixty-Two ‘Sevens’ simply means Sixty-Two times Seven; equaling Four Hundred Eighty-Three years, after you add the Forty-Nine years mentioned in the previous verse. There is not much space here to give all the details, but you can research this to see if it’s true. Some would suggest that this is speaking of someone else, but none compare to Jesus when it comes to his death matching the given Time. Too good to be true? We have a copy of this Verse in the Dead Sea Scrolls that dates back Fifty years before the time of Jesus. ~ There are MANY Signposts in the Old Testament which predicted who the Messiah is; this is just the tip of the iceberg...

It is important to know what a Messiah is. Messiah means ‘Anointed One’; in the case of Jesus it means he’s the King of Israel and their High Priest. The reason they needed such a person is because of their Sin. God’s Ten Commandments warn us against cursing God’s Name and having another God besides the Almighty God. Have you ever used God’s name in Vain? I have. Have you ever had another God than the Almighty? No? I have; but not in a way that most would think. Having NO God is the same as having a god other than the Almighty God; have you ever heard of the almighty Dollar? That empty space where God belongs in your life will not stay empty; Nature abhors a Vacuum and you do have another god. ~ When God goes so far out of the way to give proof he exists, pinpointing the future so precisely; ask yourself, would you be innocent or guilty if this God judged you by the Ten Commandments? It is important to be honest with yourself; YES you would be guilty. Would you go to Heaven or to Hell? Sinners are condemned to Hell forever and ever…

But you don’t have to go there! Since Jesus is the Messiah of Israel, he is their High Priest. Not only that, but he will be your Christ, which is the Gentile word for Messiah. When you realize that there is a God and you are condemned, then it is time for the Gospel. Jesus is God’s Son who came to live a Sinless life, so it could be said that at least SOMEONE would do such a thing. This Righteous requirement is what we all need, in order to be innocent in the eyes of Holy God. Jesus died on the Cross, shedding his blood to Atone for Sin. He was buried but rose from the dead in three days with a living, Glorified body. Christ shares his Righteousness with all who are Saved by Grace, through Faith in him, without our trying to add to his Righteousness. Trust in Jesus as your Savior and you won’t be put to shame. ~ The people we call the Three Wise Men came to see the new born King of Israel; right on time! How did they know when Jesus would be born?? It’s because of the legacy of the Prophet Daniel; he taught them to look for the Morning Star around this same time. You would be surprised at how many reasons there are to Believe. Read your Bible and find a Church that will show you more and more reasons to Believe! How many reasons do you need? I will write that many Gospel Tracts…

Matthew 2:2 NLT; "Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him."
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Partial Preterist?
Basically, my Gospel Tract asks; "Why did the three Wise Men follow the Star around the time of the Nativity, instead of following a Star around the time of Antiochus Epiphanes?

PS I know there were more than three Wise Men 😅 I'm not trying to throw Monkey-Wrenches into my point...
How does your OP match-up with this?

Amazing Prophecy ~ by ReverendRV * January 12

Daniel 9:26-a NIV
; After the sixty-two 'sevens,' the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing.

Do you want a good reason to believe in the God of the Bible? This Verse is the middle part of a Passage that predicted the time of Jesus Christ’s death; a Prophecy made hundreds of years before it happened! ~ When Israel was conquered and carried off to Babylon, Daniel kept his Faith in God, and was elevated to a high office in that Nation. An Angel spoke to the Prophet Daniel and said there would be a time that Israel would return to rebuild it's Land; then the clock would begin ticking, counting down the time until their Messiah would die. The Sixty-Two ‘Sevens’ simply means Sixty-Two times Seven; equaling Four Hundred Eighty-Three years, after you add the Forty-Nine years mentioned in the previous verse. There is not much space here to give all the details, but you can research this to see if it’s true. Some would suggest that this is speaking of someone else, but none compare to Jesus when it comes to his death matching the given Time. Too good to be true? We have a copy of this Verse in the Dead Sea Scrolls that dates back Fifty years before the time of Jesus. ~ There are MANY Signposts in the Old Testament which predicted who the Messiah is; this is just the tip of the iceberg...

It is important to know what a Messiah is. Messiah means ‘Anointed One’; in the case of Jesus it means he’s the King of Israel and their High Priest. The reason they needed such a person is because of their Sin. God’s Ten Commandments warn us against cursing God’s Name and having another God besides the Almighty God. Have you ever used God’s name in Vain? I have. Have you ever had another God than the Almighty? No? I have; but not in a way that most would think. Having NO God is the same as having a god other than the Almighty God; have you ever heard of the almighty Dollar? That empty space where God belongs in your life will not stay empty; Nature abhors a Vacuum and you do have another god. ~ When God goes so far out of the way to give proof he exists, pinpointing the future so precisely; ask yourself, would you be innocent or guilty if this God judged you by the Ten Commandments? It is important to be honest with yourself; YES you would be guilty. Would you go to Heaven or to Hell? Sinners are condemned to Hell forever and ever…

But you don’t have to go there! Since Jesus is the Messiah of Israel, he is their High Priest. Not only that, but he will be your Christ, which is the Gentile word for Messiah. When you realize that there is a God and you are condemned, then it is time for the Gospel. Jesus is God’s Son who came to live a Sinless life, so it could be said that at least SOMEONE would do such a thing. This Righteous requirement is what we all need, in order to be innocent in the eyes of Holy God. Jesus died on the Cross, shedding his blood to Atone for Sin. He was buried but rose from the dead in three days with a living, Glorified body. Christ shares his Righteousness with all who are Saved by Grace, through Faith in him, without our trying to add to his Righteousness. Trust in Jesus as your Savior and you won’t be put to shame. ~ The people we call the Three Wise Men came to see the new born King of Israel; right on time! How did they know when Jesus would be born?? It’s because of the legacy of the Prophet Daniel; he taught them to look for the Morning Star around this same time. You would be surprised at how many reasons there are to Believe. Read your Bible and find a Church that will show you more and more reasons to Believe! How many reasons do you need? I will write that many Gospel Tracts…

Matthew 2:2 NLT; "Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him."

The bible says nothing about them knowing the time just that they saw a star and followed it.
The bible says nothing about them knowing the time just that they saw a star and followed it.

But the Church explains it, as the Wise Men being Zoarastrians who learned from Saint Daniel when the Messiah would be born...
1-Some people think that the 70 weeks start in 445 BC, but this is 160 years after 605 B.C. when the Jews were taken into captivity. If this was the case then the curse of the covenant would not come into effect on those who did not repent-in 535 B.C. when Jeremiah's 70 years prophecy expired. Instead it would come their grandchildren and great grandchildren which would violate the principal of the Law of Moses that children pay the price for their parents and grandparents sins.

2-It says that the anointed one will come after 62 & 7 weeks but he is cut off after 62 weeks. How can the anointed one if it is one person come 49 years after he is cut off? This proves that it is two different people. If it is Jesus how could He come 49 years after he dies?

3-Not once in the bible did Jesus or any of the new testament writers ever claim that Jesus fulfilled any parts of the 70 weeks. This would not be missed and if it was Jesus it would prove who Jesus is to the Jews Especially in the book of Matthew. Thus Jesus is not either of the anointed ones in the prophecy of the 70 weeks.

This time line takes away the possibility of a future 70th week or even a future seven year tribulation.
Not sure what to think about points 1-3.
I think the beginning of the 70 weeks starts after Darius's decree Ezra 4:24. & Ezra 6:1. Until God came manifested in the flesh and being consecrated the everlasting King of His church. Dan 9:24.
Finally, Titus (the roman general) destroyed the temple in AD 70.
Not sure what to think about points 1-3.
I think the beginning of the 70 weeks starts after Darius's decree Ezra 4:24. & Ezra 6:1. Until God came manifested in the flesh and being consecrated the everlasting King of His church. Dan 9:24.
Finally, Titus (the roman general) destroyed the temple in AD 70.

They are points that have to be addressed to reveal the true meaning of the 70 weeks.

If so then why would 70AD be any part of the 70 weeks that happened a generation after the first advent? 70AD doesn't fit into the 70 weeks timeline
They are points that have to be addressed to reveal the true meaning of the 70 weeks.

If so then why would 70AD be any part of the 70 weeks that happened a generation after the first advent? 70AD doesn't fit into the 70 weeks timeline
I believe it does fit in. How does it not?

You mentioned the person who taught you this was a Jewish Christian, most of them are dispensational to a degree, they believe God has promises to fulfill to the Jews. This has an effect on Ecshatology, naturally.
I believe it does fit in. How does it not?

You mentioned the person who taught you this was a Jewish Christian, most of them are dispensational to a degree, they believe God has promises to fulfill to the Jews. This has an effect on Ecshatology, naturally.

Not at all with this person she is an amil and partial preterist

How can it fit within the 70 weeks in your view when it happens a generation after the 70th week of your view ?
Not at all with this person she is an amil and partial preterist
I just assumed such. Sorry.
How can it fit within the 70 weeks in your view when it happens a generation after the 70th week of your view ?
Daniel 9? And the destruction of the temple?
As Martyn Lloyd-Jones preached their bringing in again, acceptance, receiving again will be like life from the dead, Romans 11:15. That is how significant the bringing in again, or acceptance shall be. And he was no Dispensationalist, but taught by exegesis.
I just assumed such. Sorry.

Daniel 9? And the destruction of the temple?
Yes the destruction of the temple happened in 70AD

Also how could Jesus come 49 years after He was cutoff?

Daniel 9
25 “Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One,[f]the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing