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Finally, The Correct Interpretation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy in Daniel

I don't need to build credibility. My research stands on its own merit. I don't need you to accept it for it to be true. Your massive ego is very evident.
As to the "last days" and your assumption about generations. That is an interpretation based on a false understanding of how those particular words have been assigned to concepts. Again, English translations have failed those who only use that one language in order to construct their views. One MUST go back to the original text in the languages written - Hebrew and Aramaic. (ie. not Greek).

To explain, the prophet Joel introduces the concept of the "Day of the Lord". And from that time onwards, he and the rest of the prophets use the short hand "that day", "those days", "last days" to refer specifically to the Day of the Lord(Yahweh). What is this Day? It is tied to the concept that all of human history takes place in 7 Days - each of 1000 years. 6 Days of Mankind's rule. 1 final Day of Yahweh - the Sabbath. The reason why the term "last days" started to appear is that starting with Joel, it was after the halfway point of 3500 years of human history. Everything after that half way point is - the Last Days. Prophetically one has to always take into account this long Day concept. Otherwise, prophecy will not make sense and all sorts of weird and unscriptural ideas result.

Or was it simply the end of Daniels 70–since Messiah was just cut off and war was looming?

Anyone reading Daniel 2 and 9 would see radical change coming during the 4th occupying power (Rome) and involving Messiah.
I was a Greek TA during college, took a year at masters level, and translated Josephus Jewish War for a year. Multnomah U and Regent College Vancouver (Soderberg and Nollsnd —an editor of the Th Dict of the NT).

Please ask more questions and stop putting things on a personal attack level.

No one of that caliber ever said that the’eschatais hamerais’ was anything other than the last days.

If you have more qualifications than the editors of the TDNT , you would not be on the internet but lecturing at Kings College Oxford.
The fallacy of appealing to authority has no place in the Kingdom of God.
Matt 23:1-12
The fallacy of appealing to authority has no place in the Kingdom of God.
Matt 23:1-12

You’re hard to follow.

Don’t appeal to your own authority is also very important.

You seriously expect to be taken as superior to TDNT? Without showing any normal support or background?

I was demonstrating familiarity with language. If that doesn’t matter, what you say is rather meaningless.
You’re hard to follow.

Don’t appeal to your own authority is also very important.

You seriously expect to be taken as superior to TDNT? Without showing any normal support or background?

I was demonstrating familiarity with language. If that doesn’t matter, what you say is rather meaningless.
I really couldn't care what kind of education you have or what school you went to or what meaningless human institutions you were part of. Couldn't care in the least. Doesn't necessarily make you an expert in the true things of Scripture.

Many supposed experts think they know things but in actual fact, they only know what they are told to know. They've never investigated for themselves or wrestled with contradictory facts. They've never truly fought to put their biases aside and honestly and humbly go where the facts would lead them. Most traditions in Christianity are based on error or misunderstanding or biases or assumptions. Supposed experts never recognize this and are as lost and blind as the religious leaders were back when Messiah Jesus walked on this earth.

I don't think I have any authority. What I have done though, is worked through the proper understanding of a great many things. Weighing all Christian traditions and assumptions. Jettisoning those that do not stand up to historical fact, Jewish culture, the grammar of the original language texts, the facts contained in the Scripture and simple math and biology. For example, I've never come across a supposed religious expert who has ever realized that the life cycle of winter barley in Israel proves - that's right, proves that Messiah Jesus was crucified on April 25, 31 AD. Actual and unassailable proof. Or taking into account that there are no capital letters or punctuation in the Hebrew language, an accurate understanding of the prophecy of the 70 Weeks shows that it is comprised of 3 stated groups of Weeks and 2 unstated gaps of Weeks. Due to the fact that I've enabled myself to examine and challenge everything in Scripture without preconceived biases, I've been able to gain insights to things which most will never be able to do because they are afraid of where it might take them.

When all is said and done - all truth is God's truth. We do not need to accept what supposed experts say is true. We should be as the Bereans were and examine everything for ourselves.
I really couldn't care what kind of education you have or what school you went to or what meaningless human institutions you were part of. Couldn't care in the least. Doesn't necessarily make you an expert in the true things of Scripture.

Many supposed experts think they know things but in actual fact, they only know what they are told to know. They've never investigated for themselves or wrestled with contradictory facts. They've never truly fought to put their biases aside and honestly and humbly go where the facts would lead them. Most traditions in Christianity are based on error or misunderstanding or biases or assumptions. Supposed experts never recognize this and are as lost and blind as the religious leaders were back when Messiah Jesus walked on this earth.

I don't think I have any authority. What I have done though, is worked through the proper understanding of a great many things. Weighing all Christian traditions and assumptions. Jettisoning those that do not stand up to historical fact, Jewish culture, the grammar of the original language texts, the facts contained in the Scripture and simple math and biology. For example, I've never come across a supposed religious expert who has ever realized that the life cycle of winter barley in Israel proves - that's right, proves that Messiah Jesus was crucified on April 25, 31 AD. Actual and unassailable proof. Or taking into account that there are no capital letters or punctuation in the Hebrew language, an accurate understanding of the prophecy of the 70 Weeks shows that it is comprised of 3 stated groups of Weeks and 2 unstated gaps of Weeks. Due to the fact that I've enabled myself to examine and challenge everything in Scripture without preconceived biases, I've been able to gain insights to things which most will never be able to do because they are afraid of where it might take them.

When all is said and done - all truth is God's truth. We do not need to accept what supposed experts say is true. We should be as the Bereans were and examine everything for ourselves.

So if you were looking up an ancient Korean document , you would not consult any records or historians or curators? It would just be you and the text?

Do you realize that people do this (your exclusive authority approach) weekly on internets on the forum?
I really couldn't care what kind of education you have or what school you went to or what meaningless human institutions you were part of. Couldn't care in the least. Doesn't necessarily make you an expert in the true things of Scripture.

Many supposed experts think they know things but in actual fact, they only know what they are told to know. They've never investigated for themselves or wrestled with contradictory facts. They've never truly fought to put their biases aside and honestly and humbly go where the facts would lead them. Most traditions in Christianity are based on error or misunderstanding or biases or assumptions. Supposed experts never recognize this and are as lost and blind as the religious leaders were back when Messiah Jesus walked on this earth.

I don't think I have any authority. What I have done though, is worked through the proper understanding of a great many things. Weighing all Christian traditions and assumptions. Jettisoning those that do not stand up to historical fact, Jewish culture, the grammar of the original language texts, the facts contained in the Scripture and simple math and biology. For example, I've never come across a supposed religious expert who has ever realized that the life cycle of winter barley in Israel proves - that's right, proves that Messiah Jesus was crucified on April 25, 31 AD. Actual and unassailable proof. Or taking into account that there are no capital letters or punctuation in the Hebrew language, an accurate understanding of the prophecy of the 70 Weeks shows that it is comprised of 3 stated groups of Weeks and 2 unstated gaps of Weeks. Due to the fact that I've enabled myself to examine and challenge everything in Scripture without preconceived biases, I've been able to gain insights to things which most will never be able to do because they are afraid of where it might take them.

When all is said and done - all truth is God's truth. We do not need to accept what supposed experts say is true. We should be as the Bereans were and examine everything for ourselves.

I think you are afraid of what you might hear so you don’t get a position where you could proclaim yours.
There is no reason to accept by your unstated gaps. Just you. These Things have to have reasons.
There is no reason to accept by your unstated gaps. Just you. These Things have to have reasons.
They do. Of course they do. I give every single reference and source that I have researched. Time and effort is required to verify it all. And the willingness to have an open mind to do it.
So if you were looking up an ancient Korean document , you would not consult any records or historians or curators? It would just be you and the text?

Do you realize that people do this (your exclusive authority approach) weekly on internets on the forum?
The big difference is do they have the facts and the evidence to back it up. I do. For every single assertion I make.
To explain, the prophet Joel introduces the concept of the "Day of the Lord". And from that time onwards, he and the rest of the prophets use the short hand "that day", "those days", "last days" to refer specifically to the Day of the Lord(Yahweh). What is this Day? It is tied to the concept that all of human history takes place in 7 Days - each of 1000 years. 6 Days of Mankind's rule. 1 final Day of Yahweh - the Sabbath. The reason why the term "last days" started to appear is that starting with Joel, it was after the halfway point of 3500 years of human history. Everything after that half way point is - the Last Days. Prophetically one has to always take into account this long Day concept. Otherwise, prophecy will not make sense and all sorts of weird and unscriptural ideas result.
Yes the time of the 1st century reformation has come as informed in Joel restoring the government of God taking it away from earthly kings
The abomination of desolation . Kings in Israel. .

The last days leading to the last day under the Sun . The day of resurrections and judgment. The new heavens and earth just over the horizon

No literal thousand years rather than the signified thousand years. One day as if it was a thousand years .Thousand a metaphor used in many parables to signify a unknown (God does not number days nor persons ..He desires we walk by His faith working in us the unseen eternal things of God .

Not the temporal dying things of mankind .

No signs were given to wonder after.

John 6:39And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.

Interesting twice he says rise again. Two risings?

John 6:40And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

John 6:54Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.

John 11:24Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.

John 12:48He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.
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There is no reason to accept by your unstated gaps. Just you. These Things have to have reasons.
Makes you wonder how anyone on these forums learned anything if no one is willing to spend the time to actually do some research for themselves. It's all hot air and opinions mean nothing.
They do. Of course they do. I give every single reference and source that I have researched. Time and effort is required to verify it all. And the willingness to have an open mind to do it.

I do not find God that interested in 'magical numerology' details. He is willing, for ex., in Dan 9 to say there would be 'war until the end' without the detail you seek, and certainly fitting the NT historical reality before you came along. The end might mean Masada. It might mean bar-Cochba. It doesn't matter. What matters is that a generation had an opportunity to 'enter a promised land' like the ancient one, and they failed, and suffered a catastrophic loss.

The apostles confined themselves, in Acts 26, to preaching what 'Moses and the prophets' said of the suffering of Christ and that he would be preached to the nations. They did not have an exact futurology worked out. They even said they did not go beyond those two things. In Acts 1 this is matched by a similar remark about people trying to find out the kingdom of Israel.
The big difference is do they have the facts and the evidence to back it up. I do. For every single assertion I make.

You must not have read any of them.

What would you do about the ancient Korean document? Look for a personal magic power so that you can say "finally, I have the truth"?

You gave me Ezek 4 and that is hooey--as facts and evidence go. I need declarations by the apostles. If Christ did not cover it in the 40 days between the Resurrection and Pentecost, it is probably hooey. There is nothing the little apocalypses (Mt 24 etc) close to this kind of detail, so it must not matter. There is of course the direct warning about the evil guy in the temple that meant it was time to leave Jerusalem.

Out of 2500 allusions to the OT (including quotes) in the NT, why would you pick the one that has no basis in the NT? (All there is from Ezek 4 is a borrow of language about unclean food, which I'm sure you know).
Makes you wonder how anyone on these forums learned anything if no one is willing to spend the time to actually do some research for themselves. It's all hot air and opinions mean nothing.

I hope that your effort here is not based on trying to find a certain % that says you must be an expert because you say so. (No doubt some will). Based on what you've disclosed so far, I find the evasiveness frustrating. You seem to have a major link to eclipses, so explain it directly. Is it demonstrable in Starry Night software, which has the crucifixion eclipse and the 2 AD Bethlehem retrograde events? Things like that would help.

I'm just trying to help your plausibility which as to be earned through actual demonstration, not claim. It is a mirror of what you are asking others to do: do some research for themselves (but don't you dare conclude differently!). Has it occurred to you that I may have done that?

If you demonstrate things, your credibility here will go up.
I think you may need a trailer. I mean a sample of actual demonstration before we hear you claim you are the expert.

Unfortunately the title of this thread has ruined that.
I think you may need a trailer. I mean a sample of actual demonstration before we hear you claim you are the expert.

Unfortunately the title of this thread has ruined that.
Whatever, guy. Not interested. If you don't have the curiosity to learn nothing will force you to. Not worth my time going in endless circles with your nonsense.
Ok so you are not interested in how to build credibility.

You prefer to claim authority before any reasoning at all.

I recently thought you did well on the historical frame of Dan 9, which means you are not as unique as you think. But prob 90 % of what you think is wider established research and you are trying to take credit for it all on your own. “Finally the correct interpretation of Daniel 9 has arrived”

Do you think you are the first to say there are 6000 years of human gov history and then 1000 of Christ’s? Nope. Nor does it match the important texts or declarations. And Ussher did not seem to be aware that genealogy was not necessarily chronology.

And if we add Velikovsky’s (Astro-physicist) factor, everything is off, bc the earth now rotates slower after the cataclysm (making longevity tallies very high previously).

Nor does it match the official scheme of Matt 1 which for some reason expires 7 generations (the unit he is using to gauge history) after Christ comes, about 280 AD. What do you propose that means?

Nor does any of this matter in the one official summary of Israel’s history given by Paul in a synagogue: Acts 13. (In ch 26, he said nothing beyond the suffering of Christ and his being preached was taught from scripture by original Christian leaders).

So you can build credibility, or not; it’s your call.
Ok so you are not interested in how to build credibility.

You prefer to claim authority before any reasoning at all.

I recently thought you did well on the historical frame of Dan 9, which means you are not as unique as you think. But prob 90 % of what you think is wider established research and you are trying to take credit for it all on your own. “Finally the correct interpretation of Daniel 9 has arrived”

Do you think you are the first to say there are 6000 years of human gov history and then 1000 of Christ’s? Nope. Nor does it match the important texts or declarations. And Ussher did not seem to be aware that genealogy was not necessarily chronology.

And if we add Velikovsky’s (Astro-physicist) factor, everything is off, bc the earth now rotates slower after the cataclysm (making longevity tallies very high previously).

Nor does it match the official scheme of Matt 1 which for some reason expires 7 generations (the unit he is using to gauge history) after Christ comes, about 280 AD. What do you propose that means?

Nor does any of this matter in the one official summary of Israel’s history given by Paul in a synagogue: Acts 13. (In ch 26, he said nothing beyond the suffering of Christ and his being preached was taught from scripture by original Christian leaders).

So you can build credibility, or not; it’s your call.
Read my research. Then come back with some actual things to discuss