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Finally, The Correct Interpretation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy in Daniel

Your loss. Truth is not a sound bite.

Regardless, you have no credential, and a person needs a starter reason--to believe you deserve to be heard when 10K claim the same thing as you (I've got it, everyone else is wrong and childish). A thesis or a starter reason never heard before helps! On the back cover of my THE COVENANT WAR, you learn that the zealots already had a replacement theology against which Paul fought before futurists in the 1990s thought up their term. If you dare use RT the wrong way around a futurist, he'll wreck his car.

They also learn who I studied NT history under.

A hook.

This kind of byte is spelled byte.
Your loss. Truth is not a sound bite.
Red herring. Discussions should have clearly stated and well-articulated theses or points of inquiry specified for discussion.

And untrue. Lots of truths in scripture are stated in single sentences.
Regardless, you have no credential, and a person needs a starter reason--to believe you deserve to be heard when 10K claim the same thing as you (I've got it, everyone else is wrong and childish). A thesis or a starter reason never heard before helps! On the back cover of my THE COVENANT WAR, you learn that the zealots already had a replacement theology against which Paul fought before futurists in the 1990s thought up their term. If you dare use RT the wrong way around a futurist, he'll wreck his car.

They also learn who I studied NT history under.

A hook.

This kind of byte is spelled byte.
Seriously. Your last sentence is factually incorrect. Case in point.
Anyone else want to discuss the research presented in the first posts? Let's get this thread back on track.
View attachment 652

The missing puzzle piece is that it was God Himself who gave the command to return to and rebuild Jerusalem. Gabriel told Daniel to reread Jeremiah to find out where and when this had been done. He gave him a play on words. That it would not just be the subject matter but the very words themselves he should look for. "sub" and "bana". Where did God use those words? And Jeremiah includes the date when this was done. He doesn't just give one date. He gives two so that it was very specific. This was in 587 BC.

Each group of Weeks has a specific purpose. And a particular start and end. They are not combined. In fact, what no one has noticed in the modern era, is that there isn't just one gap. There are two gaps. But that's not all. Each gap is itself a grouping of Weeks. The first gap was 14 Weeks (98 years) long. The second gap is approaching 290 Weeks (2030 years) long. The entire prophetic timeline is made up of groups of Weeks.

This interpretation is the most accurate because:
1. it takes the prophetic text literally (the years are proper years)
2. it syncs with the historical information in the Bible
3. it syncs with the prophecies in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel and Ezekiel
4. it confirms the purposes given for the 70 Weeks
5. it provides a proper and accurate understanding of the Hebrew text and customs

And it passes the Ezra 6:14 Challenge.
It fails at the 'gaps', you can use it as a filler and expand or shrink it to whatever you want to fit it to, so its just a deception..
It fails at the 'gaps', you can use it as a filler and expand or shrink it to whatever you want to fit it to, so its just a deception..
Not true at all. The gaps are very specific. They are ALL groups of Weeks as well. Exact. Specific. It's the mind blowing part that has NEVER before been seen through the ages. And it is the PROOF that it is the right interpretation.
Not true at all. The gaps are very specific. They are ALL groups of Weeks as well. Exact. Specific. It's the mind blowing part that has NEVER before been seen through the ages. And it is the PROOF that it is the right interpretation.
You have ideas, but they seem to be more private interpretation than what can be called scriptural, need to go to Gods Word.
You have ideas, but they seem to be more private interpretation than what can be called scriptural, need to go to Gods Word.
It is NOT private at all. It is evident from studying all of Scripture and knowing Jewish history and the proper way the Jewish calendar functioned. All things most modern Christians (and Jews) are ignorant of. Everything in my research is knowable and all references have been given for ANYONE to check out for themselves. And that's what I've always encouraged. Do not have such a closed mind but check out everything. Don't be blinded by church tradition. It is the way to ignorance.
It is NOT private at all. It is evident from studying all of Scripture and knowing Jewish history and the proper way the Jewish calendar functioned. All things most modern Christians (and Jews) are ignorant of. Everything in my research is knowable and all references have been given for ANYONE to check out for themselves. And that's what I've always encouraged. Do not have such a closed mind but check out everything. Don't be blinded by church tradition. It is the way to ignorance.
Well, it seems only you come up with them and very little else I hate to say.
Well, it seems only you come up with them and very little else I hate to say.
Yes, I'm the one that has rediscovered the proper interpretation in modern times. But I am far from the only one who has vetted this information and checked all the research and believes this is how the prophecy should be understood. Anyone with an open mind can investigate this for themselves. I didn't keep this information to myself. It was meant to be known in these Last Days - at the proper appointed time.
Yes, I'm the one that has rediscovered the proper interpretation in modern times. But I am far from the only one who has vetted this information and checked all the research and believes this is how the prophecy should be understood. Anyone with an open mind can investigate this for themselves. I didn't keep this information to myself. It was meant to be known in these Last Days - at the proper appointed time.

But right there (that these are the last days) is a major problem Eclipse. If you know the NT , you must know several times that it says its generation is that—the last days. Starting with Acts 2.

Otherwise just show one point at a time to gain our trust. It does no good to claim such superiority.
All I can do is make statements to entice those with open minds and curiosity to examine the evidence I present. It's too much to put in a comment. If you are at all interested, view the hours and hours of evidence I present. Read the posts at the start of this thread where I lay it all out. I'm not going to repeat it all if you aren't willing to at a least do a little work.
All I can do is make statements to entice those with open minds and curiosity to examine the evidence I present. It's too much to put in a comment. If you are at all interested, view the hours and hours of evidence I present. Read the posts at the start of this thread where I lay it all out. I'm not going to repeat it all if you aren't willing to at a least do a little work.

The "last days" idea, though, is something you should answer easily! It's right in Acts 2. I'm trying to help you build credibility bc of your comments recently in the thread Daniel 9. But if you can't answer a simple question like the reference to last days in Acts 2, your credibility goes down.
Here is why I can't find symmetry in the 70 weeks. There is 7 then 62 and then 1. This string is not symmetrical.

If we convert to years and keep the 'war til the end' in mind we are closer:
49 // 434 // 49

With the 'cutting off' at the end of the 434 in 30 AD, we would then need to go out to 79 AD. This is closer...it includes the Masada event in 72 but not the last gasp revolt of bar-Cochba. There are problems.

It does not seem that a symmetry is in mind.
The "last days" idea, though, is something you should answer easily! It's right in Acts 2. I'm trying to help you build credibility bc of your comments recently in the thread Daniel 9. But if you can't answer a simple question like the reference to last days in Acts 2, your credibility goes down.
I don't need to build credibility. My research stands on its own merit. I don't need you to accept it for it to be true. Your massive ego is very evident.
As to the "last days" and your assumption about generations. That is an interpretation based on a false understanding of how those particular words have been assigned to concepts. Again, English translations have failed those who only use that one language in order to construct their views. One MUST go back to the original text in the languages written - Hebrew and Aramaic. (ie. not Greek).

To explain, the prophet Joel introduces the concept of the "Day of the Lord". And from that time onwards, he and the rest of the prophets use the short hand "that day", "those days", "last days" to refer specifically to the Day of the Lord(Yahweh). What is this Day? It is tied to the concept that all of human history takes place in 7 Days - each of 1000 years. 6 Days of Mankind's rule. 1 final Day of Yahweh - the Sabbath. The reason why the term "last days" started to appear is that starting with Joel, it was after the halfway point of 3500 years of human history. Everything after that half way point is - the Last Days. Prophetically one has to always take into account this long Day concept. Otherwise, prophecy will not make sense and all sorts of weird and unscriptural ideas result.
Here is why I can't find symmetry in the 70 weeks. There is 7 then 62 and then 1. This string is not symmetrical.

If we convert to years and keep the 'war til the end' in mind we are closer:
49 // 434 // 49

With the 'cutting off' at the end of the 434 in 30 AD, we would then need to go out to 79 AD. This is closer...it includes the Masada event in 72 but not the last gasp revolt of bar-Cochba. There are problems.

It does not seem that a symmetry is in mind.
I never said anything about the 70 weeks being symmetrical time periods. The picture in my logo is a diagram of the relationships of the time periods of the 70 Weeks.
I don't need to build credibility. My research stands on its own merit. I don't need you to accept it for it to be true. Your massive ego is very evident.
As to the "last days" and your assumption about generations. That is an interpretation based on a false understanding of how those particular words have been assigned to concepts. Again, English translations have failed those who only use that one language in order to construct their views. One MUST go back to the original text in the languages written - Hebrew and Aramaic. (ie. not Greek).

To explain, the prophet Joel introduces the concept of the "Day of the Lord". And from that time onwards, he and the rest of the prophets use the short hand "that day", "those days", "last days" to refer specifically to the Day of the Lord(Yahweh). What is this Day? It is tied to the concept that all of human history takes place in 7 Days - each of 1000 years. 6 Days of Mankind's rule. 1 final Day of Yahweh - the Sabbath. The reason why the term "last days" started to appear is that starting with Joel, it was after the halfway point of 3500 years of human history. Everything after that half way point is - the Last Days. Prophetically one has to always take into account this long Day concept. Otherwise, prophecy will not make sense and all sorts of weird and unscriptural ideas result.

I was a Greek TA during college, took a year at masters level, and translated Josephus Jewish War for a year. Multnomah U and Regent College Vancouver (Soderberg and Nollsnd —an editor of the Th Dict of the NT).

Please ask more questions and stop putting things on a personal attack level.

No one of that caliber ever said that the’eschatais hamerais’ was anything other than the last days.

If you have more qualifications than the editors of the TDNT , you would not be on the internet but lecturing at Kings College Oxford.
I never said anything about the 70 weeks being symmetrical time periods. The picture in my logo is a diagram of the relationships of the time periods of the 70 Weeks.

Ok possibly about the symmetry on another thread?

How about one or two lines about the logo; it looks like all the others.