Why don't you address my post to you in post #(79)? Instead of ignoring it in hopes that I don't catch it.
Instead you want to enter into what I said in anothers post. Why? What else can I conclude? Because you have no answer.
I have no interest in answering to you what I said to anothers post when you refuse to answer to me in a post addressed to you.
Possibly because I didn't see it. I'm not sure, actually. I doubt it was the reason you attribute to me. Though, sometimes I do ignore a post that is combative or presumptive. Or because my answer would not be productive. Anyhow, let's see: #79 :
You asked me in post #(65) what does that faith believe. My answer was very precise in post #(66). To which I gave Scripture to support.
Again, if you disagree, explain why?
Where did I 'specifically'say 'it was not faith in the blood of Christ'?
My point is that the Blood shed didn't save anyone. It was/is the price paid. Until one believes, though the price has been paid, he is not saved.
Oh. This is going to be fun. I've never been good at connect-the-posts.
By the way, it is bad logic to assume that because a person does not answer that he has no answer. Perhaps I could extrapolate from that, that some kind of similar logic is being used in your interpretation of scripture.
There is no salvation without the Blood. But the Blood being shed, the price paid, saved no one. Just because Jesus died way back there on the Cross, say 33 A.D. about, didn't save you and me at that time. It provided the basis, the cost, upon which we and any could be redeemed. But the one factor that does determine salvation, still remained. FAITH. Until we exercised faith in Christ, we were not saved. We can be called the elect, but though we are elect, we were not saved till we exercised faith in Christ.
The only thing that liberates one from unbelief, is faith.
My opinion.
#65 :
What does that 'faith' believe?
#66 :
Today, that faith is in Jesus Christ as Son of God and Saviour.
Prior to the coming of Christ, that faith is always in the promise of God of Him who was to come. Christ.
Saving faith is always based somehow on Christ. (Gen. 3:15) (Gen. 15:6) (Ex. 12:3-11) (John 3;16-18)
Post 66 does not answer my question, though it did satisfy me as to what your thinking was. Maybe that, and the fact that you didn't ask for an answer, nor ask any question in that post, is why I didn't answer.
Later: Nope, my bad. I did answer, in post
#90 :
My point is that your statement, your point, is entirely dependent on a temporal point of view as the only factual way of things. We ARE saved by his shed blood.
Christ's shed blood is not only a fulfillment of the sacrificial system. The sacrificial system was built on what Christ did. Are you going to say that I said that backwards too? It is inconsequential logically, as to what it is, and as to its value, just when in History it happened.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to have ALREADY FORGIVEN us our sins.
If we don't believe, we are ALREADY CONDEMNED.
But, anticipating your not accepting that as a direct-enough answer, I'll say: I asked more or less rhetorically what that faith believes. (You had said,
"...the Blood being shed, the price paid, saved no one"; then, in the same paragraph you said,
"It provided the basis, the cost, upon which we and any could be redeemed.", which I doubt you will admit the one statement contradicts the other. Then you said, still in the same post,
"But the one factor that does determine salvation, still remained. FAITH. Until we exercised faith in Christ, we were not saved." So, instead of asking what that faith is based on, I asked what that faith believes.) You said more of the same as the post before, as I remember, but here accenting the point that Saving Faith is somehow based on Christ, which did not tell me
what Saving Faith believes.
Anyhow, what I was hoping to get at is that what saving faith believes, is that Christ shed his blood in our place. So, if the faith believes that, and that faith saves us, then the shed blood did save us, or it was useless. THUS, when we have the faith is not the cause of our salvation and can be left entirely out of the equation. WHEN we were saved is irrelevant.
The following is a BTW, so you can dismiss it as a Red Herring:
Interestingly, you did say in post #64, (my bold underline added), "
The only thing that liberates one from unbelief, is faith." which sounds suspiciously like
sola fide.