@civic &
@preacher4truth &
@GeneZ Tagged for confirmation.
Then why are you leaning towards the Old Earth Theory?
Genesis 1:1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
God created the heaven and earth before Day One arrives.
Its not disclosed how long before Day One (of this current created world) that the original creation of the heaven and earth took place.
Not only that. Read Genesis One!
The sun was not providing the light for the day for the first three days.
For our current created world began for the angels watching. It began as the Prehistoric days had been done.
For, Lucifer used to herald in the morning light of the day and the Lord sustained the light for the day light.
That's what the Lord did for the first three days, by providing the light of the day!
No sun was providing light for the first three days of this created world!
Check it out for yourself! No sun was lighting the day until day four!
Then God said, “Let there be lights in the sky. These lights will separate the days from the nights.
They will be used for signs to show when special meetings begin and to show the days and years.
They will be in the sky to shine light on the earth.” And it happened.
So God made the two large lights. He made the larger light to rule during the day and the smaller
light to rule during the night. He also made the stars. "
There was evening, and then there was morning. This was the fourth day." Gen 1:14-16+19
Here is an excerpt from the book, Creation, Chaos and Restoration, by Pastor R.B. Thieme Jr.
The Hebrew prepositional phrase bereshith is made up of the preposition be, meaning “in,” plus the object of the preposition, the noun rishah, feminine singular, meaning “beginning.”
Now, what is remarkable about “In the beginning”? There is no definite article in the Hebrew; therefore, it is the exact equivalent of the phrase that John used in John 1:1, en arche!
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1).
En plus the vocabulary form of arche in the locative case means:
“In a beginning which was not a beginning.”
The absence of the definite article from both bereshith and arche means “eternity past.”
Now, bereshith does not mean “in the beginning,” but it means “in eternity past something began.”
One day after searching and seeking for more and more understanding I
had to finally learn that too many answers will only be found by learning from the few good pastor scholars that the Lord has provided for us. 2 Timothy 4:3 warns us that there will be many unqualified teachers will do us no good for our spiritual health.
God put many good truths in the original languages that the 'refined translations' "denature" the word, like white flour has vital nutrients removed from the whole grain. Whole grain is as God intended (original languages) to be there by design.
I tried it for a while. I turned to elementary word studies and dictionaries that can not provide enough depth. And, we sit there wondering why we are so weak spiritually.... To compensate? We can become stubborn and determined and call ourselves strong in the Lord.
But the kind of strength God's grace will provide will cause us to sleep next to Jesus in the boat in the storm. Relaxed and peaceful inwardly while all around us chaos rages. No stubbornness. No alleged standing on conviction by means of some denominational dogma. The power of peace must take over our soul. But, that requires a constant growing in knowledge by means of God's enabling grace. Not by the perfecting of defending our pet doctrine as to make ourselves confident. God must supernaturally bring in the peace.
so be it..... grace and peace.