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Young Earth/Old Earth

Young Earth or Old Earth

  • Young

    Votes: 19 59.4%
  • Old

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • Never thought about it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dont know

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 1 3.1%

  • Total voters
You’re not really expecting an answer, are you?
I didn't really get an answer...just a LOL.

I was simply wondering how christians can believe the unbelievable....you know, the resurrection, miracles, the fulfilled prophecy and so on yet deny the accuracy of the creation account as well as a world wide flood....because their "science" tells them otherwise.
I didn't really get an answer...just a LOL.

I was simply wondering how christians can believe the unbelievable....you know, the resurrection, miracles, the fulfilled prophecy and so on yet deny the accuracy of the creation account as well as a world wide flood....because their "science" tells them otherwise.
Those ain’t unbelievable. Do you not believe them?
Those ain’t unbelievable. Do you not believe them?
Yes, I believe them...I also believe what the bible speaks of a six day creation and a day of rest, the fall of Adam and Eve and a world wide flood that destroyed the earth.

2nd Peter 3 speaks of a fire that will destroy the earth...the verse is tied in with the destruction of earth by water (Noahs flood)...if the flood was local or as some say didn't happen should we believe the "fire" judgement will also be local or perhaps not even happen?

The problem with being an Old Earth, Theistic-Evo, there was no flood christian is that much of what the bible has to say about the topic has to be overlooked when presented in other books of the bible. This is yet another point where the God didn't create in six literal days..or Adam was simply a form of allegory falls apart when attempting to make that view conform to scripture.
My vote was undecided.

I have many questions about the age of the Earth. One question being,

If the earth is young and created in six literal 24 hour days, and everything seemed to be around a 24-hour period, no indication of anything faster, no hyper speed etc... Then how could Adam name every animal in one 24-hour day, or less assuming he had to sleep?

19 Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. 20 The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him. Genesis 2:19-20.

@Sereni-tea Thoughts?

It does not say Adam named every animal in a 24 hour period. It simply says God made bodies for them like he made for Adam (from the earth) and brought each one to him to name.

I see Adam relaxing in the Garden, and one day the Lord brings some foxes for him to observe for him to see what they are like.
They became like a pet during that period of deciding upon a name. Most likely - since no one was in any hurry in Paradise... it took Adam at least a few years to be able to live with the animals long enough to observe them for study. Then Adam was able to invent fitting names.

No one was in a hurry in the garden. Perfect environment. Perfect health. No death. What's the hurry?

grace and peace .............
It does not say Adam named every animal in a 24 hour period. It simply says God made bodies for them like he made for Adam (from the earth) and brought each one to him to name.

I see Adam relaxing in the Garden, and one day the Lord brings some foxes for him to observe for him to see what they are like.
They became like a pet during that period of deciding upon a name. Most likely - since no one was in any hurry in Paradise... it took Adam at least a few years to be able to live with the animals long enough to observe them for study. Then Adam was able to invent fitting names.

No one was in a hurry in the garden. Perfect environment. Perfect health. No death. What's the hurry?

grace and peace .............

I tend to think he named them on day 6.

Curious, when they ate, was the death spiritual or physical death?
I agree 100%.

Often you find christians who can believe the bible when it says a dead guy can raise from the grave on day 3...as written...yet find a way to not believe other portions of then bible.

There is no way the guy who rose from the dead could have made the earth and "all" in six days.

The Bible says he made Himself become as that guy. That he was not always manifesting himself as a guy.
He only became as a guy as to make himself become the perfect substitute for all us guys when he died on the Cross.

I tend to think he named them on day 6.

Curious, when they ate, was the death spiritual or physical death?

How then?

Adam had no human father. He was the first man.
There were no human fathers.
How could he know that man will leave his father and mother and to cling to his wife and become one flesh?

Adam knew by observing the animals reproducing and eventually giving birth!

Apparently, Adam created the name for the male parent, "a father."

Add to that. The process of pregnancy takes time to unfold. Adam had to observe this new thing taking place.

Only day 6?

Ever seen a bull service a cow in the early morning, and then have her give birth before evening?

Answers are possible, but only when enough facts are first known. That is why we need good pastor-teachers.

grace and peace .....
How then?

Adam had no human father. He was the first man.
There were no human fathers.
How could he know that man will leave his father and mother and to cling to his wife and become one flesh?

Adam knew by observing the animals reproducing and eventually giving birth!

Apparently, Adam created the name for the male parent, "a father."

Add to that. The process of pregnancy takes time to unfold. Adam had to observe this new thing taking place.

Only day 6?

Ever seen a bull service a cow in the early morning, and then have her give birth before evening?

Answers are possible, but only when enough facts are first known. That is why we need good pastor-teachers.

grace and peace .....
You sound old earth?
Did you forget the word is YOM?

This word is insisted to mean 24 hours. Check it out.
@civic & @preacher4truth & @GeneZ Tagged for confirmation.

Then why are you leaning towards the Old Earth Theory?

Genesis 1:1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

See that first verse as the topic of a paragraph where all following sentences is about how He did that.

The first day was God establishing the very beginning; hence time by designating the first day by its evening and morning that day & each day after that.

The earth did not exist the first day. All that was there was water.

Then the beginning of the creation of earth was the 2nd day by creating gravity in separating the water from one firmament from the other firmament thus creating a water planet with an upper atmosphere.

The third day was the completion of the planet earth by laying the foundations of the land, teeming with plant life in bearing seeds and fruits.

The fourth day was when the universe was created as in the heavens where her lights were to shine on the earth to govern the earth for signs, seasons, days, and years.

Eventually, God got done with creating everything in 6 days as it concluded as such in Genesis 2:1-3

Genesis 2:1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Science cannot tell how old the universe is by that distant speed of light when God commanded her lights to shine on the earth that fourth day.

Science based their determination of the age of the earth by the faulty assumption that there was no global calamity within the last 55,000 years that would throw off their evolutionary time table in getting accurate radiometric dating results, thus they are denying the Biblical global flood.

So while science is stumbling around in the dark, believe God's words in Genesis 2:1-3 in how He did Genesis 1:1 as in 6 days and rested the 7th day.
@civic & @preacher4truth & @GeneZ Tagged for confirmation.

Then why are you leaning towards the Old Earth Theory?
Why? Because I believe it to be so.
Genesis 1:1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

See that first verse as the topic of a paragraph where all following sentences is about how He did that.

The first day was God establishing the very beginning; hence time by designating the first day by its evening and morning that day & each day after that.

The earth did not exist the first day. All that was there was water.
You missed something. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Gen 1:1.

So, God created the heavens and the earth. Then what? Then, after it was all created the Spirit hovered over the face of the water.
@civic & @preacher4truth & @GeneZ Tagged for confirmation.

Then why are you leaning towards the Old Earth Theory?

Genesis 1:1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

God created the heaven and earth before Day One arrives.

Its not disclosed how long before Day One (of this current created world) that the original creation of the heaven and earth took place.

Not only that. Read Genesis One!

The sun was not providing the light for the day for the first three days.

For our current created world began for the angels watching. It began as the Prehistoric days had been done.
For, Lucifer used to herald in the morning light of the day and the Lord sustained the light for the day light.
That's what the Lord did for the first three days, by providing the light of the day!

No sun was providing light for the first three days of this created world!
Check it out for yourself! No sun was lighting the day until day four!

Then God said, “Let there be lights in the sky. These lights will separate the days from the nights.
They will be used for signs to show when special meetings begin and to show the days and years.
They will be in the sky to shine light on the earth.” And it happened.
So God made the two large lights. He made the larger light to rule during the day and the smaller
light to rule during the night. He also made the stars. "
There was evening, and then there was morning. This was the fourth day." Gen 1:14-16+19​

Here is an excerpt from the book, Creation, Chaos and Restoration, by Pastor R.B. Thieme Jr.​

The Hebrew prepositional phrase bereshith is made up of the preposition be, meaning “in,” plus the object of the preposition, the noun rishah, feminine singular, meaning “beginning.”
Now, what is remarkable about “In the beginning”? There is no definite article in the Hebrew; therefore, it is the exact equivalent of the phrase that John used in John 1:1, en arche!

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1).

En plus the vocabulary form of arche in the locative case means:
“In a beginning which was not a beginning.”
The absence of the definite article from both bereshith and arche means “eternity past.”
Now, bereshith does not mean “in the beginning,” but it means “in eternity past something began.”

One day after searching and seeking for more and more understanding I had to finally learn that too many answers will only be found by learning from the few good pastor scholars that the Lord has provided for us. 2 Timothy 4:3 warns us that there will be many unqualified teachers will do us no good for our spiritual health.

God put many good truths in the original languages that the 'refined translations' "denature" the word, like white flour has vital nutrients removed from the whole grain. Whole grain is as God intended (original languages) to be there by design.

I tried it for a while. I turned to elementary word studies and dictionaries that can not provide enough depth. And, we sit there wondering why we are so weak spiritually.... To compensate? We can become stubborn and determined and call ourselves strong in the Lord.

But the kind of strength God's grace will provide will cause us to sleep next to Jesus in the boat in the storm. Relaxed and peaceful inwardly while all around us chaos rages. No stubbornness. No alleged standing on conviction by means of some denominational dogma. The power of peace must take over our soul. But, that requires a constant growing in knowledge by means of God's enabling grace. Not by the perfecting of defending our pet doctrine as to make ourselves confident. God must supernaturally bring in the peace.

so be it..... grace and peace.
The Bible says he made Himself become as that guy. That he was not always manifesting himself as a guy.
He only became as a guy as to make himself become the perfect substitute for all us guys when he died on the Cross.
I don't disagree....in fact there are some here who don't believe the creator God became the guy who died on the cross.
I don't disagree....in fact there are some here who don't believe the creator God became the guy who died on the cross.
Jesus God's Son has two natures in union.

It was only his humanity that bore the Cross.

God can not die. God can not be contained to one small location of a cross.

and.... God can not suffer. For He already sees the glories that we are to know, as already happening.
Jesus God's Son has two natures in union.

It was only his humanity that bore the Cross.

God can not die. God can not be contained to one small location of a cross.

and.... God can not suffer. For He already sees the glories that we are to know, as already happening.
Yes, Jesus was fully God and fully man.
Why? Because I believe it to be so.

You missed something. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Gen 1:1.

So, God created the heavens and the earth. Then what? Then, after it was all created the Spirit hovered over the face of the water.
No. The first verse is the topic and the following verses is about HOW God did it and the earth was not there at all the first day.

Proof of that is in the conclusion of that event in verse one in the next chapter; FYI scripture were not divided by numbered chapters and verses and so Genesis 1:1 actually ended in Genesis 2:3.

Genesis 1:1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Genesis 2:1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

So apply Genesis 1:1 as the topic of a paragraph on how God did it in the following verses whereby Genesis 2:1-3 concludes how God did Genesis 1:1 by resting on the seventh day.

So what was created the very first day....was the actual "beginning" as time was created that first day by that light that was spoken into existence.
No. The first verse is the topic and the following verses is about HOW God did it and the earth was not there at all the first day.
No, that’s your opinion
FYI scripture were not divided by numbered chapters and verses and so Genesis 1:1 actually ended in Genesis 2:3.
Yes, and you should consider that.
So what was created the very first day....was the actual "beginning" as time was created that first day by that light that was spoken into existence.
What do you think this light was?

I have 2 suggestions..Gods shekanah glory....like the light mentioned in Rev 21:23.....And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb.

Or, the light from the angels when they were created.
God created the heaven and earth before Day One arrives.

Its not disclosed how long before Day One (of this current created world) that the original creation of the heaven and earth took place.
It has been disclosed but you are not seeing it as written plainly as such.

The first verse is the topic and the following verses is about HOW God did it and the earth was not there at all the first day.

Proof of that is in the conclusion of that event in verse one in the next chapter; FYI scripture were not divided by numbered chapters and verses and so Genesis 1:1 actually ended in Genesis 2:3.

Genesis 1:1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Genesis 2:1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

So apply Genesis 1:1 as the topic of a paragraph on how God did it in the following verses whereby Genesis 2:1-3 concludes how God did Genesis 1:1 by resting on the seventh day.

So what was created the very first day....was the actual "beginning" as time was created that first day by that light that was spoken into existence.